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Sunny returned to the outskirts. 

After years spent in the wild reaches of the Dream Realm, NQSC was like an explosion. Sunny almost fell to the ground after being assaulted by a myriad of movements and sensations. There were sounds, scents, and countless scenes. Most of all, there were shadows... a vast legion of them, all moving and changing, surrounding him like a boundless whirlpool.

 Overwhelmed by them, he spent several days hiding in an abandoned room at the top of a ramshackle dormitory hive. 

His mind wasn't ready for the sensory overload of being among hundreds of millions of people — subduing his shadow sense, he waited for a while, slowly preparing himself to face humanity again. 

Gradually, Sunny let his senses loose. First to envelop a few levels of the dormitory hive, then all of it. Laying in the darkness, he could feel thousands of humans go about their harsh lives, observing their sorrows, joys, and struggles.