
shadow of destiny

For the first time after thousands of years the cry of a male vampire was heard in the kingdom. An heir was finally born but the only problem was this heir was half blooded and he was born from a human mother Ambrosia. The people refused to accept a half blooded vampire as their heir but also had no choice cause they didn't want his daughter Zella, born from Queen Elisabela. A female to rule over them.. The king, knowing his son would not be as strong as other vampires, quickly betrothed his son to his brother's daughter who was born a year after. Years later, it was time for Aethelfrith to return back home so he and Crimson can get married, the whole kingdom was happy that the prince would be back and finally another male child will be born who is strong enough to rule but little did everyone know that Aethelfrith was about to take the same path his father took. When Aethelfrith returned he came home with a woman and a fairy named Tryamon. He introduced her to everyone has his friend but along the line Crimson became suspicious of them she decided to hire some vampire hunters to find out everything about her cause she could sense that Tryamon wasn't a vampire and wonder who she was. The vampire hunters couldn't find anything about her leaving Crimson more confused. Aethelfrith had already fallen in love with Tryamon and doesn't want to marry her Crimson anymore. Crimson, filled with doubts and suspicions, continued to observe Aethelfrith and Tryamon closely. She couldn't shake off the feeling that there was something unusual about Tryamon and their relationship. As the days went by, her concern grew, and she became determined to uncover the truth. Unable to find any information about Tryamon through conventional means, Crimson decided to take matters into her own hands. She sought out the assistance of an old and wise vampire elder who had extensive knowledge of supernatural beings and their abilities. Crimson hoped that this elder could shed some light on Tryamon's true nature and intentions. Unable to find any information about Tryamon through conventional means, Crimson decided to take matters into her own hands. She sought out the assistance of an old and wise vampire elder who had extensive knowledge of supernatural beings and their abilities. Crimson hoped that this elder could shed some light on Tryamon's true nature and intentions.

Offixial_dee · Fantasia
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4 Chs

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