
Shadow's Dawn

An anomaly wandering in a new world

WoodPlease · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

A New World

As the creature stepped out of the shadows, its muscles suddenly compressed, causing it to become slimmer and more humanoid. The razor-sharp claws retracted into its fingers, and its teeth smoothed into a more human-like form. As the transformation continued, the creature's skin turned smooth and flawless, and its inhuman features became more and more human-like. The eyes, however, kept their golden color, which shone with an otherworldly glow.

The creature gazed around, but its wonder was quickly replaced with wariness as the cacophony of noise from the town reached its ears. The constant honking of car horns, the blaring of music, and the hum of people's voices all blended together into a symphony of chaos that made the creature's head spin.

The creature's ears were not accustomed to the jarring sounds of human civilization, and every noise felt like a physical blow to its sensitive senses. The creature's eyes caught sight of the small feline form huddled on the ground, watching it with curious eyes. As the creature approached, the cat made no attempt to flee, but simply watched with a sense of quiet detachment. The creature could sense no fear in the cat's body language, and it wondered what strange creature this was that could be so unafraid in the presence of a monster. With a sense of wonder, the creature lowered its head to sniff at the cat, and the cat allowed it, purring softly. The creature hesitated for a moment, torn between the allure of human civilization and the comfort of its solitude, before ultimately choosing to follow its curiosity and slowly walking towards the town. The cat watched as the creature disappeared into the town, wondering what other strange creatures lurked in the darkness.

As the creature walked through the dark alleyway, it looked around curiously at the trash scattered on the ground. The scent of decay and rot filled the air, and the creature's sensitive nose picked up on the various odors emanating from the refuse. Despite the unpleasantness of the surroundings, the creature felt a sense of comfort in the familiarity of decay and darkness. It continued walking, its footsteps silent against the rough pavement.

Suddenly, a dirty man in a hoodie appeared, holding a knife. The creature froze, its golden eyes narrowing as it assessed the threat. The man took a step forward and eyed the creature up and down, a lecherous grin on his face. "Well, aren't you a pretty thing," he slurred, his breath heavy with the scent of alcohol. "You're looking hot, baby."

The creature stepped back, its muscles tensing as the man approached, the glint of his knife catching the dim light. The man's eyes flickered with a dangerous glint as he brandished the knife, his voice low and threatening.

"Don't make any sudden movements, or you'll regret it," he snarled. The creature eyed the knife, its senses on high alert. Slowly, the man reached out towards the creature with his other hand, the knife still pointed at it.

It could see the man's hand trembling slightly, his grip on the knife loosening just a fraction. The creature knew this was its chance. In a swift movement, it sprang into action.

In an instant, the creature moved with inhuman speed, evading the man's grasp and dodging his arm with ease. With lightning reflexes, it struck the man's chest with a powerful palm strike, sending him flying towards the dumpsters with a sickening thud. As the man lay writhing in pain, the creature stood over him, its golden eyes glowing in the night.

As the creature leaned down towards the man, who was frozen in terror, it slowly began to mutter in a language that the man had never heard before. The words were ancient and guttural. The creature slowly touched his forehead and he felt a strange sensation wash over him. It was as if the creature was stealing something from him, something deep and personal. The man's mind raced as he tried to comprehend what was happening, but before he could react, the creature pulled away. As it stood up, the man was left staring at it in shock, unsure of what had just occurred.

The creature demanded the man's jacket, shirt, and shoes.

"You're lucky I'm in a good mood," it growled, "I am showing you mercy because of what you have provided and will provide."

The man, confused and terrified, quickly took off his jacket, shirt, and shoes and handed them over.

"Please, just let me go," he pleaded. The creature sneered and nodded. The creature watched as the man ran away into the darkness. As it walked away, it whispered to itself, "This will do nicely."

As the creature went through the man's memories, it felt a sense of unease wash over it. The memories were filled with violence, anger, and fear. As it delved deeper, it realized that it was speaking in an unnatural and inhuman voice. It stopped and took a deep breath, focusing on changing its voice to a more feminine one. It took a few tries, but finally, it was able to produce a voice that was softer and more soothing.

The creature talked to itself, "If I am to survive in this world, I must learn to blend in." It continued sorting through the man's memories, looking for a place to stay. Finally, it found a memory of an old, isolated restroom in a park. "This will do," the creature said to itself. With that, the creature made its way to the park, keeping a low profile as it went.