
Shades of Secrets

Haunted by the shadows of her past, Margaux trained herself to retaliate. With her bossy and domineering attitude, she failed to find a job that would kill her boredome until then. She who seek only revenge, save the young and silly CEO away from the edge of death. As a payback, the young man accept her as a secretary. At first he's only a young man who loves colorful clothes and who fears almost everything that exist. But tagging along with him for a long time made her realize that he's not only the CEO of the Perfume Company. Like her, he has lots of secrets. Like her, he wanted to escape from his hunted past. He's been hiding in the shade of his secrets. And it's much darker than hers.

Azure_Kuiru_2000 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

CHAPTER 2 : Hired

Margaux works as a call center representative for almost 2 months now. Like any job she had in the past, it ended even before it officially started.

" I haven't known you yet and you're leaving already."

She laughed at her trainor's sarcasm. He stood and studied her as she took her things in the locker.

" I guess I'm over qualified. Anyway, thank you for the experience."

" Do well in your next job."

She shrugged her shoulders.

" The next job must do well to me ."

They shared another soft laugh before she walked out of the company door.

She had a bad temper, a bossy and intimidating  personality that made her loss her job one after another. It didn't bother her though. Working is her way of killing boredom. Messing with her boss and office mates is her way of entertaining herself. She had tons of riches left by her parents. She's only waiting for her 23rd birthday.

She studied law but had no intention of taking it seriously. There's only one goal she badly wanted to do.


The moment she rested on her bed, the first thing in her mind was getting another job. And the first to show is the image of the weird man from the other night.


Sichie Heisegel closed his eyes the very moment he seated on his swivel chair. He's tired of his paper works and much more exhausted for a long time now, of being a powerless CEO. A split second of being away from his life would mean so much to him.

" You said you'd return the favor countless folds."

He opened his eyes and saw a well-defined woman. Her black hair, pink boots, black shorts, white crop - top and kissable lips made her look like a devil rather than a barbie.

" You .... were that... woman!" he stuttered and slump down on his seat.

She rolled her eyes in irritation.

" I never thought you'd look pretty."

Margaux smiled proudly, unease of the compliment.

" You really sound monstrous____Aaaaaagh!"

Sichie groaned in pain as the heels of her boots landed on his stomach.

" Give me a job."

Sichie knew his employees don't see him as high as his position, yet, they never did a head on discrimination like this. He thought a woman like her needs go be tamed instantly. But surely, he's not the person for that job.

" Fine. Do you have a preferred position?"

She sat on his chair and kick him aside.

" I want to be your secretary."

"What? You came here without___aaaagh!"

Her heel is on his stomach again.

" Ju-just to remind you, I'm wounded in the stomach."

" That was just a scratch, Mr. Heisegel. Do you want me to pull your intestines out?"

" I already have a secretary. I just can't fire people and replace them."

" Of course you won't. Exactly the reason why you're taken advantage."

She handed him an envelope. He opened it and pictures of his secretary taking vacations with her boyfriend blurred his sight.

" Can you explain what these pictures are?"

" That's your secretary having fun during working days. I guess she's not at work today. I bet she won't be working tomorrow either. I have gathered more than enough evidences of her neglect of duties, Mr. Heisegel."

Sichie heaved a deep sigh. He knew his employees betrayed him. But he never doubted his secretary's loyalty without knowing she was laughing at him from behind.

" You're pitiful,Mr. Heisegel. Exactly the reason why you should hire me. I can make people slump on their seats."

"Obviously," he said in his mind.

" You could never expect good manners from me but you could always count me in for loyalty."

She stood up, pulled him up and positioned him to his seat.

" Mr. Heisegel, you're company needs me." She smirk at him. You need me."

They stared at each other for a while

" You're good in convincing people," he commented.

" What are you waiting then? Hire me ."

He massaged his temple.

" Do I even have a choice?"

" Come on, Mr. Heisegel. It's for formality."

He looked at her in disbelief.

" Fine. You're hired. You could start___."

" I want to start now."

"No!__fine ."

He agreed in fear that she'll kick him again. His stamina is not strong enough to stand her.

" My name is Margaux Ashiva. No one would dare to defy you from now on."

He sighed as he accept her hands for formality.

His life is already messy. Now he guess he have to brace himself. Because it's getting messier.



The next thing she knew, she's been taking calls for Mr. Heisegel.

" This is Ms. Ashivah, is there anything I could help you with?"

" I want Mr. Heisegel's signature on my proposal. I sent it an hour ago,why is it taking so long?!"

Her left eyebrow raised in irritation.

" Can I get your name please?"

" Alfred Holland."

She checked his name on the computer.

" Mr. Holland, I see you are a team manager."

" I understand you're new to the job. You can submit your resignation letter if you can't do it well!"

" No need Mr. Holland. Expect your proposal in the trash. And of course, prepare your explanation to Mr. Heisegel."

She ended the call, read his proposal and dialed Mr. Heisegel's number.

" Mr. Heisegel, I checked Mr. Holland's project proposal and it's not beneficial to the company. I don't want it to be discussed further during meeting. He also called and complain why it took you so long to sign it. What do you want me to do ?"

" Why are you asking me? You'll do whatever you want even if I'll object."

She smiled in triumph.

" I'm glad your smart Mr. Heisegel. I will now trash it."

" Whatever."

" Thank you Mr. Heisegel. I'll bring some of the papers to be later."

When the call ended, she trashed the proposal and took all the folders to Sichie's office. Instead of knocking, she kicked the door open.

" Hey! you need to sign these!"

She threw everything in his table all at once. Good thing his reflexes were quick.

" Learn to knock, at least," he said with disappointment. "Shall I sign it?"

" You have to review that again, of course. This is your company, you knew things better than me."

He made a whatever-look on his face.

" Hmmm. And I'm starving. I can't wait for my break."

Heisegel shook his head as she took his phone on the table and open the food delivery app.