
Shadow slave: A Shadows Friend

Rin Lunar, once a girl trying to survive on the slums. Now, she was chosen by the Spell and as such, she has to fend off against terrible abomination... even fellow Awakened. Her salvation lies in her divine power... And most importantly, her truly trusted friend, Sunny. "What's the worst that could happen?" "I died the last time you said that!" "Don't be such a cry baby and you know, dying is too plebeian." ---- Author: Bazinga Proof-reader and editor: Karma-Sensei-Dono*

Dashkins74 · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
58 Chs

(ch20)Cassies dream and the dream team

Rin had completed the task, but her entire body ached; her arms throbbed with pain, a notable discomfort considering that one of them was already fractured.

With deliberate slowness, she reclined onto the rugged surface of the uneven stone, taking utmost care to avoid exacerbating the strain on her already fatigued muscles.

*Sunny go without me im dying*

*do you want some water?*

Rin's gaze bore into him, a silent response to what seemed like an utterly obvious question, as if the absurdity of it hung in the air between them.

He nodded and left

*On it*

Beneath the darkening sky, Rin lay there, her gaze fixed upon the heavens. The encroaching shadows mirrored the weight on her chest, and amid the fading light, snippets of conversation reached her ears, mingling with the cadence of her labored breaths.

"Cassie? Do you feel better?"

Several seconds later, the blind girl replied to sunny

*That's a relief.*

*Why, what did she do?*

*She nodded at the question, but she looks pale*

*So she can still give us some water, go ask her*

"Can I have some water?"

In the quiet stillness, Rin caught the audible discontent in Cassie's expression; within moments, a sharp intake of breath followed, accompanied by Cassie's swift apology.

"Oh! Oh, sorry. Yes, of course..."

As Rin lay sprawled on the ground, the echoing sounds of his voracious drinking reached her ears, resonating from the vicinity where she found herself.

*Sunny, you greedy-*

*Im bringing it dont worry, just wait a second, Cassie needs to drink too and i dont think she realises it*

"You drink some too."

After she did, he awkwardly patted the blind girl on the shoulder.

"Three seconds i have to go to rin she looks like shes dying for a drink"

Rin's ears captured the rhythmic cadence of approaching footsteps, each echo resonating through her consciousness. With closed eyes, she sensed his proximity; it seemed he had positioned himself directly above her, a silent presence in the enigmatic dance of shadows.

His voice carried a subtle hint of amusement, adding a touch of playful charm to the conversation.

*What do we say, when someone is being nice*

She slightly opened her eyes

His smile, a mere facade of warmth, bore the unmistakable imprint of insincerity

*Sunny give me the water*

Her brow was creased as she spoke. Her tone through the special voice chat was one of angry

*Sunny don't push it*

*Rin i just think we should be nicer to each other as it would benefit everyone*

*Sunny im not playing give me the water"

*What water.....ohhh this one right here right?*

With a tantalizing sway, he suspended the water bottle just beyond her grasp, creating an agonizing distance that heightened her thirst.

*I hate you*

*You know i only want whats best for yo-*

With a fluid and elegant motion, Rin's arm delivered a precise blow to Sunny's leg, causing an abrupt surge of pain that compelled him to release the water bottle. In a swift and skilled maneuver, Rin intercepted the falling bottle mid-air, seizing the opportunity to quench her own thirst with a deft sip.

*Thanks sunny you are a lifesaver*

*.....ah....any day rin*

Limping with a pronounced effort, he made his way back to Cassie, each step a testament to the pain rin had caused him.

"Everything seems to be fine now. Uh... did you dream of another vision? You can tell us. If you want."

Cassie hesitated for a bit before saying:

"I... don't know. Maybe it was just a nightmare."

*you dont dream in the nightmare, so whatever she saw is probably true*

"I don't really remember. It's all in fragments."

Sunny spoke

"You can just tell us what you remember. Maybe we'll be able to make sense of it together."

Cassia sighed and tentatively nodded. After a long pause, she finally found the courage to speak:

"At first, I saw a... a boundless darkness locked behind seven seals. Something vast was churning in the darkness. I felt like if I directly saw it, I would lose my mind. As I watched, terrified, the seals broke one after another, until only one remained. And then that seal broke, too."

She trembled a little.

"After that... I don't know. It was as though my mind shattered into a thousand shards, each shard reflecting its own image. Most of them were dark and scary. Some I have already forgotten. The other..."

Cassie fell silent, remembering.

"I saw the human castle again. Only this time, it was at night. There was a lonely star burning in the black skies, and under its light, the castle was suddenly consumed by fire, with rivers of blood flowing down its halls. I saw a corpse in a golden armor sitting on a throne; a woman with a bronze spear drowning in a tide of monsters; an archer trying to pierce the falling sky with his arrows, In the desolate expanse of an empty plain, a mysterious woman adorned in an enigmatic mask waged a formidable battle against a colossal monster. Beside her stood a cadre of six loyal cloaked companions, their collective strength converging against the looming monster."

Finally, she looked up, her face full of horror.

"In the end, I saw a colossal, terrifying crimson spire. At its base, seven severed heads were guarding seven locks. And at the top, a... a dying angel was being consumed by hungry shadows. When I saw the angel bleed, I suddenly felt as though... as though something so precious that it can't be described with words was taken from me."

Her voice became quieter.

"Then, I felt so much sorrow, pain and rage that what little remained of my sanity seemed to disappear. That was when I woke up... I think."

*We are so f#cked*

Rin grappled with the enigmatic meaning concealed within Cassie's vision, convinced it held a pivotal link to the mysterious realm surrounding her and the future.

Previously, Cassia'a vision about the castle was pretty much straightforward. It showed her a human fortress and even the direction in which it was situated. This time, however, her dream was disjointed, full of weird symbolism and vague, uncertain images, much more like a charlatan's prophecy than a vision gained through an Aspect Ability.

Sunny sighed and spoke

"Maybe it actually was just a nightmare. Your previous visions weren't like this, right?"

Cassie silently shook her head.

Sunny scratched the back of his head.

"Well... people don't usually dream in the Dream Realm, but you do. Perhaps seeing a random nightmare once in a while is a side effect of your ability."

*You gonna lie to her?*

*Rin i cant lie to her, i only speak the truth*

*Yeah, yeah sure. Just don't give her too much hope*

The blind girl turned to him, a faint relief written on her face.

"You really think so?"

He hesitated, trying to find the right words.

"Why not? It's a possibility."

*A dying angel being consumed by shadows... why does it sound so ominous? I should try and stay away from angels in the future. Gee, what has become of our lives. A sentence like that doesn't even sound insane anymore...*

*Me neither, Sunny. Be frank, do you think we will survive?*

*As long as we have each other's backs, we'll survive longer, remember Jet's words.....its not like i can betray you*

She shifted uneasily, fingers dancing nervously with each other as she struggled to find the right words, the weight of unspoken thoughts lingering in the air between them.

*Hey, even without that penalty for betraying each other, I wouldn't do it. I promise, Sunny, I won't ever betray you. Can you promise me the same?*

He regarded her with a lingering gaze, a moment pregnant with contemplation as he sifted through the possible responses that danced within the corridors of his mind.

*.....i promise*

The edges of her lips rose as her smile emerged-a rare beacon of warmth, perhaps the first genuine expression to grace this forsaken realm.


Some time later, they were sitting on the western edge of the stone platform, looking at the scavengers below. Sunny's shadow was busy scouting a path to the next high landmark rin was watching as a spectator through sunny.

'no matter how many times i look through his shadow it always feels weird, like my focus is split into two'

"Were there always that many?"

Both Rin and Sunny glanced at Nephis and her shadow friend shook his head.

"No, there were much more. They seem to be almost done with the carcass. I doubt it will last until nightfall."

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting an ominous glow on the labyrinthine terrain, the realization struck that come tomorrow, the monstrous horde would awaken, rendering progress for the four Sleepers nearly impossible. The urgency to depart today intensified, urging them to create a substantial gap between their fragile sanctuary and the impending feast for the scavengers.

Yet, the dilemma loomed-embark without a carefully scouted path, risking the unknown perils that lay ahead, or stay and confront the encroaching menace, hoping to secure a safer route but jeopardizing precious time. Both choices teetered on the precipice of uncertainty.

Nephis frowned, seemingly thinking the same.

After a while, she said:

"I don't want Cassie to spend another night near this statue. Let's leave now."


*Agreed rin but, we dont know whats out there*

*Better than dying here Sunny*

In the profound silence that lingered before their voices could utter a single word, an abrupt upheaval emanated from the depths below, stifling any attempt to break the quietude.

Beneath the surface of the vanishing ocean, within the labyrinth of shattered coral formations, lay the colossal remains of a shark-like behemoth-its immense form, now reduced to a mere half, nearly bereft of flesh. Amidst the stark white bones, nestled within the mud's embrace, an elusive shimmer caught the eye, a mysterious secret concealed in the mud

Two extremely large, luminescent crystals.

Rin wanted to turn on her red eyes, but didn't want to experience the pain or sudden drain of essence

'sharingan is way too long, red eyes makes sense its shorter and its what it is'

"Are those..."

"Yes. Shards of two transcendent soul cores."

*Transcendent... two of them...*

She was nearly killed by a courropted devil

'well then. Terrified is a good word to use right now'

"Should we..."

*Rock paper scissors for one of them*


Sunny and Rin exchanged glances, their eyes meeting in a moment of mutual understanding. However, before they could initiate any action, Nephis intervened with her words.

"Wait and listen."

Both stared at Nephis and then obediently listened to the distant, barely audible clamor of the scavengers.

Rin squinted her eyes

Nephis suddenly tensed up.


She gestured towards the labyrinth, prompting Rin to focus. Gradually, two imposing shadows emerged from an exceptionally broad passage. Moments later, the beings responsible for those shadows came into view, prompting a sigh from Rin.

*This is gonna be harder than I thought*


The creatures bore a striking resemblance to the scavengers, yet distinctively so. Towering over their surroundings at an imposing height of over three meters, these beasts surpassed the scavengers in size. Their carapace, thicker than that of their counterparts, displayed a striking blend of deep black and scarlet, reminiscent of an ancient armor steeped in the hues of blood. Sinister spikes protruded from the carapace sporadically, amplifying the peril in every motion they made.

In a departure from the scavengers, these formidable beings replaced heavy pincers with upper arms culminating in long, curved bone scythes, evoking a profound sense of terror and unease.

Sunny was to break out of his stoupor and spoke

"What the hell are those things?"

Nephis tilted her head.

"Monsters, I guess."

Nightmare Creatures with one soul core were called "beasts". They were dangerous and strong, but mindless. If they were able to develop or were created with a second core, they became "monsters". Monsters were much more devastating and possessed some rudimentary, warped form of intelligence. They were the next step in a Nightmare Beast's evolution.

And these two seemed to be bigger, deadlier versions of carapace scavengers.

Sunny, Rin, and Nephis observed with keen interest as the pair of menacing creatures closed in on the lifeless carcass. The scavengers, gripped by palpable fear, hurriedly scattered to evade the impending danger. Those unfortunate enough to be too sluggish found themselves callously tossed aside or met with the lethal blades of bone scythes, leaving rivulets of azure blood streaming into the muddy terrain.

*What are they doing? Did they come to absorb the soul shards?*

*Well yeah probably*

Ultimately, the creatures arrived at the lifeless remains. Each entity seized a fragment, but rather than assimilating them, they pivoted and bore the valuable crystals elsewhere. The scavengers, driven by insatiable hunger, cleared a path, fixating their gaze on the departing shards.

Sunny looked at Nephis.

"Do we still leave now?"

Star's expression shifted to a troubled frown, causing her to pause with uncertainty. After a brief contemplation, she ultimately shook her head in disagreement.

"No. We'll go tomorrow."

Then, she turned west and observed the retreating monsters.

"...Get your shadow to follow these two back."


In the wake of the light fragments over the past few days, Rin discerned a subtle acceleration in the recuperation of her injured arm. Yet, despite this infusion of luminous energy, the journey toward complete healing remained a distant prospect.

Meanwhile, Sunny diligently traced the formidable trajectory undertaken by the two colossal monsters, shedding light on the general direction of their movement.

*They were going west.*

Having imparted this information to Nephis, their options dwindled to near nothingness. Ultimately, Sunny and Rin opted for a respite, recognizing that the impending day held the foreboding promise of challenges and perils. It seemed prudent to prioritize the rejuvenation of their bodies, preparing for the impending trials that loomed on the horizon.

As moments elapsed, the scene unfolded with Sunny and Rin reclined on their backs, fixating their gaze upon the somber expanse of the grey sky. Cassie, positioned beside them, was ensconced in a contemplative reverie. Meanwhile, Nephis remained in a state of apparent meditation, though to Rin, it seemed indistinguishable from a peaceful slumber.

After a while, Cassie turned to both of them.

"Hey you two?"

Rin gracefully inclined her head to gaze at Cassie, while Sunny subtly adjusted his posture, conveying to Cassie that he was attentively tuned into the moment.

"We are listening Cassie, whats wrong?"


The blind girl hesitated.

"Do you... do you think we'll be able to return home?"

Sunny cast a brief glance in Rin's direction, his brow furrowing in contemplation. After a moment, he averted his gaze, fixating once more on the sky, while Rin remained steadfast in observing Cassie.

'i dont want to scare her, I'll be nice'



Rin forcefully interrupted Sunny by delivering a decisive kick, effectively silencing his words.

Cassie smiled:

"You really think so? Why?"

*What's with all these questions?*

*Sunny, try to imagine how she's going through this - feeling scared, unable to see, and likely not having the best time.*

'i think i know why sunny said yes'

"It's because of her"


Rin gestured towards Nephis, aware that Cassie wouldn't catch it. With no other women on the stone platform, it was pretty clear who she meant.

Sunny spoke after

"I'm also not someone to die easily. In fact, I'm willing to bet that you couldn't have found a better trio of Sleepers to escort you across the Dream Realm. If anyone can survive this, it's us. So, yeah. I think that our chances of making it back are pretty high."

"Agreed we'll kick anybody's ass"

Cassie suddenly giggled.

"Aren't you two a little too full of yourselves? You were both in the second and third to last place! And you weren't"

*Shes right you know*

Sunny shrugged.

"That's only because someone smart told us to keep a low profile. Otherwise, we would have ranked higher."

Rin joined in

"To be fair she did say that to us"

Then, with a grin, sunny added:

"Anyway i would be Much higher! Fourth to last, at least!"

"Oi i would have taken that spot! Get your own"

In the realm of dreams, the laughter of the blind girl echoed, a melodic symphony that brought solace to those who hadn't experienced such joy since entering the Dream Realm. It was a reassuring sight, a testament to humanity's ability to cling to moments of mirth amid the challenging backdrop of this surreal and somewhat nightmarish environment.

"I couldn't believe it was the first time I heard her laugh.*

*Back at the academy, she was so gloomy"*

Following this abrupt eruption of emotion, Cassia's demeanor gradually transformed into one of nostalgia. Moments elapsed before she inquired:

"What do you miss the most about home?"

A torrent of poignant and heart-wrenching recollections about her family engulfed Rin, a cascade of memories so agonizing that she despised the cruel irony that mere words had the power to shatter a beautiful moment.

'Home? Oh, you mean that run-down place where I accidentally crashed my ship at seven. Living on my own since then, at such a young age-seriously, what kind of life did they expect me to have?'

'I can't put the blame on them; they did everything they could to save me. The situation that unfolded isn't their fault. I'm sorry, Mom, Dad....







While immersed in contemplation, Sunny interjected with thoughtful words, redirecting her attention back to the ongoing conversation among the trio.

"I don't particularly miss anything."

Cassie was very surprised.

"Really? Don't you miss your family?"

Sunny smiled.

"I don't have a family. Well... I guess I have a sister somewhere. But we haven't seen each other in many years."

*I feel your pain Sunny, I'm sorry after this whole situation, i promise I'll help find your sister with you*


"What about you Rin? Where's your family?"

'dead, probably still decomposing on the moon or somewhere drifting in space'

She couldn't say that to the girl so she shared the basics

"Cassie, they're gone, just like Sunny's. I don't have anyone left who shares my blood and is still breathing."

'valor made sure of that'

The blind girl fell silent. A couple dozen seconds later, she said quietly:

"I miss my family the most."

There was longing and sadness in her voice. They both looked at each other and didn't really know what to say, so they stayed silent.

"Mom and dad must be really worried about me right now. No... no, actually, they wouldn't be worried. They would be heartbroken. They must think that I'm as well as dead already."

Sunny glanced at her and sighed.

*I feel kinda bad for her*

"You seem to care about them a lot."

Cassie turned to him in confusion.

"Of course. Isn't it normal?"

Sunny stared at the grey sky. The wind smelled of rain.

After a while, he said:

"I wouldn't know."

*Don't you get all emotional on me. You alright?*

Sunny looked over at her, smiled and nodded

*Fine Rin, thank you*


As the evening shadows stretched across the mysterious landscape, Nephis, the enigmatic leader, ordered Rin and Sunny to execute the thousand strikes once more. The rhythmic sound of their movements echoed in the stillness of the twilight. Following this demanding practice, they shared the remnants of dried scavenger meat, their sustenance in this desolate realm, and took turns resting. A vigilant watch was maintained throughout the night, ensuring Cassie's safety in the ever-present darkness.

Gratefully, the night passed without incident, a silent reprieve in the face of the unknown.

With the morning light breaking through, dispelling the lingering darkness like a retreating tide, the trio readied themselves to depart from the colossal statue that had stood as a silent sentinel in the haunting landscape. Nephis, a figure of authority, descended first, her movements deliberate and purposeful. Before embarking on the next leg of their journey, she paused, her words laden with significance, resonating like echoes from the enigmatic depths of the land they traversed.

"Today will be different from before. There will be much more scavengers roaming in the labyrinth. We might not be able to create an ambush or avoid fighting several of them at once."

She looked at Sunny:

"If anything happens, your job is to bring Cassie away. We can retreat by using passages that are too narrow for the scavengers. If we get separated, proceed to the high point by yourselves. Don't wait for me. Do you understand?"

With a somber expression, he gave her a nod. Nephis returned it, she then turned to Rin.

"Rin follow the same rules as Sunny, only difference, you will be by my side fighting. You're the only one here besides me that can properly kill"

Rin nodded, Nephis was going to be the leader of this group and Rin didn't mind it at all.

"Good. Time is of the essence, so let's go."

With that, she began the descent. After Nephis reached a point twenty or so meters below them, she found purchase and waited. Using the golden rope, Sunny lowered Cassie down. Just like while climbing up, they took turns helping the blind girl. Luckily, climbing down the statue was much easier.

Soon, Rin joined at the end and they reached the ground.

Venturing into the intricate labyrinth, the quartet advanced swiftly, their every step shrouded in a sense of urgency. The looming shadow forged ahead, diligently surveying the surroundings for potential threats and strategic routes. Despite these vigilant efforts, their journey unfolded with a discordant rhythm, marked by a deliberate yet turbulent cadence. Navigating the winding passages required constant adjustments, as they skillfully maneuvered to evade clusters of scavengers, frequently finding themselves entangled in perplexing dead ends or inadvertently straying off course from their intended destination.

Sunny, who played the role of the scout and navigator, and Rin who played the second front line warrior.

*My heads starting to hurt*

*We ain't dead so your brain is doing something useful*

Inevitably, their journey reached a juncture where the prospect of conflict loomed ominously on the horizon, an inescapable moment that demanded confrontation.

A formidable assembly of scavengers trailed closely behind, while an obstructive pair of them loomed ahead, oblivious to the presence of the Sleepers. In the confined labyrinth of passages, devoid of alternative routes, the inevitable revelation of the lurking danger was imminent.

Nephis, her countenance marked by a scowl, deliberated their limited choices for a fleeting moment. At length, she voiced her decision:

"If there's three, we can take them."

Sunny looked at her with uncertainty in his voice.

"But there's no time to set up an ambush."

Changing Star shrugged.

"It's almost the same. I'll attack first. You follow behind in the shadows and finish one off once they turn. Then, we kill the second and third together."

The entire strategy hinged on the premise that Nephis and I could endure the relentless assault from two scavengers, launching their attacks in unison. The stark reality loomed before us, casting a shadow of uncertainty over our fate, as the very real prospect of perishing in this perilous situation hung ominously in the air.

In the recesses of Rin's memory lingered the poignant realization that she had been conspicuously absent from Cassie's initial vision. A profound question loomed in the air, casting shadows upon their deliberations: What alternatives lay before them in the wake of this revelation?

Rin glanced in the direction of Sunny, exchanged a nod, and simultaneously uttered their words.


After a short pause, Nephis summoned her sword.

Then, she stepped forward.


Upon discovering a suitable concealment for Cassie, Rin, Sunny, and Nephis advanced courageously towards the imminent confrontation with the scavengers. In the near distance, two formidable silhouettes loomed ominously. Nephis, her lips tightly pursed, conveyed with determination as she spoke over her shoulder:

"Keep up."

In a manner reminiscent of a sprinter priming for a race, she assumed a poised position on one knee, drawing in a deep breath before propelling herself forward with a decisive lunge. Following closely, Rin trailed behind, firmly clutching her katana as she sprinted forward.

*Damn... Wait!*

*Sorry sunny keep up*

Glancing backward, Rin noticed Sunny plunging into the profound darkness created by the labyrinthine wall. Hastening his pace, Rin pursued, striving to catch up, but the gap between them continued to widen.

Star's rapid pace was astonishingly swift, almost akin to soaring through the skies like an arrow released from a taut bowstring. One arm extended behind her, gripping the sword firmly with its tip pointing towards the ground, while the other skillfully sliced through the air with each powerful stride.

Nephis forged ahead, with Rin closely trailing just a few steps behind, their strides matching in tandem.

(A/N- i can just imagine black betty being played)

'shes fast!'

The duo of scavengers required a few moments to grasp the unfolding situation upon spotting her. As their awareness kicked in, she rapidly approached, nearly reaching them, with Rin closely trailing behind.

Driven by madness, their eyes ablaze, and viscous saliva dripping from their mandibles, the monstrous creatures emitted ear-piercing screeches as they aggressively surged forward. Undeterred, Nephis pressed on with unwavering determination, seemingly intent on colliding with the oncoming threat head-on. Rin's heart fluttered with a momentary pause.

Suddenly, four ominous pincers sliced through the air, adding an extra layer of terror to the already chaotic scene.

At the last moment, Nephis fell backward, falling on her side. The inertia carried her forward as she slid through the mud, passing between the scavengers. Then, she twisted her body and stopped herself by plunging the sword into the ground.

A bit slower, and she would have been impaled by one of the scavengers' legs.

*Crazy! She's crazy!*

Rin opted for an unconventional route to traverse the terrain occupied by the two scavengers. Amidst their intense fixation on Nephis, the black-haired girl skillfully leaped from one pincer to the elevated other, seamlessly navigating the exoskeletal surfaces as she sprinted across both carapaces, evading detection.

As Changing Star regained her footing, a scavenger had already pivoted around. Rin swiftly jumped and twisted from its carapace, hurling her sword with formidable force, cleaving through one of its legs. Gracefully landing beside Nephis, she summoned her blade anew and assumed a poised stance, prepared for the impending encounter.

Rin looked at Nephis for a split second

"You are crazy!"

Nephis looked at the top of the scavenger before looking back at Rin


Nephis swiftly moved Rin aside as an object sailed by, colliding with the wall and scattering fragments of vibrant crimson coral into the atmosphere. In the ensuing chaos, Rin found herself elevated off the ground and forcefully hurled backward.

Due to the insane maneuver that Nephis had pulled off, the second scavenger lagged a little behind the first one. It was just about to turn around when Sunny finally got close enough to launch an attack.

*You better kill that thing*

*Working on it*

Rin's opportunity to observe Sunny's attack was hindered by the scavenger positioned in front of her, obstructing her view.


As the scavenger poised to strike, retracting its pincer for a devastating blow, Rin tensed, gripping her sword tightly in anticipation of an imminent clash that threatened to shatter her other hand.

But nothing came

Glancing upward, she observed Nephis diverting the creature's attention by skillfully thrusting her sword into the gap between its legs. The tactic proved effective, evident from the unmistakable shift in the creature's gaze, now fixated menacingly on Nephis once more.

'Good its distracted'

Rin ran at the monster again as Nephis was constantly bombarded with pincers she was clearly struggling

'hold on Neph im coming'

She sprinted with vigor, leaped gracefully through the air, and executed a swift, precise cut putting all her strength into it her essence included

The pincer became disengaged, barely holding on by tattered strands of flesh.

*Not good.*

*What's wrong? I kinda missed, i have a plan though*

*Don't die*

The scavenger let out a powerful roar, appearing disoriented and bewildered by the intense pain coursing through its body.

"Hey remember the move i did with Sunny"

Nephis looked at her and nodded

Rin and Nephis simultaneously sprinted towards the menacing creature, with Rin leading the charge. As the scavenger lunged at Rin, she skillfully evaded its attack, executing a nimble jump just before impact and skillfully landing atop the creatures pincer. Capitalizing on this moment, Nephis swiftly joined the fray, arriving in a split second as the monstrous adversary raised its pincer with Rin perched upon it. In a synchronized effort, both girls clasped hands, and leveraging the creature's movements, Rin harnessed the momentum and her own strength to propel Nephis into the air. Within seconds, Nephis descended from the heights, wielding a sword pointed menacingly downward to strike at the formidable foe.

Empowered by the formidable might of Nephis and the relentless pull of gravity, the sword fulfilled its intended purpose with unwavering force.

The scavenger had no chance and the weak spot of chitin instantly crumbled and revealed the soft flesh below, azure blood poured as the scavenger twitched and fell limp.

*I actually did it?*

*Did what?*

Rin glanced toward the scavenger that Sunny was contending with, feeling a strong desire to assist Sunny before the scavenger could inflict harm upon him or, perhaps, even worse.

It was dead.

Sunny had managed to kill it himself

*My body hurts*

*At least you're alive.*

Sunny endeavored to approach, yet the resonant voice of Nephis intervened, preventing his advance.

"D-don't... don't come any closer."

Rin was confused too so she looked over and her cheeks instantly turned into a pink hue

*Sunny i wouldn't*

Nephis found herself positioned before the lifeless scavenger, endeavoring to regain composure following the vigorous skirmish. A crimson gash adorned her shoulder, yet, reassuringly, its severity appeared non-fatal.

Sunny's attention, though, was instantly drawn to something else.

'of course it was'

It seemed that at some point during the fight, the tall girl's makeshift seaweed top came apart, leaving her naked above the waist. She was covering her chest with one arm. Behind the arm, squished, the supple fullness of her...

*Sunny for f#ck sake get out of here!!*

Sunny flinched as though someone had stung him and hurriedly turned around. His face was burning. Without thinking about it, he even made his shadow look away.

'i know he made his shadow look away because im still spectating through his shadow'

An awkward silence followed. After some time, Sunny sounded forced to speak:

"Are... are you alright?"

Nephis was slow to answer.


"Good. Uh... good. I'll... uh... I'll go fetch Cassie then."

"... Alright."

Rin looked up as she approached Nephis

"Hes gone... Trust me he isn't some weirdo, he genuinely thought something was wrong..... Do... You want help with that..."


Rin inspected the contents of the bag, searching for any remnants of seaweed. Luckily, she discovered some remaining, prompting her to diligently commence crafting the upper portion once more.

Rin tried to get any images out of her head as she worked on the seaweed and helped changing star put the new top half on

"Is...is... That wound okay?"

"Yeah....are you....okay?"

Nephis shifted her gaze and position toward Rin, catching her attention. Before Rin could intervene, her eyes instinctively lowered, widening in surprise, only to quickly return to meet Nephis's face.

"big....i... Yeah...No... I mean... YES...I'm ..I'm fine....I'm very fine....so fine"

'focus rin just don't stare'

"Thanks you Rin for the save back there"

Rin smiled and giggled a bit

"Which one, the seaweed or the monster?"

The faintest curve appeared on Nephis's lips


After completing the intricate seaweed top, Rin and Nephis exchanged a lingering gaze, during which Rin found her attention drawn to Nephis's lips. With a subtle forward movement, Rin halted, choosing to initiate a conversation to alter the atmosphere and redirect the unfolding situation.

"There done.... It's tough out there, you know? Girls just gotta stick together and support each other."

*Her fault! It's her fault! She should have communicated things clearer!*

Rin heard Sunny and thought to him too

*I think i nearly.....*

*Nearly what*

The image of Changing stars lips played in her head and it had accidentally sent to sunny through the link


*NOTHING...NOTHING...Where are you?*


*YOU BETTER Forget it!*

Upon Sunny and Cassie's arrival, Nephis approached Sunny and carefully inspected the injury on his head.

"It's just a bleeder, nothing serious. Tell me if you feel dizzy and nauseous or have a strong headache, though."

Since Sunny probably had none of these symptoms, he kept quiet.

Nephis looked down at his clothes and sighed.


He opened his mouth to say "no", but then fell silent.

"Let me check."

*Hmm. Nothing new. Then what was the Spell talking about?*

Sunny fell silent again he looked shocked as his eyes were widened


*Echo... it's an Echo...*

Did Rin just hear that right

He got an echo

Sunny couldn't believe his eyes.

Echoes were an extremely rare type of reward that Awakened could receive after slaying Nightmare Creatures. Chances of getting one were very low. In the real world, an Echo could be sold for an unimaginable amount of money. That's because they were much more precious than Memories.

He was silent for a moment before he sent an image through their link

*Echo: [Carapace Scavenger].

Echo Type: Beast.

Echo Core: Awakened.

Echo Attributes: [Strong], [Armored].

Echo Description: [A cursed soldier of the fallen legion].*

Sunny and Rin found themselves wearing broad smiles in no time as they realized that the scavenger had seamlessly integrated into their team. Now at their beck and call, the scavenger proved invaluable in combatting foes, transporting hefty loads, and executing a myriad of other tasks. Notably, it stood at a superior rank compared to its master, endowing it with formidable strength, heightened resilience, and a fearsome presence that surpassed the typical capabilities of a Dreamer with a dormant core.

The inclusion of this formidable Echo in their ranks promised to significantly alleviate various challenges, making their endeavors considerably more manageable.

Since he had spaced out for quite a bit, Nephis was looking at him with a silent question in her eyes.

Sunny grinned:

"I got an Echo."

Her pupils slightly widened.

Cassie, on the other hand, was more expressive:

"An Echo? You actually got an Echo?!"


Since the larger group of monsters was now minutes away from catching up with them, Sunny didn't waste any time and summoned the Scavenger.

The hulking beast immediately appeared in front of him, seemingly sewn together from tiny sparks of light. Soon, its black chitin became fully corporeal. Following Sunny's command, it shifted a little and raised its mighty pincers.

Nephis observed the Echo with an unreadable expression. Then, a corner of her lip slightly curled up.


Sunny looked at her with a smile.

"I think we can task it with carrying Cassie. Outside of battle, it will help us the most."

The blind girl's mouth fell open.

"Carry me? Like... like a mount?"

He chuckled and slapped the scavenger on its carapace.

"This bad boy can fit a petite girl like you with no problem at all. Trust me! I've been clambering these things a lot for the past few days. It's actually quite spacious on top of them. Especially if they're not trying to kill you."

Cassie hesitated.

"Well... okay. If you think it's for the best."

Sunny and Nephis helped the blind girl to climb on top of the Echo. Then, they used the golden rope to create makeshift reins for Cassie to hold onto.

While this was happening Rin was put on patrol duty with then shadow to make sure nothing attacked at this crucial moment

After quickly retrieving soul shards from the dead scavengers, the Sleepers hastily left the passage, narrowly avoiding another battle.


Mounted comfortably on the scavenger, Cassie propelled their group forward at an accelerated pace. Leading the way were Sunny, Rin, and Nephis, jogging determinedly in an attempt to reclaim the lost time from the earlier part of the day and ideally reach the summit with an hour or two to spare.

Their journey was occasionally interrupted by detours necessary to avoid confrontations with carapace monsters. Nonetheless, having their own formidable monster companion boosted the morale and mental well-being of the trio of Sleepers.

In the midst of the trek, Rin experienced a rare sense of tranquility, a stark departure from the usual tension in this unfamiliar realm.

Regrettably, this tranquility proved to be short-lived.

Eventually, she became aware of the subtle intensification of the wind. Almost at the same moment, Cassie urgently requested them to halt their activities.

Nephis and Sunny exchanged concerned glances, their furrowed brows indicating a shared sense of foreboding. It was evident that an unsettling premonition had gripped them both.

"What is it?"

The blind girl let go of the reins.

"Do you hear anything?"

They looked at each other, then shook their heads.

"No. Why?"

Cassie scowled.

"Help me get off this thing."

After they helped her, she stood motionless for a while, listening. Her scowl deepened. Then the blind girl cautiously kneeled and put her ear to the ground.

"What do you hear?"

Cassie licked her lips.

"It's murmuring."

Suddenly, drops of water fell on everyone's faces. She raised her head and looked at the sky.

There, dark stormy clouds were gathering with unnatural speed. Pretty soon, they were bound to cover it completely.

Including the sun.

And when that happened...

*Oh sh#t*

eyes widened they all looked on