
Shadow of deceit

Athena Stanford is a 21-year-old orphan living in the bustling city of New York. She is jobless and lonely, but she catches the eye of Caleb Martin's, a charming and successful businessman. After a whirlwind romance, Caleb confesses his feelings for Athena, and they become a couple. However, their happiness is short-lived when Caleb develops a nervous problem that requires an expensive operation. Determined to help the man she loves, Athena takes up various jobs to earn money for Caleb's operation. Her journey leads her to the Elite Restaurant, a prestigious establishment owned by the wealthy and powerful Liam Steele. During her time working at the restaurant, Athena encounters Luke Steele, a notorious playboy known for his perverted interests. Luke becomes infatuated with Athena and starts pursuing her relentlessly, despite her clear rejection of his advances. One fateful day, Athena stumbles upon a beautiful ruby pendant and impulsively decides to sell it to cover Caleb's medical expenses. Unbeknownst to her, the pendant actually belongs to Liam Steele, who values it dearly. Determined to retrieve his precious possession, Liam seeks out Athena, but rather than taking her as a slave as expected, he becomes intrigued by her resilience and independence. Meanwhile, the Steele family faces internal turmoil when Logan Steele, Liam' brother, discovers that Luke has betrayed him by sleeping with Logan's fiancée, Jaden Ravenwood. Seeking revenge, Logan sets his sights on Athena, using her as a pawn to inflict pain upon Luke. With the help of his loyal bodyguard, Flynn Martin's, and devoted right-hand woman, Sandra Scott, Logan begins a dangerous game of manipulation, which further complicates Athena's life and fuels tensions within the Steele family.

FamodunOluwasegun · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
49 Chs

Chapter Fifteen

Athena POV

I still couldn't believe what just happened, Logan hitted Liam, I just hope none of this has a disadvantage.

Liam stood off from his slumber which was due to the punch Logan just fired at him as he checked his hands for any sign of blood and there wasn't, just when he was about to hit Logan back on the face, I rushed forward and blocked Logan.

"Athena, what is the meaning of this?" Liam asked with his hands still in the air.

I stared at all of them as they stared at me back.

"Were you just blocking for Logan?" They all said to me as I stared back at Logan who looked confused.

I was speechless and confused, I can't disappoint Liam by supporting Logan and Luke would hate me for that.

"All you were too busy arguing you couldn't even hear any of the things I was trying to explain". I said, smiling awkwardly.

"And what is that?" Liam asked me and just as I was about to utter more words I felt my tummy start grumbling and the next thing I did was hold in the puke that was coming while everyone stared at me surprised.

"Athena, what's wrong?" Luke asked and Amanda won't stop laughing.

"I…" I began but I couldn't continue as I felt the puke coming back as I rushed towards the bathroom.

What was wrong with me and why was I suddenly feeling ill after just taking it?. Liam stood behind me with his hands folded.

"Are you sure we still shouldn't take you to the hospital?" Liam asked with a frown on his face.

"Maybe my food did not digest well, I don't need to visit the hospital". I said stroking my chest gently cause it still felt like the food I had did not digest.

"Let's have a little talk in the sitting room ". Liam said to me harshly as he pulled me to the sitting room. Where everyone except Amanda seems to be in a panic.

"You were sick all day and now you are puking ". Luke said like he was one specialist doctor.

"And what does that mean?". I asked still confused and Logan sat down on the down like a king smiling.

"Are you this dense, despite everything that is happening here". Amanda said to me rolling her eyes as I tried to place everything together and it now made sense to me. They all think I am pregnant, but why would be pregnant? I stared at Logan who winked at me.

"Do you even know you are pregnant?" Liam asked .

"But it's my body and I am supposed to know when I am pregnant not you guys". I said to them, even of they seemed to think I am pregnant at least it was able stop their little fight.

"I did not use protection with you the other night" Logan said to me as Luke wanted to hit him again but Liam stopped him.

"Wait, so all this problem is because you think I am pregnant, I can't be pregnant it's been over a month why would I be seeing the symptoms now!" I exclaimed hoping and praying in my mind that nothing like that was about to happen to me, I can't get pregnant for Logan. Yes I don't hate him anymore but I can't have a child for someone I don't love.

"You might be pregnant that is why we decided to call for the family doctor to run a test on you and let us know the result". Liam said pulling me closer to him with my waist while Logan continues to smile and wink at me from time to time.

"I know and also very sure of the fact that I am not pregnant". I said to them but Luke seemed to be unsettled like he was one hundred percent sure I was pregnant.

"I don't need any doctor, I can just use a pregnancy kit". I said to them as the puke started coming back and I had to rush to the bathroom, just as I was about to wash my face another hand helped me lift my hair up. I looked up at the mirror and it was Logan how was he able to pass through Liam and Luke just to help me.

"One minute ago I thought Liam and Luke would forever have you in their grip and I became scared of coming close to you but now I can make you mine for good". Logan said as I washed my face and he helped me arrange my hair still smiling.

"I have always avoided getting a woman pregnant but with you, I actually seem very happy about it. Can you imagine Logan Steele having a son and a heir ". Jr said smiling while I just stared at him speechless.

"I don't want to be pregnant and if you continue talking about it this way I might just get angry and remember everything you did to me". I said to him making his smile slowly fade away.

"Why don't you understand everything that is going on". Logan said moving closer to me while I moved backward, each step he took forward I stepped backward till my back was now hitting the wall.

"I like you". He added making me roll my eye , like that wasn't obvious enough.

"I don't like you" I replied trying to move away but he was holding me tightly.

"It's a lie, you are just confused. I know you like me but don't know about it because if what happened ".

"It's not because of what happened, I know you are in love with me but I don't like any of you I am only here because of Liam and the fact that I can't step my foot outside this mansion and also because I have no one waiting for me at the outside side of this mansion." I said to him and he chuckled.

"You don't know what you want yet," he said moving closer to my ear as he whispered. 

"I love you and mostly I said it first." Logan whispered to me and the next thing he did was slam his lips on mine kissing me harshly.

"Stop." I struggled after a few seconds he let's go of my lips slowly cleaning his lips.

"I couldn't keep it in". He added. But I won't let him just go Scott free like that after what he did, I used my foot to hit his manhood and rushed out just as I got to the sitting room I heard Logan screaming.

"What did you do?" Luke asked.

"I defended myself like Liam taught me". I replied smiling but despite everything Liam and Luke weren't smiling.

And Amanda wasn't amoungst,where could she have possibly gone to?

"What would you do if you are really pregnant for my brother?" Liam asked, I knew that must have been the question on his mind.

"I don't know and to he honest with you I can't feel anything inside of me, I am very sure I am not pregnant". I said to them but still they were looking at me like I swallowed something.

"You won't stay with Logan you would give him his child and continue your training, this can't hinder anything or my plans". Liam said staring behind me as Logan walked in, I can't wait for the doctor to come and tell them I am not pregnant and Logan can stop being happy for unnecessary reasons.

"You can't stop me from seeing her and taking care of her till she puts to bed". Logan said standing beside me.

"You Bastard,I hope she is not pregnant and if she isn't that would mean you are totally not allowed to see her". Luke said, please let them not start their fights and arguments again.

"It it has been confirmed that Athena is not pregnant I would be moving her away from this mansion to stop what is coming". Liam said making me sad, I can't leave everything I love behind and start staying isolated.

"Liam,you cant just make such decision after what you said, she us supposed to be here." Luke objected.

"You want her to stay here and start competing with Amanda for your attention and Logan would continue to sneak into her room and maybe next actually get her pregnant". Liam said and Logan just starts chuckling, few years ago or should I say months ago I would never believe that I triplets would be fighting for my attention and I would ever forget about Caleb but here I was starting my life again without thinking about the man who started everything, I always regretted helping him but at the same time I am only here because of what I did for him.

"The doctor is here". Amanda announced walking in with the doctor behind him. I don't want to be pregnant for Logan neither do I want to leave this place.