
Shadow Slave: Warrior of Will

In a desolate land where humanity teeters on the brink of extinction due to the mysterious Spell, darkness still resides in the hearts of many people. The government, facing both internal and external threats, is unable to provide for the impoverished and suffering inhabitants of the slums. Raian, the young leader of a gang in the slums, takes it upon himself to change and create a better future for the slums. Inheriting the will of his savior, his path full of obstacles and difficulties he had unwavering will to see it through. To add cherry on top, he was infected by the nightmare spell, forcing him to battle through the Dream realm to survive and accomplish his dream. Facing all the challenge up against him he only said. "Nah, I will succeed." with absolute confidence. /////Author side note///// Takes place in the world of Shadow Slave. MC has no plot knowledge. He is not reincarnated in this miserable world, rather a man from the slums with a goal that will do everything to achieve that said goal. MC won't interact with Sunny and others early at least few dozen chapters before that, I'm going To flush out his character way before that, since the novel is starting 1 year+ before Sunny's nightmare call. He is going to the forgotten shore some time before Sunny arrives.

BlueHeimOcean · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

The Flaw

Driving towards their so-called headquarters, Raian had many reasons to ponder deeply. 

Lurking danger from other gangs inside the outskirts, newly arisen problems regarding his aspect and flaw that tore apart every single strategy they had developed a week ago. 

Raian chose to ignore them after a few seconds of consideration. 

Claire, one of the executives working under Raian, drove them both into a fancy restaurant in one of the upper districts with air purifiers adorned with colorful signs and symbols. 

Even though Raian did not like the upper district streets along with its residents for their oblivious attitude towards the suffering of the people who lived in the outskirts then again it wasn't their fault, no matter the place people were struggling to survive or something like that. Ro often told him that, but Raian only understood it when he took charge. 

Waiting for the car to finish parking, Raian got out of the vehicle and wiped some leftover dirt with a handkerchief that was hidden inside the coat's breast pocket. 

Claire got ready standing behind Raian as they entered a stylized restaurant named Something Cringy for attraction's sake, it was popular for its delicious desserts and change of theme every season.

This restaurant was owned by Raian, also named 

Earning money or credits in the outskirts was borderline impossible unless you leaned toward the dark side. 

Human trafficking, drugs, organ harvesting, or just clear daylight robbery and similar things happened in the slums often and it was the only way to earn large amounts of cash in a short amount of time. 

Raian disliked such ways, if he had never met Ro, he might have chosen to commit such acts, but that story didn't happen. //cuz of the author//

So, Raian chose to open a restaurant along with a few other businesses to earn revenue. 

Entering the restaurant followed by Claire who wore a hat covering her eyes walked towards the back entrance. 

One of the staff opened the door for them knowingly. 

None of the customers in the restaurant realized two people entering the back, Raian entered so smoothly that the people didn't find his entrance unnatural thus causing no attention. 

In the back of the restaurant right beside the kitchen, Raian sat on a metal chair facing two men in chef outfits with a heavy silence. Claire stood behind Raian understanding there was no need for her to speak. 

"Boss?" one of the chefs broke the silence starting the conversation. 

"I'm just thinking how to phrase this," Raian said while lighting up a cigarette to smoke. 

"No smoking here." the same chef reminded Raian. 

Stopping mid-motion, Raian put the cigarettes back in the pocket "Sorry I forgot, things have been hectic lately." 

Drinking some water "Well I survived but the plans have changed, call the others we need to have a meeting." said calmly as he looked at his palm.

Knowing Raian was not done, the chefs waited patiently. 

"My powers I mean my Aspect is an outside expectation, the plan may have to be re-evaluated or even discarded," Raian said dejectedly. "I will explain it at the meeting." Raising himself he stood up. "See ya later." 

The two chefs went back to the kitchen to continue their work.

Exiting the restaurant instead of taking the vehicle he walked with Claire towards the outskirts. 

In their walk they talked little, few people from the slums tried to approach them but Raian's unconsciously released aura made them rethink their actions. 

2 hours later they entered their territory, many greeted them, and Raian responded equally. 

Seeing a shabby 1 floor tall hut enter their vision they relaxed a bit. 

From the outside it looked like a hut nearing its end, with walls crumbling about to fall off, the roof had holes to welcome the raindrops, and its poor condition embodied the word shabby. 

Entering the hut the inner appearance couldn't be more different. 

Inside was cleanly painted with metal beams for support, the shabby hut was just a disguise. 

Going underground Raian, a makeshift bunker with a well-lit ceiling three doors separated the bunker, the room Raian opened was filled with fitness equipment, a little low quality but it did the job. 

Turning to Claire, Raian told her to not interrupt until the time of the meeting. 

Claire complied and left the training room. 


50 minutes later Raian sat on a chair drenched in sweat, the cold sweats were not from the exercise he did to test his new sweat, it was from his flaw. 

Next to Raian lay a bucket holding a little fluid. 

Surrounding Raian many weapons lay, some of them broken. 

Small construction hammers, small axes, machetes, knives even pistols surrounded Raian. 

His body was twitching with frustration Rana took deep breaths to calm himself. 

Aiming to test his limit he started to perform his usual routine. To find the increase in strength that had prevailed in his previous estimation, he could perform his previous records with ease.

Amongst his test, one had soiled his mood greatly.

His aspect no his flaw had fucked it all up then again the flaw was an integral part of the aspect, aspect couldn't exist without a flaw vise-versa, 

The main this is, he couldn't use a weapon at all. Whenever he held a knife, a hammer, or an axe a mild disgust started inside his stomach and when he swung it, he puked. 

The disgust filled his body upwards leading him to gorge out from his intestines. 

Gun was somehow even worse, holding a pistol brought up even more disgust, and when he fired it once Raian almost killed himself. 

The disgust rained through his body at full force, disgusted by his act or disgusted with the concept of gun itself Raian's hand stabbed himself in the chest on instinct. Maybe the aspect is disgusted with guns seeing them as cheap mimic of a weapon. 

Only thanks to his memories does Raian live. Splashing his deep wound with the crimson potion the wound sizzled like boiling water until it was healed. 

The process of healing was as painful as Raian remembered, the feeling of flesh boiling with vitality, effective as it be it was equally painful like boiling yourself from the inside. 

Not using a weapon was just great, it was the only thing Raian needed to go mad. He was trying to gaslight himself, saying the flaw wasn't bad as it looked, things were fine, and he could overcome it eventually. 

Now he wasn't so sure about it. 

Add to that his unstable mentality and things were just perfect. 

While he was sitting the entrance to the training room opened. 

Looking upwards Raian's eyes met with Julius and Ronald.

/// Restaurant name was created by Raian and because of his logic centric personality he wanted to name it Greatest restaurant, only with the help of many it was changed into something tamer and off which Raian disliked. Dont have a good name, taking suggestions ///