
Shade -Shop of the night (On Hiatus)

Akirai had been "Unique" ever since she was a child- Orphan, unwanted, stubborn- a street rat. But Akirai became "Unique" in another way after she died in an unfortunate hiking accident, a landslide- there was nothing to be done. But of course Akirai´s stubborn self didn´t let it end there.

Lumina_Wraith · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

Let´s go further!

Lynn was still a larvea, but her colour and size had changed drasticly, becoming two meters in length with the thickness of an adult males arm, her colour was now pitch black with purple glowing spots and glowing hairs all over its body, it had eyes and mandables now, they shined like metal in the light and seemed to be sharp enough to cut through flesh like a hot knife through butter.

Lynn had become something else, that much Akirai knew even without seeing the status screen.

[Moonlight born mutated Shadowmoth larvea]

[Level 3]


[Gender : Female]

[State : Healthy (Excited)]

Akirai smiled and turned her head to the side, seemingly speaking to air. "How long do they live?"

"..." Sylvie was silent an Akirais smile fell, " *sigh* This... larvea lives for 2 years on average, after maturing they live for up to 5 years." Sylvie commented with no emotion in her voice and Akirai paused.

"Sylvie? Whats wrong?" She inquired, not used to Sylvie speaking with no emotion.

"I am Sorry to worry the Host, the chances of a Beast mutating twice in a row are just very small, is all." She said with a tint of suprise, barely audible.

"Ah!" Akirai exclaimed, and then blushed, "You should get used to impossible stuff happening to me, I swear I´ve got the Devils luck." She said laughing in resignation.

Sylvie stayed silent in a- we´ll see manner- and Akirai chuckled, we´ll see alright.

Akirai had been very unlucky at the start of her life, she´d thought that all bad things that could happen, would happen, but after her 10th birthday her luck had an extreme turn around and she had ever since scarcly been unlucky for the rest of her life, even the landslide incedent could have been much, much worse, as she hadn´t felt a thing from being burried and impaled, maybe she´d gone into shock, but the memory of the accident didn´t harm or wound her, and she had come back to life in a better world, so there was that.

Well, maybe not a better world, but for her it was perfect, after all, nature had always called to her and this new planet was filled with it.

In fact, only fifty precent of this worlds surface was water, the other fifty was land, and only around twenty precent had been explored, this wasn´t because the people slaked in exploration effort either, it was just that the warld had become this big, the twenty procent that had been explored was 10 procent of the new world and 10 procent from the old one.

It was perfect for her, she loved the thrill of exploring, the flow of adrenalin, she might even be an adrenalin junky from the way she´d chased the thrill in the past, now she didn´t need to look anymore, she could just wait and it would come to her.

Akirai could live her live always on the move, and she´d never run out of new things to explore, and even if she finished this impossible task, there were still the Rifts, whether permanent of temporary, she´d never run out of things to explore and this excited her!

Now that Lynn was finished with... eating? Akirai could move on and explore this Realm further, in the two weeks she´d spent in there, she hadn´t been out of the clearing even once, except to go to the stream.

She piked Lynn up and walked off, what was left of her clothes hanging from her body in all but tatters and her bag slung over her shoulder.

She hummed as she walked through the underbrush and admired the view, only untouched nature as far as the eye could see.

Akirai felt herself get lost in the wilderness and couldn´t find it in herself to care, she spent most her days hunting Beasts for Lynn, who helped her in attacking the Beasts with a paralytic poison she could produce and thus limited the abillities of the Beasts.

Akirai didn´t mind the fact that Lynn would likely be a support-type, Akirai loved to fight herself, and if things ever got sticky, Lynns poison could slow the Beasts down enough to buy them time to escape, for now they hadn´t had to make use of this tactic, but Akirai felt assured as they had a plan B ready.

Akirai herself grew too, her fighting style becoming more refined the more she fought, she preferred to use her agressors strength against them, letting Beasts crash into the ground or obstacles such as trees and rocks, she lured the Beasts around and let nature do the rest, of course she wasn´t just defensive while fighting, but she liked to quickly hit and run, leavings small but deep wounds and letting the Beasts make them worse, or worsening them herself.

Most of Akirais fights lasted for a while, but Akirai got away with minimal injuries sustained, pairing Lynn with her already rather defensive fighting style let to a combo that would drive the most patient Beast into a rage and depression.

Even though Akirai knew that she could die and walk it off, she did her best to stay alive.

She camped out a lot too, letting Lynn devour the corpses of fallen Beasts to advance further, and while Lynn didn´t get much stronger, her poison started to last longer, kick in sooner and become far more potent, making the whole hunting trip as safe as it could get, Slvie was silent for the most part, only chiming in ever so often.

It was during the start of the second month that they found their second King-Beast, A gigantic Black-Widow with a hulking nine meter figure and, two of its legs were bigger than the rest, dragging on the forest floor, leaving behind long marks.

Akirais eyes narrowed and she silently slipped into a bush to observe the hulking Beast from afar, it was drinking from a small stream, its sharp teeth glinted dangerously in the light.

Akirai drummed her finger on her knee, debating- did she attack or did she evade?

Lynn had grown rather fat during their outing and she suspected that Lynn needed to devour one more corpse for her to advance, she wondered if the quality of the Beast brought any benefits or advantages?

"Sylvie?" She thought, counting on her for an answer.

"It can bring benefits like absorbing the Beasts innate abillity, like the poison of a snake, but to a lesser degree." Sylvie replied and went silent afterwards, not wanting to distract her Host.

Akirai nodded, at least she knew where Lynns poison had come from now.

"Sylvie, Info." Akirai commanded.

"Yes, Sir." Sylvie said with a somewhat teasing tone, making Akirai snort quietly.

[Sekka Black-Widow]

[Level 7]



[State : Healthy (Alert)]