
Shadow slave: Dark souls system

A lonely men was sucked into shadow slave but he was not done getting fucked he also received the Dark souls system his luck was truly horrid there was no easy power for him Let see his journey in this hell scape will he survive or parish

Otaku_Gamer_00007 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

Boss gank...2

I look at my hands as I sat down in silence. I was still seeing them red, but I know they are normal. It's just... well, this is the result of dying over and over. How many times has it been? 40-50? Who knows. I tried everything, even gave up for a bit and grinded levels again, and now I am lvl 55. But still, it is so hard.

I know how to use my sword in moments and moves, but I don't know how and when I should use it. It's really hard to predict what the Abyss Watcher will do next. They are Lords of Cinder for a reason, I guess. But at this point, I have learned to somewhat deal with one of them. Three at once, though, it's a nightmare.

From what I could tell after leveling it all with dex, I can now almost keep up with their speed. But their mastery over combat and experience is hard to beat. Even though I get lucky here and there, no way I am beating them in skills anytime soon. For that, I need to learn how to fight for real. But pain and fear of death are also good teachers, or just knowing what the next move is because I already died to it once.

Well, as I sit down, I feel empty and numb. I was slowly losing touch with reality, and pain got duller. It's weird how I don't even remember many of my deaths. I was like a zombie, going with my body on autopilot. It was bad, but being focused somehow makes it harder. It's like I make more mistakes when I am trying not to make them.

As I sit down, going over my plans again, I now recognize and see the patterns in their moves. Trying to run from them, I am confident I can almost take one of them down with some luck and a hit-and-run tactic. So far, it has worked the best. I tried to take his sword, but well, that ended badly. So, my best bet is to poke and run back, avoiding all their nonsense. That's the only way. It will take a long time, but I can't see any other way.

As I prepare for my next attempt, I think again, why am I doing this boss again? Well, at this point, I have died so many times and learned many of their moves to avoid. So, it would be stupid of me to give up on them and go to some other boss now. As I will have to learn their moves from scratch. Sigh, here we go again.

As I enter the boss arena, I close my eyes and count to four, then jump to the right and open my eyes. I start the light-handed attack of my Claymore. I was hoping to land at least three of them, and that's what I just did. Well, it was a good start. I turn around, run at full speed, and go to the middle of the arena. I stop, turn around, and without even looking, I do a poke attack, and it hits just as I planned. For now, it's going good.

I run again to the end of the arena where the fallen watchers lay. But they won't fool me; I know the guy will rise up. So, I keep an eye on that. It will happen any minute now. Just as I was saying, one of the watchers rises up, and I attack him non-stop. I run to the side of the arena, watching in fear as two of them slowly walk in my direction. I clench my asshole, and one of them lunges at me. I have to make a run for it; the other stays back a little.

So, I make a turn and pull a big rock from my inventory and throw it at the fallen Abyss Watcher. It was the surprise factor that I can't do in-game. As I watch him stumble back, I can finally make some distance. I was waiting for the third one to show up and help me, so I have to run around for now and somehow keep myself alive. I have just one more chance for this fight, as I have Divine water, which can heal me fully.

As I was hoping for, the third one shows up, and he is now finally engaged with my main target. So, I change my tactics and decide to fight the other one. I go in for a light attack and land two of them. I have learned my lesson, being greedy too many times. To avoid the same mistake, I back off fast just to avoid the attack, but I got caught in one of them, and now my arm was bleeding. But, as we say, can't win them all.

But from the looks of things going, it was great. The bastard was going to go down any moment unless I mess up, like many times I have. So, I focus hard and do two heavy attacks, and somehow they hit. It was big as he finally went down. The other guys were fighting, so I had to let my stamina recover and think it over for a bit, as going ass-first will get me screwed two ways. So, I wait for a bit, but not long.

I look at my chance as the bastard had his back against me, and I took the chance and finally did a backstab. It was really hard, as he won't turn his back on me easily. As he fell to his one knee, I go back and let the other guy fight, as I don't want his aggro on me.

And finally, they both took each other out. This is my third or fourth time going into the second phase, not using my heal, and slowly the bastard was coming alive. So, I rush it and will do as many light attacks as I can while he is getting back. But after some attacks, I run away as fast as I can because he will now do some nonsense.

Just as I get a sizeable distance away from him, he jumps into the air and comes at me with a flaming sword. It was easy to get burned, and it's visually hard to keep up. But I have to get away, and just like that, the game of cat and mouse started. I had to use all the big rocks I got to keep creating space and poking him with my sword when I get a chance. It was now fully on my luck, so I ran and ran.

And after so long, I was on my last leg. I have to get away from him, as I think my health is too low or that I now only have one hand. What can I do? His skills are too much for me. One mistake and it was over for me. So, I run with all I had; he is just behind me, I know he always is. He gets faster, flashier in his second phase, so I run and summon my Divine water and slowly gulp it down. My pain was going away; it really was Divine, but it costs a lot.

And just as I healed, I was not confident, but even more worried, as I don't want to get hurt now. I have no way to heal. But I won't panic like sometimes I do. I just have to hit and run; it will be over soon, that's what I told myself. But finding a window to hit him was slim and risky. But I had to take mychances, so the fight went on for another fifteen minutes, but at last...

We traded blows; I got my arms burnt again, and he had a sword up his stomach. Well, I think I am close, so I did a really risky play this late in the game. I performed the special attack with some magic enforced. It takes a little to charge, and it can become my death, but to end it, I have to gamble. Finally, after months and many deaths, the Abyss Watcher was down after I did a heavy uppercut with my Claymore, and he did not move after that.

I finally did it; I could not believe it. I let go of my sword and fell down to my knees, looking at my hands again. They were not covered in blood, just burnt a little. It's like the world was a little more colorful, and even that burn spot was healing fast. Now, everything was healing fast, and I could feel a fire burning inside me. Now, I think this is what they call an ember. I felt alive more than I ever did. Finally, it was over.