

If you have any idea for the book please write it or comment. I wrote the book to see how it is to have a smart MC so if you know how to continue the book please do it for me or make your own new smart MC novel/ fanfic.. Smart MC, does whatever it takes. Name: Vinal M William Mental age: 34 Physical age: 15 Backstory: He was a scientist in his past life. Who was always a  fan of marvel cause of there technology and futuristic thinking. So, he wanted that technology to be real. So, he tried to create them himself. And he succeeded making a few, using three-3d printers and sold them for a reasonable price making him some money. Another thing about vinal is that he liked to research blueprints from marvel. But he made a mistake once trying to make the super soldier serum. And when it was to late. He knew messed up....

PowerStorm · Anime e quadrinhos
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21 Chs


The Chamber rotates back flat, micro-injection enter my muscle and bone group's, with one smaller in the upper back of my neck close to the brain.

Making the chamber colder and vita-ray's to prevent uncontrolled growth,10 super soldier serum and 1 mutant X-gene serum are infused.

The fluids slowly empties from the serum's injections making my body swell. Full body restraints stops my body movement.

Medusa lowers a hood over my head to begin the Tess energy infusion. My body glows an intense dark blue, a piercing whine fills the lab with the Tess energy begins to climb. My eyes squeeze tight as the pain grows and my body goes tense.

With energy at 60 the dark blue glow surges, my body making a bones breaking noise, head snaps back with blood out of my mouth.

The chamber slowly tilts upright so to help me not choke on my blood, then a scream echoes from within the chamber.

My body and skin show cracks with blood flowing out of them, energy goes to 80 the light gets brighter and with a POP parts of my body blow up.

At 90% (Tess energy) my body is gone only bone and blood is left and at 95% a bloody vapour, at 100% the Chamber door burst out flying across the room showing nothing inside but a broken Chamber.


Through the lab private security that's not connected to the outside of the second ground level, as my creator who as grown old with time and missions, going through with the experiment.

Everything was going well till he started screaming, I would stop the experiment but have been instructed not to by him before it started. To him this just means it's working.

Boom the chamber broke with him nowhere to be seen, blue small light like fire fly's shown near the chamber coming together at one point connecting.

Then bone-like skeleton structure start's growing but with dark blue colour took form, followed by a human nervous system etc/muscle completed with blue blood but brown skinned body fusing to make my creator with blue hair.

If you have any idea for the book please write it or comment. I wrote the book to see how it is to have a smart MC so if you know how to continue the book please do it for me or make your own new smart MC novel/ fanfic

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