
Sexy Luna mate, rejects me

Alpha Axel kills the Luna of his pack which happens to be his mate because of his mistress, the moon goddess then place a curse on him that he will never find his mate until a thousand years. One thousand years has passed and they have both been reborn, only that the Luna is the only one who remembered what happened one thousand years ago. Alpha Axel suddenly gets rejected by his Luna, no one has ever rejected him, no one!

JJewel_01 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

"I got you"

Chapter 12

 The chase that was going on, on this ethereal cool night was powerful and the trees shook, because of the breeze that went in a rapid motion.

 Momentarily, Axel was a full black wolf, standing tall on a cleared path, as the huge white Alpha wolf tossed Eleanor on the ground beside him, like a piece of garbage, she whimpered.

 It seems she was trying to transform but wasn't able to, Axel wondered why. 

 He ran to her, growling and glaring, facing the white wolf, who also had a glare. 

"Well well, what do we have here?" The white wolf asked, nonchalantly and starting to encircle him.

 Axel also noticed some wolves coming out in all directions.

"Let her go!, Face me instead"

"What fun would that be?" the white wolf asked, as he snarled at him.

"We can call it even for what you did to my mate, let her go" Axel said, menacingly, through gritted teeth but also, getting frustrated. 

 He couldn't imagine, Eleanor would be hurt the minute they left the cabin and it's all his fault because he was the one, she was getting away from.

 He could take them all, but he didn't want Eleanor to get more hurt in the process.

"Fine" the white wolf said in a sarcastic way, which Axel couldn't miss, he quickly faced him, preparing for a fight…

"That's right, I can't promise you anything" the wolf said again, almost in a whisper, as he launched an attack, trying to hit Alpha Axel with his sharp claws and Axel had to retreat in defense and immediately charged back towards him, slamming him to the ground, beating the wolf's skull, he then grabbed his legs and flung the wolf, off balance. 

 Some wolves suddenly attacked Axel and he gave them kicks that flew them away and used his claws to rip out some hearts.

 While he was fighting, he looked up to his mate who couldn't move an inch, she looked very debilitated.

 The white Alpha wolf stood up, as he sized him up while his pack attacked Axel, he wasn't even concerned or bothered about the fact that his pack members were getting wounded by every passing minute.

 The next moment, Axel looked in Eleanor's direction but she was nowhere to be found.

"Shit!" He cussed, as he panicked, tossing away the last wolf and tried to follow her scent.

 It's all his fault for not protecting her, enough.

 He followed her scent and soon saw her again in that same position, being dragged by the white wolf, along a cliff.

 Axel was filled with rage as he chased after him and pushed him from, and the white wolf fell backwards but got up, almost immediately.

"I told you to let go!" Axel said, dangerously, having had enough already, as his eyes burnt red.

 He launched first, trying to grab the white wolf's head but the wolf grabbed his leg and threw him off balance, mirroring his step, Axel launched again, aiming for his neck as he dug his fangs into it, giving him a huge bite, the wolf growled, kicking him far away, with a punch.

 The white wolf picked Eleanor and didn't hesitate, as he flung her off the cliff but she held onto a rock, Axel eyes widened in shock, as he ran towards the wolf angrily, aiming for his neck, and he dug his fangs again, swinging him and flunged him off the cliff completely in anger, but… just as he was about to go help Eleanor, he felt someone move past him in a fast motion.

 It was Louis!, he went to grab her hands instead.

"I got you, just hold my hands" he said to her as Axel gritted his teeth. Was he here, all this time?

 When Eleanor was finally pulled out, Louis hugged her as he sat on the floor, she was weak and tears filled her eyes, her wounds weren't healing up, 

"I'm sorry, Eleanor" Axel said to her, while he transformed, standing beside them, feeling upset with himself for what happened.

"Give her to me, I will take her back" Axel said, standing stark naked, facing Louis who gave him a frown.

"I'm not gonna do that" he stated simply, which Axel found annoying.

"This isn't what she needs right now, can't you see her condition?" Axel said, getting impatient by every passing minute.

 He just fought for her and all he wants is to take her back, besides he's her fake boyfriend, isn't he supposed to take care of his girlfriend? Why the hell is Louis opposing it? He cannot let another, protect her.

"Yes, you are right, she doesn't need you in her life, you are a weakling" Louis said, as he got up still carrying her.

"What did you say?!" Axel asked, angrily.

"What you gonna do, wolf boy?" Louis asked.

"There you are, what happened? We were looking for you guys everywhere" Mary asked and also glanced at Axel's body. 

 She wasn't the only one, the whole class group was also running beside her, as they stood by her side, watching the scenario.

 First, Louis was carrying Eleanor and then Axel was naked, what the hell happened?

"Eleanor is bleeding!" Hannah screamed as everyone concentrated on Eleanor. She was in bad shape.

"I will carry her," Axel said to Louis, who glared hard at him before giving Eleanor to him after he saw he was being put at the spot.

"Which hospital should we take her to?"

"What really happened?" 

 Came questions from different directions, as they decided to face Louis who didn't have a thing to say, they arrived in the cabin and Axel dropped her in the room, looking at her wounds that isn't healing up, he covered his eyes placing his hands on them, as he took the pains she was experiencing.

"Axel, here are some clothes, everyone is worried" Mary said, entering the room, handing him a black hoodie and joggers.

"Did you know about it?" Axel asked, as he took them and put them on.

"About what?" Mary asked.

"About a werewolf pack being in the woods.

They are right after your cabin, don't tell me you had no idea"

"The world is now a civilized place and everyone now knows of the existence of werewolves, vampires, witches and the likes, are you going to deny it?" He asked, sternly.

"I don't know what you are talking about" Mary said, without batting an eyelid.

 Axel sighed "Do you have first aid?" He asked, changing the topic.

"No," Mary said, relaxing her nerves.

"Get me a towel, some water and tell the rest to relax, she would be fine" he said to mary, who quickly went to get the items.

"Here" she said, as she gave it to him and wanted to leave.

"Wait!" Axel said to her and she turned to face him.

"You don't know Louis's a vampire?, are you also going to deny that?" he asked, cleaning Eleanor's wound who's pain had reduced drastically but she was still whimpering.

"Whatever happened, I have nothing to do with it" Mary said nervously.

"Oh, you do,"

"You have everything to do with it"

 "It's either, this cabin was sold on cut-rate or you are having an affair with the owner, which isn't my business in any way, so don't try to deny that you don't have a hand in this" he said, as he stopped cleaning when she groaned in pain.

"For, i will surely repay the favor" he suddenly said, as he glanced at Mary, glaring hard at her.

 Mary didn't say anything, as she scampered away, in fright. 

The thing was that, both of what he said was true, she had gotten the cabin on cut-price and decided to show off to her friends that she got an expensive cabin, when in reality, she couldn't afford it.

 Yes, she was born with a silver spoon and had everything she ever wanted in life but lately, her father's business had been crumbling and she, being used to this silvery lifestyle had to find a way to match up her level, which involves getting set up with different big shots.

 That's when she met the rich Alpha werewolf, who is ready to give her anything but, that's not because he loves her, no!

 He only wants her body in return and it's not like she minds anyway, she can get down with any man she likes.

 So, she has been using the opportunity quite well.

 When Mary left, Axel sighed again, and proceeded to finish cleaning Eleanor's wounds. Her body had blood scratches from being hauled along the woods, He covered her with the duvet, as he watched her sleep peacefully.

"I really need to get a better shot at protection" Axel said, staring at her.

"You were right, I'm the biggest fool of the century. No, a thousand years because that's how much time, it has been"

"Today, I realized I didn't want to let go, death flashed through our eyes,"

"Eleanor…" he called out her name, with hesitation.

"You can't leave without forgiving me, I just can't take it," he said with a husky breath.

 He then proceeded to leave the cabin and the woods, he was going to find a place to buy a proper wound treatment for her, so she doesn't have an infection.

 Getting it from a faraway drugstore, he drove back to the woods, where the cabin was and went to the room, to properly treat her wounds.


 In the early hours of the morning, he carried her out of the cabin, without waking anyone, or so he thought, not until he saw Hannah with a small grocery totebag, standing patiently by the door. 

"Hi" she waved, with a smile.

"Hi…" Axel replied, slightly confused.

"Good morning, I just wanted to check up on Eleanor and give her these, just her favorite pack of drinks, some snacks and fruits, I packed them not too long ago" she said to him, stretching the bag to him.

"Thanks" Axel said, taking it.

"It's okay, it was nice to meet you too" she said and Axel gave a nod with a smile. He walked into the woods that led to the road where his car was packed, placing her carefully on the passenger seat, she stirred and opened her eyes.

 Axel proceeded to sit in the car, starting the engine

"Where are we going?" Eleanor asked, slightly confused.

 "Back to the hotel" Axel said and Eleanor sighed.

 Throughout the journey to Lotte's, there were no words between them, Eleanor just looked out of the car and Axel concentrated more on driving.

 When they got to Lotte's palace, he stopped the car, and came down wanting to open the door for her but she had already done it.

"Thanks" Eleanor said to him, and walked past him, going into the hotel.

"Alpha" Collins called out to him, as he ran and bowed.

"Mate was in danger, yesterday," Axel blurted.

"Huh, what happened?" Collins asked, worriedly

"I will tell you on the flight" Axel said


 Axel and Collins were on the flight back to London. 

 What's incredible is that Eleanor was sitting on the left hand side already, sleeping soundly.

 Apparently, she was booked on the same flight.

"Are you just going to stare at her all day?" Collins asked with a smile, Axel didn't answer but continued his staring.

 Halfway through the flight, he went to cover her with his jacket.

 The plane finally arrived in London. 


 Eleanor felt a tap on her shoulders, as she jolted, walking up from her slumber. She noticed the jacket on her body and it smelled like Axel's.

"Ma'am, you are at your destination now," the stewardess said to her. 


 Eleanor got out and took her luggages, going out of the airport terminal, she spotted Axel who was talking to a young man and his Beta beside him, she started walking in his direction to give his jacket back to him but started feeling all dizzy, her stomach churned, the earth seemed to rotate and her view was starting to get blurry, the last thing she heard was Axel's voice yelling and his arms carrying her, as she totally blanked.

"I got you" she heard his voice whisper…

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