
Shadow Lord in the dxd verse

Before you read any further know this Book is devided into two parts One is the ( mad titan in dxd) While the other is the ( shadow Lord in dxd) So if you are confused over it Just know I wrote a completely different story but was lazy to post another book So here are the synopsis Story 1 - a teen is transmigrated into the body of a Rick kid two years before the plot Does some shit becomes powerful And has a harem ( gets infinity gauntlet) I don't own hsdxd or marvel property it's a fan fic don't sue me Story 2 - A 18 year old kid gets reincarnated as a member of the sitri family one year younger then sona Every despises him due to his half human nature ( no lemons) ( incest is wincest) OK so the story might be a little dark and will have a selfish mc that will kill This is a complete rewrite of the original one ' a mad titan in the multiverse' but with a different plot So I don't own hsdxd or the cover it's from solo leveling Note that my story is like a play ( meaning it's dialogues) but lacks emotions sometimes

Live_wire · Anime e quadrinhos
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55 Chs

Khaos what now? {old}

Drake: rias you have a spare rook piece with koneko right

Rias: yes she is currently holding on to it

Drake: take Merlin with you she will help you

Rias: OK

Rias then uses castling and swaps places with the rook piece

Drake: well guys let's move out shall we

{ outside of the old school building}

A lot of people wearing brown coloured hooded robes were floating in the air

Sirzechs: who are you people

??? : I will answer that question

A woman with brown hair and violet eyes was floating in the air

Azazel: Katerea Leviathan

Serafall: why are you here

Katerea: I am here because I want back the title of leviathan from you, you are a disgrace to the title of maou

Drake: well that only applies to mister redhead here

Serafall: Drake Chan why are you targeting sirzechs Chan

Drake: well he started it during the chicken battle and I hold grudges but really a man who got scared after watching leprechaun 4 ( sorry leprechaun fans but I don't like the little shit in that movie it is a weird movie ) doesn't deserve to be a maou

Katerea: haha, kid I like you why don't you join sides with us

Drake: no thanks I am neutral to all factions

Keterea: too bad you will die today

Drake: Nah I am too busy to die, need to sign comics next week

Keterea: wait a minute aren't you the writer of my hero academia, well I want my copy signed, I am not killing you today

Azazel: dude how do you get out of situations like these

Drake: well its actually very easy, just be a Chad,

well you all can fight with the others while I munch on this chicken

Azazel: dude what the fuck where did you get that

Drake: made it at my house, Asuna is an amazing chef

Azazel: keep some for me

Drake: the chicken ain't gonna finish itself, and don't kill her I want her alive

Azazel: hey I am not your servant but I won't kill her

Downfall dragon spear

Azazel then transformed into a golden armour

Tia: hey isn't that Fafnir

Drake: yep that's his artificial sacred Gear that he made from contracting with Fafnir, chicken

{few moments later}

Vali attacked Azazel just like the Canon

Azazel: so you decided to betray me huh vali

Vali: sorry but things are in testing here

Vali then looks at Asuna

Vali: I want to see where my rival g

Has reached

A large amount of aura was released by Drake

Drake: you know something I am not afraid to rip out your wings vali lucifer

All of the people were scared after seeing Drake getting pissed

Drake: you say a lot you know but know this on terms of power your. Nothing more than an ant, what was the name of your organisation again

Vali: khaos brigade

Drake : *snaps his fingers * khaos what

As vali looked at his side he saw that all of the people who were backing him except for Keterea had their heads exploded

Albion: vali retreat he is much stronger than any of us

Vali: I can take him on in juggernaut drive

Albion: your courting death vali he can crush us like ants

Drake: at least your partner is sane vali listen to him and retreat

As I was talking a cloud appeared out of nowhere and a monkey was standing on top of it

Bikou: yo vali time to retreat, buddy,

Vali: I had him, I will leave this time Drake Akatsuki but next time I will beat you

Drake: try it out and say hello to kuroka for me

Both of them disappear


Keterea is about to self destruct when her spell is stopped midway

Drake: jezz girl you don't have to die, yo Azazel I'll handle her

Azazel: sure buddy go-ahead

Azazel leaves

Keterea: why don't you let me die

Drake: that's because your niece will be pissed at me

Keterea: wait are you talking about ingivd

Drake: yep it's her

Keterea: is she OK

Drake: she is fine and if you want you can meet up with her I will handle the rest

Keterea: please take me to her

{few minutes later}

Serafall: are you sure she won't harm anyone

Drake: I vouch for her

Serafall: OK then I won't fight her.

Drake: well you guys sign the treaty I and my Tam will leave, I would like to remain neutral


Bonus chap cuz I am bored