
Shackles of your passion

Tired of the world, convinced of realities, known to the fantasies. Raven musters up the courage to end her misery forever because she believes the stories of love she ever heard throughout her life were just the stories and she could never have one for herself. There is something known as setting of universe which is unpredictable. She thought this was the end but it was not. It was the start of her story the impossible love story. What happens when her mind does not let her accept what her heart screams to believe ? What happens when she can not diffrentiate between truth and lies ? In the storm of uncertainities she will find herself strong and steady captured in the shackles of his passion. She thought she was worthless until she found him and he showed her what she meant to him...

Arhama_Ali · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Who are you ?

She moved along with Zephyr quietly as something caught her attention abruptly.

The noise in the evening and a huge crowd in the basketball court made her intrigued towards it.

Zephyr wanted to stop her but before he could, she already marched toward it.

The sudden hot temperature made her remove her coat immediately as she arrived there. Her perfect curves made her amazing in her tight black dress.

Someone just stuck in her eyes as her ears heard just one name "Mason, Mason, Master Mason.." She spoke unknown to her own actions, "Who is he ?"

Zephyr sighed and spoke, "He is Mason Hunter. A rich brat and our Classmate. The only heir to Chaudry constructions." Raven was still staring at him as he played passionately, his blue vest drenched with sweat as he was so worked up, his curly black messed up hair looked so royal, the warm beige complexion that sparkled like honey in sunshine looked so ethreal. The curly beard that covered his face, the mole on his right cheek that made his manly features delicate made him breathtaking. His huge biceps, the broad shoulders, the chiseled features of his face and body looked like he is the only man with power here. The arched eyebrows the little crooked teeth the shady lips made his frame imperfectly perfect. As he played lethally the little growls made him even more attractive and the height, it was as if he is made by God to rule. The appearance seemed like he was 24, she realized that she has been staring him for quite a while. Feeling embarrassed she wanted to leave but her heartbeat stopped and her breathe hitched as she saw his moon shaped navy blue eyes staring deep into her brown one's. The way he growled while giving his last shot, made her think again "Mason Hunter who are you ?"