

"Zhou Hua Fan...Where do you plan to disappear now?" His voice was hoarse and sore thus successfully souring her little red nose. Leaning against the door that he had uncharacteristically pressed his trembling fists against instead of breaking down like he so wanted to in order to see her once more. Biting her lips, Hua Fan buries her face into her already shaking shoulders suppressing her cries. Wiping the endless tears falling into her arms when she continued to hear him plead her so quietly but desperately it tore her up inside. "Do you have to do this? Can't...Can't you let me love you?" The back of her hand was bitten raw as a soft sob broke free upon hearing his plea. ~~~~~~~~ Zhou Hua Fan did not accept other people's love or goodwill. Knowing from a young age that all of it came with strings attached her personality had already twisted before it could be fixed. No one saw it or tried to see it. People call Zhou Hua Fan a selfish demoness who would suck the bones from a person before lowering her head and apologizing. They despise her, they fear her, the lawless princess of the Zhou family. However, this princess who should have everything, does she really have it all? When asked this the people around her gave various answers. "She was pitiful." "No one hated her more than herself." "An unfortunate soul." Asked this question, the man with dark clouds permanently gathered above his head sharply raised his dagger-like gaze as if wanting to murder you who dared utter her name without permission. "You have no right to judge her."

Chezilla · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
192 Chs

Chapter Seventy Four

With a quick release of his hands on the window sill, Gou Heng drops into the alleyway following him was the faint sound of something rubbing against his leg and a ripping sound. Despite the dirty ground he rolls to avoid injuring his feet and lessen the force of impact. Not spending time to organize his spinning thoughts after the tumble he pushes himself up and starts running from the store. Since the driver was expecting his young master to be inside the store still he did not pay much mind to the scrambling figure who ran away from the car and only looked on his phone for news to waste time. There was not even a single suspicious thought put into the strange people who went in after his young master as the driver thought they were most likely just debt collectors or something. It showed just how useless Feng Ming's people were in comparison to Jian Kong's.