
Hudson’s Resilience

The man settled in a chair opposite Greg as he was deep in thoughts while staring into space.

The cubicle they were in was noise proof as the loud sounds of the music had been muffled and only slight vibrations were heard.

The lights in the cubicle were bright and white and not the multi-colored ones in the main club.

Greg dropped the handkerchief he had been using as he laid back in his chair to catch his breath.

He raised his shirt up to see his sides had been bruised during the beating Damien had given to him. He shuddered at the thought of being beaten again and he was glad it had come to an end.

He started to think of what would happen if he had not been saved on time.

"Don't do that," the butler's deep voice brought him back to the present. "Don't think of the past or the bad in it. It would only get you down. Trust me, I've been there."

"So what do I do?" the heir asked, dropping his shirt down. "Because it is very clear all I've been through is pain and suffering. I hate that I have to go through all of this and still be wounded in the end."

"But you are just starting out your life and you are still a pup. A wolf is not born a wolf, a wolf is born a pup and it grows to be a wolf through experiences and the connections that have been made."

"Your words are confusing."

The man laughed. "I know, many have listened to me speak and called me out for always speaking strange words but I doubt that it is the case. Either way if you listen to me, I'm sure you will learn a thing or two from what I have to say."

Greg scoffed. With his experience in the world of pain he was sure he knew everything he had to learn. The old man had lived in a comfortable world where people obeyed him for the better part of his youth and old life. 

There was nothing he could say which would make Greg's life easy. 

"So what do you have for me? Are you going to tell me that my suffering has come to an end and I'm about to live a wonderful life? Because if that's it then I don't want to hear it."

"No," the man sighed. "On the contrary I'm here to let you know that your suffering has just started. You will be a target to many and you will be pushed down. 

"People will tell you that you are not good enough and they will try their best and any means necessary to make sure you see that they're telling the truth. 

"But that is where you can either choose to stand and fight and live that life you truly want or you can run away and hide on a remote island forever to never be seen again."

Well, that took a turn the heir had not seen as he chuckled like he had been put in a comedy show. This had to be a joke.

"What is this?" he asked in surprise.

"The truth sir. You think you're the only one who had it rough but that is a lie. If I was to be honest, Hudson had it rougher than you but he would never reveal that part of himself to anyone, not even to me. 

"But I was there when he built this place from the ground up. I was there when he decided that he was tired of being called poor and of being a loser. He had been kicked out of a home he had grown up in and separated from his brother. 

"It was like a curse and he was seen as a cancer. Everyone he asked for help turned him away and some even had him beaten. That man you see who is one of the most sought after on this planet was once roaming the streets begging for what to eat.

"It was not easy for him just the same way it is not easy for you. But he built everything he has today and you have the privilege of inheriting them all.

"Now to answer the question you had asked before but this time with better explanations, I had followed Hudson because of the fire in his eyes. The passion he had to make it in this cruel world where his father did not support him.

"He beat the odds and was determined to survive. Unlike many out there who would have easily given up, he refused to do that. Whether his father supported him or not, he refused to give up.

"And in some ways you are just like the man. You were beaten and you still refused to give up. You, just like the man, are stronger than you think. Never give up because one of these days that inner strength is going to be needed to win a war and a battle."

Greg wondered about what the man had said. Carl stood to his feet straightening his suit.

"Why didn't you let the man go after what he had done to you?"

"Who? Do you mean Damien?"

"I don't know his name but I do know you wanted him released so my question is why?"

"That was too much violence don't you think? Multiple people on one person."

"Has he ever ganged up on you before?"

"He has… with weapons actually."

"And when it got to his turn, you let him go? That shows signs of weakness, young master. You should not show it within your new position or people would think you are weak."

"So beating someone to death would show that I am strong. Isn't that a flawed way of thinking?"

"Yes it is, but the world does not run on truth and kindness. If you want to make a statement then you have to show strength."