
Shadow of Wraith(GOT/ASOIAF)

An avid GOT watcher was killed and reincarnated into Westeros. Has some For Honor characters as well.

Expresso7 · TV
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3 Chs

Angmar Vergaeron

A man was seen on a coach with a beer in his hand watching a fierce battle on tv. One man was facing off against 4.

"This is amazing man I love this series." He said enjoying the fight.

"I bet my GOT knowledge is unmatched let's look up a quiz." He got his phone out and looked up a quick quiz.

[Score a 100% on this quiz and earn a prize.]

"Prize Ah forget it I just want to take the quiz."

After an hour and over 100 questions the quiz was complete. After it was complete his score of 100% popped up and he smirked but his phone went to another page and a questionnaire popped up.

"Ah might as well do it."

If you could be reincarnated into GOT:

1. How old would you want to be at the start of the show?

"Easy 18 young enough to have years ahead of me but old enough to be physically developed."

2. Would you prefer Essos or Westeros?

"Essos at the start it holds much more promise and resources though I also like Westeros and the other continents."

3. What house would you want to be in?

"An extinct house from Valyria that survived its doom."

4. If you could have servants from a similar world what world would you choose and what people? (10 Max).

"For Honor I'll call them the 10 wraiths."

5. Any specific power?

"Powers, experience, and items of the WitchKing of Angmar."

6. If you could be reincarnated into GOT would you leave your life in this world?

"Hell yeah." The man typed and smiled before going to get something to eat when he suddenly saw a hole appear in the floor and consume him.

-Planetos- [Year 280]

In a small house east of the Bone Mountains the cries of baby were heard. Inside was a old man, a baby, and 2 women one of which just died.

"Unfortunately I couldn't save the mother but she was able to give the babe names before she passed." The old man wrote on his paper.

"The baby is male dark steel of hair and orange of eyes. Name is Angmar Vergaeron last known Vergaeron alive." The old man said.

"Valyria had many houses with beautiful eyes but the amethyst eyes of house Targaryen and molten eyes of house Vergaeron are my favorites." The maid said in slight jealousy.

-Astapor- [18 Years later]

A young man was sleeping in his bed when suddenly he started to shake violently and screamed. Soon he stopped and opened his eyes.

'Wow didn't expect that to actually work. I'm in Planetos how amazing wait I'm already grown and from these memories the series is going to start in a couple months.' He thought.

Walking over to a small mirror he examined himself. He was fat and hairy to say the least. He had long messy dark steel hair with molten orange eyes. His face was chubby with a ruff long beard.

His belly was hairy and hanging over the trim of his underwear that had a large bulge in it. His legs fat with little to no muscle same with his arms. He was abnormally tall at 7'1 and his skin was pale even though he lived in a hot climate.

"By the Seven I'm fat but I'm tall and have nice features including my "mini me" I can work with this I just have to work out." He said.

"This is the start of a new life the life of Angmar Vergaeron.

'So my situation isn't too bad. Im Angmar Vergaeron the last living Vergaeron. I am monstrously huge know Shadowbinding from the years previous me spent in Asshai before coming over here. Combined with my new powers of the WitchKing and my 10 servants I would say this isn't too bad. Although I am broke and homeless after I leave this tavern.'

Angmar puts on his clothes some black boots with black leather pants and a large long sleeve silk orange shirt. He then forms a massive sword from his shadow.

"Terror the sword of Angmar the WitchKing." Angmar looked at the sword and smiled it took a new look. Pitch black with two sharp curves on the long hilt.

He slid his sword into a sheath and strapped it to his waist. Then checked his pockets he had 48 gold coins, 8 silver, and 3 copper.

[Essos currency]

[10 Copper-1 silver]

[10 silver-1 gold]

[100 gold- 1 Giant gold]

"This much money can only hold me out for so long. 5 silver can get a family of 4 by for a month if the ration well. I need to quickly gain power and to do so I need soldiers." Angmar walks out of the tavern and gets many look because of his height before heading over to the docks.

The dock was bustling the smell of dead seas creatures and dirty men that have been at seas for months were assaulting his nose. As he moved towards the boats people seemed to move out of his way like a school of fish dodging a shark.

'Another advantage of my height.' Angmar eventually made it infront of a small ship that had 10 people on it loading up supplies though you could say 10 piece of property according to the chains around them.

A man dressed in green and gold silk he was of average height and had a large belly with black hair turning gray. He was getting hassled by a ruff looking man before the bridge that connected the boat to the land.

"Get off me you filthy creature." The man in silk was trying to get loose of the ruff looking man's grip.

"Give me something anything." The man begged with a crazy look in his eye.

"No! Now begone before I call the guards." The noble said but his scared eyes gave away his coward was.

"I'm sorry I need something." The begger pulled out a small dagger and was about to impale the noble but a large hand grabbed his wrist.

"Scum." Angmar said before twisting the dagger and plunging it into the begger's throat.

The people around them stared for a second before going on about their day. A slave or begger trying to rebel wasn't a rare thing.

"Thank you my good sir now I must be going."

"Wait." Angmar stepped infront of the man.

"Do you need something." The noble was more polite to him because of his size.

"I do where is your ship going."

"To New Ghis why do you need passage there."

"Not particularly but I can help protect you until you get their. You won't have to worry about dying or losing merchandise if I am aboard."

"And I wouldn't expect you to do this without getting something in return."

"Yes if you can't even defend yourself from a begger how could you fight off pirates I honestly do know if how you have survived for so long."

"Navigation and persuasive skill." The man said.

"Or luck." Angmar countered.

"Hmm how much would you be looking for." The merchant asked and Angmar was silent for a minute.

"100 gold." Angmar said.

"100 gold! I would rather take my chances with the begger and pirates." The merchant was baffled.

"Let's not be hasty. What's 100 gold for your life and you would make much more if your merchandise actually got to New Ghis all together." Angmar told him.

"100 is still too much." The merchant said with a cracked voice.


"50." The merchant said.

"90." Angmar expression darkened."

"80 gold and no more." The merchant finally said.

"Deal now before you leave go buy a group of unsullied around 10." Angmar said.

"Do you think I'm made of gold! The unsullied are 5 gold coins per person." The merchant yelled at him.

"No but I'm not insane I cannot take an entire ship of pirates alone besides they will stay with you even after the trip unless you release them."

"Fine fine but after this I will not spend anymore." He said.

"Alright I'm Angmar." He said with a smirk.

"Vogys the merchant." He said with his blue eyes showing irritation.

Watching the merchant walk away Angmar looked back at the body deep in thought.

'It seems that with the experience of Angmar came a little of his mentality.' Angmar nodded to himself before hearing a few other voices in his head.

{Do you need something my lord} a voice said.

{Who is this?} Angmar was confused.

{Warden or William Holt.}

'Oh it seems I can talk with my servants and Holt means he is in the north like I designed.' Angmar nodded again.

{Everyone for now try to gain positions of power or get a foothold in a good place in a few months my plan will begin in Westeros. For now let me tell you about this world and some key people.} Angmar said.