
Shadow Slave: Survival and Domination

Rake was a normal kid. His life was boring and meaningless. But there were some things that he was very passionate about and that was web novels. And the one among them that was his favourite was the webnovel called 'Shadow Slave'. he was caught up to the latest chapter when one day suddenly he woke up in a jungle in an island. "Woah, that was a great nap. Why are there trees around me? Am I still dreaming? Hmm, might be. Meh, this looks interesting at least. haven't had a good dream in a long while. Let's see here...." And before he knew it, a tiger jumped at him from the bush near him and instantly ended his life. everything went black for Rake and the next thing he heard was, [Aspirant! Welcome to the nightmare spell, prepare for your First Trial...] AN: Here's the thing. I love Shadow Slave. I have been reading it for quite a while. So, I have forgotten many things. Frankly, it's both good and bad. Good because I can introduce new concepts or storylines. Bad because there will be mistakes. And I would love it if they were pointed out quickly. So, if there are mistakes, (and trust me, there will be) please point them out. Unless they were intended, I will gladly fix them. Lastly, I am a very bad writer. I am trying but there will be rookie mistakes, feel free to dunk on them as you want. Also, please don't be mean. My motivation for this comes from readers and my love for the novel. Both are important. So, even harsh criticism is very much welcome. Thanks for reading this, I hope you enjoy the story.

LazyReaderAlways · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

Jacob Brave

Chapter 21: Jacob Brave

What is greater?

Pride…desire…truth...or lie?

What hurts the most? 


But not objective truth. They may be cruel, but they are also kind. 

They are freeing. 

But subjective truths are always the worst. 

"But I didn't mean it, Dad. I just wanted to be honest. You know, like mom told me to be. I just answered what he asked me. What's wrong with that?"

"You!!....You know what's wrong!

That recipe was the most popular dish. The other pastries were not popular. Now they are going to make it cheaper and outsell us. Our profits are going to drop. 

"Dad…dad. I'm sorry. Stop. please." 

And the man stopped. He put down his belt and simply stated with the coldest voice the young man had ever heard from his father.

"Get out."

"Wha..what do you mean?"


I tried. I tried everything! But you just could not listen. We're barely making due as is and you're causing problems??!! 


Is this cause of your mom? Are you blaming me for her death?!

Fuck off! Get out! Get out! Get out!"

And with the last word he lifted a vase and threw it towards the young man. 

The young man….in a daze just simply walked out. His eyes were empty. His reality was broken. 

He walked and walked. Until he reached the outskirts. 

He curled up into a ball next to the road and cried himself to sleep.


Two years later. A young man with a very robust physical body can be seen lifting items into a truck in a factory.

He was sweating as he was lifting heavy wooden crates onto a truck. 

This factory was located on the outskirts of the NQSC human settlement. 

"Hey Jacob man, how you been doin?"


A man spoke in a loud voice mentioning towards the man lifting the heavy items. 

"Yeah, I'm alright, how about you?"

"So-so. The boss has been working us to the death. You in for the next job? With the looks of it, things haven't been going any better in your case as well."

"Yeah, our boss is also working us to the bone. My stash is also running out. I need some as well."

"Ok then, see you in that place 5 am sharp. The package will be arriving at 6. Prepare your mask. Make sure to get new ones."

"No need to remind me, Bob. Uggh. That was just one fucking time."

"Ha ha ha. Alright man. See you then."

"See you, Bob."

With that, the man left. Leaving Jacob to his work. 


The next day, at 5 am, Jacob reached a spot where several people were wearing masks. "Jacob himself had on an old white mask that had a black skull in the front.

"Bruh…That's one old mask if I've ever seen one. Where did you even find that antique?", Bob laughed as he made fun of Jacob's mask. 

"Well, at least you can call mine an antique. Yours is plain shit. What is that feathery shit on your face? A dead pigeon skin?" 

Everyone laughed at the joke. To be fair, Bob's mask was a pretty multicoloured feathered one. That must've been quite expensive as well. 

"Ha ha ha. At least I don't forget to bring my mask." Bob replied humorously as well. It was clear that they had been good friends for quite some time. 

"OK, ok that's enough tomfoolery for now, we don't have much time. Now, for the plan. 

Our target is a white truck that has only two drivers and no security. But there are cameras on the truck, so we'll have to ditch our clothes and everything soon after. Any questions?"

They had gone through this exact same procedure many times before. This was simply routine at this point. 

"No boss. This is a routine one, right? No special circumstances?"

"No, everything as usual. You all know your roles. No damage, no harm, no foul. Understood?"

"Understood boss."

Saying this everyone got mentally prepared for the heist. They prepared their stuff and made last-minute checks. When they were sure that everything was ok, they left for the spot. 


Next to an empty highway, 20 people can be seen squatting in a bush. 

"When do we begin boss? It's almost 6 am. I gotta take a shit. We can't stay like this forever."

Bob asked impatiently. 

"Patience Bob, let boss handle that. We just came here. And didn't you tell me you shat earlier?" Jacob asked.

"It wasn't complete. There's some more in the tank. I hurried out too quickly."

"Hold it in. It'll go away."

"Man what do you think I'm doing? Trying to get it out?! I'm holding on for dear life!"

"Quiet! It's time. Everyone move!", The boss looked at a device in his hand that indicated green and told everyone. 

Hearing that, the 20 men carried a big log into the empty highway. And then quickly went back into the bush. 

Soon a white truck arrived in that location and slowed down to a stop. The two drivers also came out. 

"Uggh, as if this day already wasn't bad enough. Now we gotta deal with this." One of the drivers grumbled to himself. 

"Hey there! Need a hand?" The driver heard as a man walked out of a nearby bush. 

"Yes we do. Man, where do you guys even get logs this big? This would be hard to move even with a big machine."

"We have our ways. So, what's the amount this time?"

"Seven crates. Make sure your men move fast. We're already a bit late."

"Sure will. Hey guys! You heard him! Move! Move! Gotta work fast!"

The twenty men along with Jacob moved quickly. They got to the back of the truck and opened it up. There were a bunch of crates in there. They quickly got seven out. 

Bob went for another crate, but Jacob stopped him. 

"We already have seven."

" Man, I'm sure they won't even notice. Let's just take one for ourselves."

Jacob looked around and realized they were alone. The others were moving the log now. 

"Bro, I don't want to lose this gig. Stop being greedy. You'll get me killed along with you."

"Ok ok fine. Jeej. No need to be so serious. Don't come to me later saying you regret it."

Bob put the crate down and joined back with Jacob as they went back to the team. 

"Alright, all done. We've cleared the road. Good luck guys."The boss said to the drivers as they entered the truck

"Yeah yeah whatever. Let's go." 


One crate lay open in a warehouse as the boss was distributing the spoils.

"Here's your 20 synthpaste tubes." 

"Just 20 this time boss? Last time there were 25." Bob had to ask.

"Yeah…My employers are asking for more and more. It's getting difficult. Not to mention the military is suddenly much more alert than before. If we take more, we'll get caught. 

The people I work for are getting nervous. Take what you can for now. We might not even get this much in the future."

He ended the conversation with a tap on Bob's shoulders. 


After the distribution was completed and everyone started leaving, he called back Jacob.

"Here's an extra. Thanks for always keeping Bob in check."

Jacob was surprised. "So, you know?"

"Yeah, one of the boys overheard. I know he means well. He takes care of some kids. That's why he is always looking for more tubes. Keep him in check. I care about the guy, but his greed is still going to get us in trouble one day. 

Keep up the good work!

Also, here's 2 for him. Give it to him somehow without making it look like charity. He hates that. By the way, don't tell him I told you that."

"Thanks boss. Your secret's safe with me. I'll make sure he gets it."

"Ok good. You can go now."

"Bye boss."


"Hey Bob, wanna bet? I bet that Queen Bee loses in the Dream Tournament?"

"Heh! You dumbass! You sure you want to make that bet? What's the stakes?"

"Two synthpaste tubes! Take it or leave it!!"

"Ok, no takebacks! Also, I'm keeping that two tubes. I'm not trusting you not to renege on that bet!"

"Ok, deal!"

"Deal! You asswipe Dumbass! Ha ha ha."


1 day later.

"OII JACOB! Make sure you put down that crate carefully. It's special delivery and fragile!"

"Sure boss!" Jacob stared at the special delivery crate that had government military logo on it.

'Hmm, must be something important.'

Jacob thought to himself as he carefully carried it. It was pretty heavy though. He had to struggle. He wanted to put it down roughly, but he had to remain careful. Else if it broke, he would be in a lot of trouble. 

He was carrying it as he suddenly heard a sound that didn't make sense. It was of a wire snapping. 

"Jacob watch out!" Someone yelled out but it was too late. 


Jacob woke up in a white room. He was bandaged from head to toe. He couldn't move. Nor could he talk. 

All he could do was scream inside his head from the pain from all over his body. 


His entire body was in a cast. The painkiller was also removed a long time ago. They were expensive after all. 

All he could feel was pain and all he could do was move his eyelids.

Time passed in a way he could not understand. Sometimes it felt like he had been like this for hours, at other times he felt like it was only a few minutes. 

The pain also went in waves. Sometimes they increase and sometimes they decrease. 

With nothing to do, he started to count these waves. '1 2 3 4 5 6 7....'

At the 15th wave a nurse came over to him. She was doing routine checks. 

"Oh! He's awake!" She quickly checked his vitals, and then walked towards the head nurse. She then came over and did some routine checks. 

"No problem so far. Does he have any relatives or close associates?" The head nurse asked the other nurse. 

"I don't think so. There was a man named Bob who came to visit him once. But that's it."

"Hmm, well, who do we notify? Did he leave his number?"

"Yes, he did. I'll go and check up on him."


"The number is not picking up." 

"It's alright leave a voicemail or something." The head nurse said and stopped spending time on this. 

The government will take care of this man's medical bill anyway since he had been working in a Government factory. No need to worry about trivial matters. Probably a kid from the outskirts without any family or friends. 

While the nurses were trying to contact Bob, Jacob listened to the news that was blaring through the television in the medical ward.

"For this next segment, we bring you a piece of significant news. A cartel that has been illicitly selling synthpaste tubes has been apprehended by the military. They had been pilfering from the military stash being transferred to government distribution centers, intended for the impoverished and vulnerable residents of the outskirts.

Most of the individuals involved were killed during the operation, but the gang leaders have been successfully apprehended.

Moving on to our next headline.

Queen Bee has finally been defeated.

By none other than the mysterious figure known as Mongrel. Who is he? Where did he come from?

We'll return to you right after this short break. Stay tuned."



I asked chatgpt for upgrades on this chapter. Here's a few examples.


Upgrade: "A primal scream echoed silently in Jacob's mind, a symphony of agony reverberating through every fiber of his being. Why does it hurt so much?"

2.Original: "Time passed in a way he could not understand. Sometimes it felt like he had been like this for hours, at other times he felt like it was only a few minutes."

Upgrade: "Time stretched and contorted in Jacob's mind, each moment an eternity of agony. Hours blurred into minutes, minutes into hours, as he grappled with the relentless onslaught of pain."

3. Original: "One crate lay open in a warehouse as the boss was distributing the spoils."

Upgrade: "In the dimly lit warehouse, a lone crate lay open amidst the bustle of the distribution. The boss meticulously oversaw the allocation of spoils, his expression a mix of calculation and concern."

4. Original: "Jacob stared at the special delivery crate that had government military logo on it."

Upgrade: "Jacob's gaze lingered on the special delivery crate, adorned with the emblem of the government military. Thoughts raced through his mind, wondering about its contents and implications."

5. Original: "Next to an empty highway, 20 people can be seen squatting in a bush."

Upgrade: "Amidst the desolation of the empty highway, a group of twenty figures huddled in the concealment of a dense thicket."

6. Original: "'Hmm, must be something important.' Jacob thought to himself as he carefully carried it."

Upgrade: "Jacob carefully cradled the special delivery crate, pondering its significance. 'Hmm, must be something important,' he mused."

They feel so pretentious and fake! They feel inhuman and formal. Which also happened to be exactly what I needed in the news segment. It's been such a long time since I last watched news on tv. But this seemed like a job well done.  

What do you guys think? 

Also, Shout out to my man, NYXLOGOS. This character and backstory came from him. I added a lot of fluff to it. But this chapter is for him. 

Lastly, I'm going to be going through the character ideas one at a time based on when the comment was posted and also whether they fit the story. Adding a divine aspect out of nowhere would be tough. I'm thinking of ways that can make sense. But in the end, if it doesn't I'll add them anyways. Who cares about balance? 

We're all here to see epic battles and fun and a bit of existential dread. 

Thanks for reading. I hope you guys enjoyed it.