
Hekafucked (Star VS The Forces of Evil)

Synopsis: Four years searching for Hekapoo, Marco finally finds the real deal. But this early in, things don't quite go to plan. Not that either of them really mind.


Marco had found her. It had been four years since he had been stranded in Hekapoo's dimension. He had grown up since then too. He was a foot taller than he had been before, and way buffer. When he started out here, the biggest claim to fame he had was that he was a red belt in karate. Now he was definitely a man.

He had also encountered his fair share of Hekapoo clones too. The first few of them had gotten away from him, so he had to improvise. The first one was easy enough, he pretended to fall from a cliff. But then he pulled himself right back up and blew out her flame. The others had taken lessons and become that much more difficult. And everytime he blew them out, he cursed himself, knowing he had just wasted time for a fake.

This time though was different. He had heard of a strange white woman chilling out in a jungle. It was host to creatures that were even too wild for Mewni but by this point were chump change for him. The warm wind was strong even beyond the heat of this tropical forest, his target was a creature of fire and he knew the real deal's presence was way stronger than any of her decoys. No way it was just Hekapoo clones casually playing around.

He heard her humming some tune. He saw the faint outline of her shape through the dense foliage. He figured someone like her was going to toast the place for fun. But he didn't expect to see what he saw.

She was bathing in a secluded hot spring. Completely naked too, her hair was tied up in a bun. She was just lying her head back with her eyes closed, totally oblivious to anything around her. Just like with every clone before her, he was thinking on how to approach her without spooking her.

But it didn't take long for him to start thinking about other things. Her bust was exposed to his eyes, and the water was clear enough that he could the rest of her body underneath. He always wondered how she looked under that dress and now he saw. Big tits with an hourglass waist, and creamy fully thighs. As she was sitting there in total contentment, he saw her nipples getting hard. They were dark red, a stark contrast to her pale skin.

Eyes still closed, she smiled and played with one of her tits. Still unaware that she was being peeped on, she darted a hand down to her snatch while still fondling stroking her breast. Her humming was becoming more uneven and perverted.

Wow... was all that went through Marco's head. He suddenly realized he should try and look for a way to sneak up on her. He looked down at his clothes, they were a bit ragged from being snagged by all the branches and would only make more noise. Stealth was key here, he couldn't let this chance slip away. His burning desire for her out of nowhere causing him to actually sweat and the warmth of the jungle making it worse, it was already getting hotter than he was comfortable with. He figured he'd kill two birds with one stone by going in nude.

Too late. As he had gotten naked taking his clothes off, he turned his back to her. At that point she had by chance opened her eyes to look around. She saw his backside, tall and muscular, his whole naked body, and licked her lips.

She didn't know who he was and she didn't care. Wanting him, she got right out of the water and decided to sneak up on him. When he turned around, she wasn't in the water anymore. He gulped.

"Oh man..." he muttered to himself. Her dress was still laying on the ground next to the pond. He knew she was nearby.

He turned around just in time to see her face. She was smiling ear to ear seeing a cute guy. But it didn't take her long to recognize him.

"Fleshwad?" she said, standing up and holding her hands up, totally annoyed. "Are you fucking kidding me?"

That remark had the same bite as Ponyhead's Earth turd epithet. Even more now that he was separated from everything he used to know. But things wouldn't be that way for long.

"And this fleshwad found you." He pursed his lips ready to blow out her flame.

"Oh no you don't!" she said and slapped him right across the face, singing his mouth.

He tried to mouth an 'Ow,' sound but his lips still stung too much to articulate any real sound. He looked at her naked body, her sneaking up on him. Clearly she had a reason for doing this. And right now he wanted something other than blowing out her flame.

He grabbed her tits and pushed her down to the ground. She grit her teeth at him. "You're mistaken if you think I'm that kinky." He pinched her nipples and that angry expression melted right away and she let out a loud moan.

Marco didn't care that she might get so loud she'd alert the wild beasts here. He pushed her down onto her back and then she was under him. He had a mind to pinch out her flame and end this whole charade.

But he was still rock hard and she was looking fine. He was thinking of other things than escaping her. He pinched her nipples and she threw her head back, crying out even louder. The weather was so swelteringly hot, and still it could not compare to the heat burning in his penis. He could feel the heat of her snatch so close to his dick. Her face looked so helpless as he continued torturing her nips.

Then he jammed his cock all the way inside of her. She screamed at the top of her lungs, his dick pushed inside her walls to levels she didn't know possible. Marco let out a low grunt too, she was so damn tight, he had been meaning to finally consummate his love for Jackie back on Earth and the only thing he could think about was getting back to her. But he couldn't think about her now, he was deep inside this extradimensional creature and for his first time, her pussy felt better than he could have ever imagined.

As he was loving it, Hekapoo surprised him when she moved back on him. He gasped low, he still couldn't speak right, but his libido was getting him to make noise. She looked up at him, seeing how he was struggling to move inside of her.

"Aw, are you actually a virgin?" She was torn between laughing her ass off and moaning hysterically. Despite how he struggled to keep up with her, he had one hell of a big dick and she was enjoying every bit of it.

As time went on, he let out more noise, not caring one bit how much it hurt his mouth. He looked down at her tits, they were so big and he slapped one of them around. She looked up at him with a frustrated look that was more of a mask for how much she was enjoying it than real irritation. He felt her clinging around him, and her face faded to her real emotion, a wicked smile.

Her claws were digging into his back. He knew if she did it any harder that she might draw blood. She was at a point where he could easily pinch out her flame and still he kept on fucking her.

"God-goddamn it!" he barely said. "Oh H-Poo!"

She looked up at him. "What?"

"Ya feel so good H-Poo!"

"Don't fucking call me that!"

"Mebbe ya shoon't have hit me mouth!" He tried saying her name again but when it was too hard he just said, "H-Poo!"

"You're lucky you have such a big dick or else I'd...!" She broke off there to make a shrill squeak as he fucked her again. Her nails broke the skin of his back and she was wholly clinging to him. Her tits were roughly moving on his chest, the two of them were going at it bad.

"I'm gonna get you for that calling me that!" she said and taking initiative herself, started sucking face with him. It still hurt his mouth but at the same time it felt so damn good and their tongues were stirring deeply in each other's mouths. He had grabbed onto her bare ass and picking her up, sunk his fingers deep into it. He pushed her into the stone wall behind her and pounded that pussy harder than ever.

Their mouths parted and he looked into her eyes. He was feeling a lot more confident now. He wasn't struggling to speak anymore either. "You like that H-Poo?"

"I, uh..." He thrust into her all the way and didn't move. She was still holding onto him, letting out weak little whimpers. He was pushing against her onto the wall and she started frantically moving onto him, the tables had turned. He loved it, it seemed like her whole body was just as helpless as the rest of her, those big taters of hers rubbing up on his rugged manly chest were an indicator of her lust as was her pathetic voice. He cupped her chin.

"Do you love me H-Poo?"

"Yes! Yes, I love you Marco! Please, just fuck me already!"

He got into it again, faster than ever. He felt her claws spilling blood and it spurred closer to his own impending orgasm. They mashed their tongues up together and then she broke, weakly laying her head on his shoulder.

Neither of them could tell which came first, not then, not later on either. It seemed like they both exploded at once. She lay weakly onto him as she sank into her climax and his legs were so wracked from the energy of his nut that he fell right down onto the stone floor. He just barely stopped himself from falling onto his back. His bare butt chafed a little but he was so numb with euphoria that he didn't care.

Her flame was flickering right in front of his face. But blowing it out was the last thing he wanted. He wanted to try out other things too.

Just then he heard a commotion. He looked up and saw several Hekapoo clones surrounding them.

"Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing fleshwad?"

"Yeah, this is not cool!"

Marco just smiled like a devil and set Hekapoo down like a gentleman. "You jealous ladies? There's plenty of me to go around."

Before any of them could respond, he grabbed one of the clones and yanking her dress down, got her on all fours. Having already gotten a taste of her pussy, Marco shoved his cock right into her asshole. She was so stunned from getting her rosebud fucked, not to mention his stamina and the size of his penis, that all she could do was move along with him.

Marco had just climaxed moments earlier. But her asshole felt so damn good that he already felt on the cusp to another orgasm. He was fucking her rectum so hard that she collapsed onto the ground while her ass was sticking up in the air. He had always wondered how anal would feel, and he didn't know if it always felt this good or Hekapoo's asshole was just that good but he was having the time of his life. The size of this clone's ass and the softness of her skin felt just as good as the original. He couldn't wait to punish the original.

He was lost in the tightness of the clone's hiney when he suddenly bust his nut inside her rectum. His penis was already tingling from fooling around with the original and the ecstasy of shooting his goo inside her pooter felt even better than fucking her pussy. And to top the cherry off, he blew out her flame.

The rest of the clones blushed at seeing his dirty pecker naked right before their eyes. "Like what you see H-Poo's?" He was thinking of anything but getting away from them. He ran right at them.

The original Hekapoo came to. When she looked up, she saw Marco standing up with one of the clones sitting on his shoulder, his face was deep in her snatch, while another one was down on her knees sucking him off. She was getting so turned on watching it. She wanted to urge her clones to try and stop him, to fight him.

But as she kept on watching it, she knew they all wanted a piece of the action. Not that she was surprised, they were all extensions of her. She knew it wouldn't be long before he blew out each and every one of them, and then she'd be powerless before him. Seizing her chance, she made her getaway.

Not before she took one final glance. He had blown out the two that he was just having fun with and now had grabbed two more and were forcing them to kiss. Then he moved them downward so that they were both tit fucking his dick and slobbering all over each other.

While he was into it, the original snuck up behind him and slapped the back of his head. "Take the mark of Hekapoo son!"

He didn't answer, he couldn't, his mouth was still hurting. The endorphins of sex were wearing off and he was feeling his physical limitations. Marco just glared at her. Then she smiled and made off away. He would have chased after her on the spot, but he still had business with the two clones servicing him. And there were still many more to please.

Every single time Marco found the original hiding away in some remote location, things would go much the same way. She wasn't able to resist him and his cock proved to be too much for her. Her clones would always provide a distraction and he fucked each and every last one of them out of existence.

After awhile, they both abandoned all restraint and it became a game to them. The two horny idiots would roll around the floor, making out and doing as much as they pleased before she'd sic her clones on him, just as weak to Marco dick as the original. Needless to say if Star hadn't interrupted their last meeting, he would have thrown his dimensional scissors away and they would have gone at it well before he ever returned home.


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