
Shadow monarch douluo

The Shadow Corps, created by Lu Bubao as the Shadow Monarch, is a fearsome force. Each corps is led by a powerful shadow beast, such as the Dark Devilgod Tiger or the Ice and Fire Dragon King. When all nine shadow corps are assembled, they will plunge Douluo Star into ultimate darkness. I fear that even Douluo God Realm will be doomed. plz support 1$ or nore via paypal: https://www.paypal.me/TerrenceTanaka my thank you gift would be +3 chapters, the more people who choose to donate the more chapters a monthly subscription on patreon worth 3 dollars per month: http://patreon.com/Thehonourabletranslator plz subscribe you will be 15 chapters ahead and you will have early access to new novels plz support

DaoistsJL4SR · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

Chapter 17 Shadow VS Jade Phosphorus Snake (1)

Lu Budao took out a stone the size of a jujube from his waist and placed it in a corner of the room. The corners between the stone and the wall fit tightly together. It was difficult to determine the existence of this stone without looking carefully.

Under the sun, the ground reflects the shadow of this small stone.

In the future, he will need to enter this room to practice. He can use the second soul skill, Shadow Strike, to obtain the ability to freely shuttle between the shadows. In this way, he can directly come to this room through the shadow of the small stone, and he does not need to sneak into the dean's building every time. be noticed.

The distance limit for free shuttles between shadows is within 100 meters. Ye Lingling, who was cultivating on the edge of the grass and flowers, happened to be within this range. Lu Budao used the first soul skill to lock onto Ye Lingling's shadow and then used the second soul skill to escape from Ye Lingling's shadow. emerged and quietly left the room full of light.

At this time, Ye Lingling was still concentrating on her cultivation; she didn't even notice that Lu Buddy came out of her shadow, let alone that Lu Bubao was already standing in front of her.

Quietly watching the Jiuxin Begonia Wuhun floating above Ye Lingling's head, releasing the gentle white light and fragrance of flowers, Lu Buyou thought to himself that mimicry training resources are really important for the growth of a soul master. The Seven Shrek Monsters fought for resources for mimicry cultivation and persuaded Flender to give up Shrek Academy and switch to Tiandou Royal Academy.

The current plot line is still three years away from the elite competition; Tang San probably hasn't joined Shrek Academy yet, leaving himself plenty of time to plan the fairy grass.

Tomorrow is the soul fight with Dugu Yan. In the name of the soul fight, we can find the weakness of the green phosphorous snake venom. After learning more about the anti-poison pill, we will go to the Sunset Forest alone to pass through the poison formation set up by Dugu Bo. Can also have more confidence.


the next day.


Heaven Dou Royal Academy, classroom

The afternoon classes are mainly for students to enter the mimicry field to practice, while the morning classes are theoretical and practical.

For a soul master, it is enough to have a basic theoretical knowledge reserve, so the theoretical class does not take up much time, and it only takes about an hour.

Tiandou class one is the class of Yu Tianheng's seven people, and it is also Lu Badger's class.

The Heaven Dou Imperial Academy will be respected as the number one high-level soul master academy in the Heaven Dou Empire. In addition to having abundant mimicry training resources, it also has a strong teaching staff.

The chief Mengshenji, the second Bai Baoshan, and the third Zhilin—these three education committee members have the highest seniority in the college, and they are also the teachers with the most teaching experience in the college.

At this moment, in Class 1 of the Tiandou class, the theoretical instructor standing on the podium to give lectures to the students is Zhi Lin, the third member of the school's education committee.

In his class, even the most stubborn aristocratic children did not dare to mess around; the audience was silent, and the students were all attentively listening to the lecture. Some students were taking notes on white paper, very seriously.

With his hands behind his back, Zhilin glanced sharply at the students under the podium for a week and asked aloud, "Who can tell me what is the most important thing as a soul master?" "You can become a soul master only with soul power.

"TThe students raised their hands to answer. "Of course, soul power is the most important thing!"

"As a soul master, it is most important to find the most suitable development direction for one's martial soul." " A

A high-quality soul ring is the most important thing for a soul master.

"SSoul skills are the most important."

The students in the audience expressed their opinions one after another, and the atmosphere in the classroom was very active.

"Lu Bubao. What do you think?" Zhi Lin's gaze passed over the students who answered the questions one by one and finally landed on the leftmost seat in the third row, which was exactly Lu Bubao's position.

In Shi Gao's actual combat class yesterday, Zhi Lin was very satisfied with Lu Bubao's performance. He remembered that Lu Bubao was an auxiliary-type soul master and also a control-type soul master with excellent control ability.

As long as it is a soul master of the control system, Zhi Lin will pay more attention, let alone an existence like Lu Bubao, who has both support and control at the same time.

Zhi Lin took the initiative to ask, "What do you think is the most important thing for a soul master?

"TThey are extremely important to soul masters." Lu Buyou replied: "If you have to say the most important thing, it depends on the situation." "

Generally speaking, before level 60, the one with the better-quality soul ring will have an advantage. Before level ninety-five, the side with the better quality of the martial soul will have the upper hand. After level ninety-five, the side with the higher level of spirit power will have the advantage. Of course, if you can achieve both, that is the most important thing. "

"I don't agree with him." The loud voice attracted everyone's attention.

Including Lu Bubai and Zhi Lin, everyone's eyes were on Dugu Yan, and it was she who disagreed with Lu Bubai's point of view.

"Then what's your point of view?" Zhi Lin thought that the granddaughter of Poison Douluo Dugu Bo must have a good opinion.

Dugu Yan was sitting in front of Lu Buddy. She didn't look back at Lu Bubuy's expression at this time; she just wanted to express the different views in her heart.

"My point of view is the same as that of the previous classmate. I think the most important thing for a soul master is to find a direction suitable for his own martial soul cultivation. Just now Lu Budao said that the level of soul power, the quality of the soul ring, and the quality of the martial soul are the most important for a soul master. , I disagree."

"Let me ask, if the three conditions are the same, is there any soul master who can defeat the control-type soul master? The answer is no." Dugu Yan said firmly, "The attack of the control-type soul master is very weak.

But The control ability is extremely strong. An excellent control-type soul master can completely control opponents whose soul power is within ten levels of his own. Therefore, I think that the cultivation direction of the soul master is the most important. If the soul master moves towards developing the control department, there will be more advantages."

Pa la la ---

Many students who are developing towards the control department actively applauded, applauding Dugu Yan's point of view.

Only then did Dugu Yan look back at Lu Budao and say sarcastically, "Besides, a certain person entered the academy as an auxiliary-type soul master, yet he has to mark himself as a control-type soul master. From this, it can be seen that He also thinks it is very honorable to be a control-type soul master.

Lu Buddy smiled wryly; he knew that this woman had fucked him again.

The Zhilin Education Committee is also inclined towards the faction of 'the strongest soul masters in the control system'. After hearing Dugu Yan's point of view, he was very satisfied and asked Lu Bubao, "Do you want to refute?" "Yes." Lu Bubao looked back at

Dugu Yan asked, "Yanzi, according to what you said, do you think that control-type soul masters are invincible?"

Dugu Yan's eyes were firm. "It is!" "

That's good. Let me ask you: you and Yu Tianheng fight If so, can you beat him?" Lu Budg glanced at Yu Tianheng, who was sitting on the right, and continued, "You are an excellent control-type soul master, and Yu Tianheng is an attack-type soul master; if you really fight, I'm afraid you will lose badly, right?"

Dugu Yan also took a look at Yu Tianheng, and after a moment of stupefaction, he reluctantly responded, "If you want to work hard, it's not certain who will win."

"No." Lu Budao looked into Dugu Yan's blue eyes with certainty and said, "The outcome is obvious, and you will definitely lose miserably. Because Yu Tianheng's Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex belongs to the top-level spirit, the required spirit ring must be a The soul rings are produced by dragon-species soul beasts, so the power of the soul skills is extremely domineering and powerful. Your snake venom can't control him at all; this is the difference in strength between the quality of the martial soul and the quality of the soul ring." Dugu Yan was speechless for a while.

. Yes, he was silent for a moment before arguing, "Who asked you to use Tianheng as an example? His martial soul is a top-level martial soul; can we compare with him? If we really want to compare, we should use martial souls of the same quality. It's comparable! If my Jade Phosphorus Snake Wuhun evolves into the Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor like my grandfather, I will be able to control the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex with poison." " Well, let me ask you again:

Your grandfather, Dugu Bo, is just right. It is a titled Douluo of the control system, and Yu Tianheng's grandfather is a titled Douluo of the assault system. If the two seniors had a fight, who would win and who would lose? I think this question is not difficult to answer. The answer is, of course, your grandfather. You will lose. This not only involves the quality of the martial soul but also the difference in the level of soul power." "

Now do you know the importance of the quality of the martial soul, the quality of the soul ring, and the level of soul power to a soul master? Not to mention the first two, but only in terms of the comparison between the levels of soul power, it is impossible for your grandfather to beat Yu Tianheng's grandfather." "

You!!" Dugu Yan wanted to say nothing, but his blue eyes were as cold as a poisonous snake. Staring straight at Lu Budao, how could she bear others belittle her grandfather like this?

The quarrel between the two became more and more intense, and the topic was no longer about what was the most important thing for a soul master but shifted to Dugu Bo and Yu Yuanzhen, who were more powerful; the two were titled Douluo.

This made Zhilin quite helpless.

Anyone who offends one of the Titled Douluo will cause big trouble at Tiandou Royal Academy.

"Okay. Stop arguing, both of you. That's the end of this topic." The Zhilin Education Committee immediately interrupted their debate.

Duguyan was thinking about how to retaliate against Lu Bubao, so he was not willing to give up. He stared in the direction of the Zhilin Education Committee, pointed with his little hand, and cursed, "Shut up first."

Suddenly, the whole class fell silent.

Everyone looked at Dugu Yan dully, with a strange feeling of being both funny and exciting.

The student who dared to shut up the teacher, looking at the whole academy, is probably the only one who is a sturdy woman like Dugu Yan.

Staring wide-eyed at the Zhilin Education Committee standing on the podium, Duguyan finally realized what he had done just now—his mind was empty—and quickly withdrew the hand pointing at Zhilin, not daring to say another word.

"Then you continue." Zhilin said with a smile.

"Teacher. Me. I didn't know it was you." Dugu Yan apologized with embarrassment on his face, "I'm sorry, I was too rude. I was thinking about how to refute Lu Bubao. I don't want to be interrupted." "Yes. I

understand . So I let you continue." Zhi Lin gestured with his hand.

Just now, when he heard a student shouting to himself, "Shut up first", Zhilin's first reaction was anger. One hundred thousand points of anger

He is a teacher, and he stands on the podium to spread knowledge. He was always the one who told the students in the audience to 'shut up', but when was he ever called by the students to 'shut up'?

He is also on the education committee, one of the three highest-ranking education committee members in the college, and he is highly respected. If Mengshenji and Baibaoshan, the two old guys, know that they have been scolded by the students, won't they be laughed at for the rest of their lives?

However, seeing Duguyan thinking hard and trying to persuade the other party with his own point of view, Zhilin was moved by her instead.

Duguyan is a stubborn girl and also a persistent and unyielding control genius.

Zhilin likes such students from the bottom of his heart, and it is definitely not because he is afraid that Duguyan will sue Dugubo.

"Go ahead." Zhi Lin stretched out his hand again to signal.

"I'm done talking; let's talk about it, teacher."

After replying, Dugu Yan immediately lowered her head; her violent temper instantly subsided and she became a bit more obedient. Although she was as vicious as her grandfather, she still knew how to respect her elders. He had scolded the board of education just now, so how dare he say another word?

From the corner of his eye, he turned to Lu Budao, who was sitting behind him. Dugu Yan felt ashamed and angry. He quickly sketched a villain on the white paper with a pen, then stabbed the villain's chest with the tip of the pen, cursing softly. Said, "Stinky bastard, see how I poison you to death in the practical class later!"

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