

Geliah's gaze shifted from Hez to Malik, his curiosity piqued. "Where are the others? Are they alright?" he asked, concern lacing his voice.

Hez offered a reassuring smile. "They are safe, my friend. Your companions are still resting. Their mana was depleted to a dangerous extent, and they require time to recover fully. Luckily, their spirits remain strong."

Geliah nodded, relieved to hear that his friends were out of immediate danger. As a fighter, he understood the toll that physical exhaustion could take, but he also recognized the importance of giving their magical allies the time they needed to replenish their mana.

As Geliah settled back into a comfortable position, Hez and Malik began recounting their own experiences after the blinding flash of light. The stories that unfolded revealed the mysterious threads that brought them together on this path to Havenridge.

Hez spoke first, his voice tinged with a hint of intrigue. "When the light engulfed me, I found myself in an unfamiliar place. It was a desolate wasteland, with remnants of what appeared to be a bustling city. I scoured the area, searching for answers, and that's when I stumbled upon a map with enigmatic markings that pointed to Havenridge. I knew then that fate had led me there for a reason."

Malik leaned forward, his eyes bright with anticipation. "My experience was quite similar, but with a touch of magic. When I regained my senses after the blinding light, I found myself in the depths of a mystical forest. The whispers of the ancient trees guided me towards a hidden tome, revealing prophecies that spoke of Havenridge as a nexus of power. It was clear that my path was meant to intersect with yours."

Geliah listened intently, the pieces of the puzzle slowly falling into place. The journey that brought them together was not a mere coincidence, but a convergence of destinies driven by the shared purpose of uncovering the secrets that lay within Havenridge.

Hez continued, his voice steady and resolute. "I couldn't shake the feeling that our paths were connected, so I set out to find answers. Along the way, I encountered Malik, who was on a similar quest. Together, we pieced together the clues and decided to make our way to Havenridge, where we believed the answers awaited us."

Malik nodded, his gaze fixed on Geliah. "And now, here we are. United by fate and a shared sense of purpose. We must press forward and uncover the truth hidden within the walls of Havenridge. The answers we seek, the survival of our world, all depend on what lies ahead."

Geliah's heart swelled with a newfound determination. The stories shared by Hez and Malik reinforced the significance of their journey. Their meeting was not a mere chance encounter, but a convergence of forces drawn together by a common thread.

As Geliah reflected on their words, he realized the weight of responsibility that rested upon their shoulders. They were no longer just individuals fighting for their survival; they were a united front, bound by a shared mission to unravel the mysteries of Havenridge and bring hope to a world shrouded in darkness.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Geliah, Hez, and Malik exchanged a determined glance. The journey ahead would be arduous, and the challenges they would face were bound to test their mettle. But together, they were stronger, and together, they would strive to unveil the secrets that awaited them in the enigmatic city of Havenridge.

Haaaa.... somehow, my brain is malfunctioning.

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