
Shadow Immortal

Title: Shadow Immortal Shadow Immortal is a dark fantasy novel that follows the story of a young man named Xue Yan. Xue Yan was born with a unique gift that allowed him to manipulate shadows, but his abilities are not enough to save him and his family from the hands of the ruthless and powerful Gu Immortal Clan. After witnessing the massacre of his loved ones, Xue Yan is left with nothing but hatred and vengeance. Driven by his desire for revenge, Xue Yan begins a journey to master the art of cultivation and become stronger than anyone else. His path is full of danger, and he must navigate his way through a world where the strong prey on the weak. As Xue Yan grows stronger, he learns that the path of revenge is not without consequences. He must confront his inner demons and make difficult choices as he becomes entangled in the political struggles of the Immortal Realm. In his pursuit of power, Xue Yan discovers the existence of a forbidden technique that could make him invincible, but it comes with a terrible price. He must decide whether the cost is worth paying to achieve his ultimate goal. As Xue Yan climbs the ranks of the Immortal Realm, he realizes that his enemies are not only the Gu Immortal Clan but also the shadowy figures who control the fate of the realm from behind the scenes. He must navigate a treacherous web of alliances and betrayals to achieve his goals, but in the end, he may find that he has become a monster himself. Shadow Immortal is a dark and intense novel that explores the consequences of power and revenge. It features a complex protagonist, a vividly imagined world, and a rich mythology that will keep readers engrossed until the very end.

Arise82 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Chapter 2: The Road Ahead

The next morning, Xue Yan bid farewell to Wang Zheng and continued on his journey. He walked for days, passing through forests and crossing rivers. His feet were sore and his body was weary, but he pushed on, driven by his desire for revenge.

As he walked, Xue Yan thought about what Wang Zheng had said. Was revenge truly the only way to honor his family's memory? He had always believed so, but now he wasn't so sure.

As he pondered this, he heard a commotion up ahead. He quickened his pace and saw a group of bandits attacking a merchant caravan. The bandits had surrounded the caravan and were stealing the goods, while the merchants cowered in fear.

Xue Yan knew that he had to act fast. He called upon the shadows and they came to him, forming into a dark, swirling cloud around him. He moved with a fluid grace, his body contorting and twisting as he directed the shadows towards the bandits.

The bandits screamed as they were engulfed by the darkness, their bodies twisted and contorted as they were consumed by the shadows. Xue Yan felt a surge of power, a rush of adrenaline that made him feel invincible.

The merchants were grateful and offered Xue Yan a place to stay for the night. As they sat around the fire, Xue Yan thought about what he had done. He had saved these people, but he had also used his powers to harm others.

He looked at the merchants and saw the fear in their eyes. He knew that they would never forget what had happened that night. Xue Yan realized that he did not want to be feared. He did not want to be known as a monster.

He knew that he had to find a way to use his powers for good, to make a difference in the world. And perhaps, in doing so, he could find a way to honor his family's memory.

As he fell asleep that night, Xue Yan knew that the road ahead would be long and difficult. But he was no longer alone. He had the memories of his family to guide him, and the hope of a better future to inspire him.