
Shadow Monarch in Tensura

A teenager one day wakes up in a new world as the adopted son of Luminous Valentine. How will he do in a world filled with monsters, demon lords, and true dragons capable of destroying a whole country with just one attack?

TheRandomMe · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
102 Chs

Chapter 58: Day with Ultima

"Ulti, can you please explain to me why you are in my bed again?" I asked.

"Huh?" She looked at me confused, "It's nice here..."

I sighed, this wasn't the first time she had done it, and it probably wouldn't be the last.

"Plus, it doesn't look like you are complaining," She said, and I noticed I was hugging her.

"It's just a habit..."

"I never saw you hugging your pillows,"

"Anyways," I got up from ou... my bed and stretched, "Put on your clothes," I said. Ultima has a habit of sleeping naked, so I have seen her naked body so many times I got used to it, and this maybe caused us to do it a few times, but that's another story.

"So, what plans do you have for today," She asked, still naked.

I thought about it for a moment while buttoning a black shirt I had just created with [Material Creation], "I don't know, maybe visit and annoy the new Demon Lord?" I said, referring to Leon, who became a Demon Lord after killing Kazelim a few months or years, or decades ago.

After my hundredth birthday and often staying in the castle for years at a time doing random research with Thought Acceleration enabled, my sense of time hasn't been so good.

"Ah, the blonde dude that looks like he has a stick in his ass all the time?" She asked, and I nodded. That was actually a good description of Leon.

"Hmm yeah, knowing his personality, it would have a boring reaction. Then what should I do?"

"Oh, I know! How about we go shopping in some kingdom?" Ultima perked up, finally getting some clothes on.

"You want to go shopping? We both have [Material Creation], so we can create almost everything we want."

"Yeah, but that's no fun. Let's go together. I read in a book Beru gave me that two people going shopping together is the best thing to do when you are bored."

Hmm... If she says so, I don't see why not, "Fine, let's go,"


Walking down the busy streets, Ultima and I went to different stores.

"How do I look in this one?" Ultima asked.

I smiled, "You look beautiful in it." At times like these, I forget she is actually a demon.

"My lady, you should test this one too." Said the designer showing another dress.

I think they mistook us for a noble family due to our expensive clothes. Of course, created by magic. Well, it's not like they are fully mistaken. I could be considered foreign royalty if they knew who I really was.

But I don't care much about what they think about it. In this world, things like being a duke or a king aren't actually that important. The important thing is having enough power to back it up.

For example, if you would want to anger someone with the same status, let's say a king. An ordinary human or a human saint? Which one would you choose?

Sure, both of them may have an army at their call, but would a powerful person truly be loyal to someone weaker than them? Of course, there would be some people that would be loyal to a person weaker than them, but most wouldn't.


I somehow ended up buying a hundred dresses for Ultima. Seriously why does she need them? We can create the exact same dress with magic.

Well, if she is happy, then I don't see why not. I have more than enough gold to spend on them, "So where do you want to go next?" I asked.

"Hmmm, how about the restaurant we walked by?"

"We walked by a restaurant?" I asked, not remembering it, "Why not. Lead the way." I chuckled as she took my hand, and we walked towards the restaurant.

How long has it been since I had a normal day like this one? Just going around the city and different kinds of stores?


Yeah, I remember now. The first couple of years after my transmigration. During the times I was Cale the Holy Knight, a disguise I stopped using after becoming a True Demon Lord.

I rather not think about it now.


We spent the whole day shopping and doing other random stuff before returning, and I must say I had fun, "Hey, Ultima, how about doing this again some other time?" I asked.

"Really?" She asked, surprised and happy.

"Yeah, it's fun. Just the two of us going around and doing whatever we want without anyone recognizing us."

"I'd lov... Ekm... Okay." She said.

Seeing as it was already night, I decided to go to sleep, and Ultima followed after me without even trying to sneak in like she usually did.


Years flew by, and many things changed in the world, especially for the adventurers. The Free Guild System.

Yes, Yuuki Kagurazaka was summoned, meaning that canon will start in less than ten years.

While he is considered a villain in the story of Tensura, he has done some good things for the world. It also depends on what Yuuki it is. Is it WN or LN Yuuki.

I wouldn't put him as a good person in either of them, but if I could choose one over the other, I would pick LN Yuuki.

If I'm being honest with myself. If I didn't have my knowledge about him or the novels and reincarnated around the same time as him, I would probably have joined him.

My life could have been completely different depending on how/when/where I reincarnated.

My biggest advantage besides my skills was the fact I knew the world and things that could happen in the future, but without them, things could have been completely different.

I could have joined Rudra or Yuuki, or I could have become Yuuki 2.0. Considering I don't think anything about killing or giving random people to Ultima for the torture, I could see myself wanting to destroy the world in a different timeline.

"Hmmm..." I hummed as I thought about it. I could ask Chloe in the future if there was a timeline where I went full-on villain.

Well, enough of thinking about what-if scenarios for my life.


Author's Note:

Thank you for reading this chapter.

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