
A Slimy Quest (Original)

Synopsis: Julius Rockefeller has come of age and is ready to leave his hometown to pursue his destiny. However his first encounter is not a measly slime but a sexy slime girl! Unable to defeat her in proper RPG combat, his journey was over before it started.


Julius Rockefeller was a simple boy living in an ordinary village. It was not a big city and it wasn't the sticks. Instead it was just your average humble hamlet in the middle of the woods with people of all trades, from blacksmiths to tailors, apothecaries and tavern keepers. And of course there were farmers too.

Julius Rockefeller was not so normal for a simple boy living in an ordinary village, but then again, young men in such circumstances and such places were hardly normal. Namely, he wanted to leave his simple home life and become a great hero. Slay dragons, meet princesses, and in general live one hell of an awesome life.

"Son!" said his father. "You should stay here and help me manage the family farm!"

"No father! I am a man now! Adventure calls me! That's how every story starts. I will leave this simple village and return as a man, famous and rich beyond my dreams! I only have fifty gold pieces! When I come back I will have millions of gold pieces!"

"Gold pieces. Our fantasy world has gold pieces and you complain of being poor. You know what's out there? Bandits. Monsters. The plague!"

"That won't get to me!"

"That's because they survived to tell the tale. They have as some would put it, plot armor. Nobody wants to hear the tales of all the common townsfolk and NPCs whose bones the real heroes would find on their journey."

"Enough father! I have my sword..."

"That's a butcher's knife you use when helping your mother cut up vegetables for dinner."

"And I have my suit of armor!"

"Those are padded clothes that didn't even protect you from the horse kicking you."

"With my equipment I will go out and become stronger! Soon all will sing the name of Julius Rockefeller!"

With that, he proudly left the village. His father sighed. He hoped his idiot son would be back in time for dinner. Fool didn't even have himself any breakfast.


Julius Rockefeller didn't make it far before he encountered his first monster. He had just left the safety of his home woods and was out in the big scary open world. He was out in a big grassy clearing. It was so much different from the woods he grew up in, the sky was all around him! He couldn't wait to see the world and make the name of Julius Rockefeller famous!

But his journey was cut short when he saw a big slimy blue puddle on the dirt road. It was in the way and he wasn't just going to go around it. On the grassy fields around this safe and trod path, there were probably even more dangerous monsters like oversized rabbits and scary dogs that would growl at him. He would have to start slow before getting into more dangerous territory like them. He steeled himself.

"So this is my first monster. It will be the first of many on my long and heroic journey."

He raised his tiny little butcher knife and charged at it, making the most menacing battle cry he could. But that changed when he saw it raise it's blob like form up and balling itself up, whacked him right in the face. It was such a loud wallop that he was knocked right to the ground.

But he was undaunted and got right back up. "That the best you got, monster?"

"Do you want me to be worse?"

It was a woman's voice. He didn't know where it came from, and that got him off guard. Let alone how sensual and smooth it sounded. He looked around, fervently searching for it.

"Who's there?"

"I'm right here." The slime monster rose up further until it was about as tall as he was. Then it took on a humanoid shape, still maintaining it's blob like form where it's knees would extend to it's calves. Julius Rockefeller still didn't know what to do, but he was definitely sure it was looking at him. The humanoid form was featureless.

Then he heard that same feminine giggle again. The blank humanoid form continued to fill out and he saw a definite pair of breasts form on the chest. From behind it's head came a long curtain, resembling hair. And the face changed, forming a small button, a definite pair of lips, and two big eyes gazing right at him.

"What in the..." He didn't know what was more surprising, seeing this creature assume a humanoid face or just attractive it looked. He could see the surrounding area, the sky, the sun, and some of the dirt path too, reflected in her transparent surface like thick misty glass.

"So. Do you want me to be worse?"

"This is an illusion of some kind, monster! You can't really be a...a..."

"A girl?" she said, cutely batting her eyelashes at him with an innocent grin on her face.

"Y-yeah, that's right! You're just a monster! That's just a shape that you're taking!"

"No, this girl was just stretched out on the ground enjoying herself when you had to bother me." She held her arms and stretched out. "And now I'm pretty angry. But..." She looked down, saw him pitching a tent in his pants. "Maybe there's something you can do to make up for that."

"Like what?" he said, still totally oblivious.

"Give me some of that tasty fleshy meat," she growled, sliding on closer at him. "You ever been with a girl before?"

"What? Well, I uh..."

"Because this pussy will feel way better than any fleshy human girl will." She grabbed one of her tits and opened up where her pussy would be and made a long breathy moan only a woman could. He wasn't doubting any longer that this monster was female.

He didn't have a quip for that one. He was still searching for the words when the monster girl was rushing at him with her gelatinous puddle. Before he could get his guard up, the creature had him down on the ground.

His wrists were bound up in two thick gelatinous blobs. The substance was thick enough on it's own but encased within her confines, he could feel her tightening her grip on his arms. He resisted it as much as he could, but her goo was so thick and his hands were so bound up that eventually she won out and he had no choice but to drop the knife. Then he watched her form a small tendril and pick it up like she was amused, before she tossed it aside.

"Vile monster! You've taken away my sword! But I assure you my fist is more than enough to take on a demon like you!"

She looked back down at him. "You've got a way sharper sword than that, hero."

"My name is Julius Rockefeller and..."

"Yeah, yeah, nobody cares what your name is." Still holding him down, she formed a tentacle and massaged the lump in his pants. He gasped feeling her touch him there. She formed an evil smile on her face before she moved the lower mass of her body so it was entirely on top of him.

They had locked eyes. With that much of her on top of him, he could feel her massaging his crotch with her big mass. That close, he could see her big slimy tits hanging right over his face. Small droplets were dripping right onto his skin. He didn't know whether to be angry or to be turned on.

"You can lick it up you know," she said. "I'm sure you'll find that us slime girls taste great."

"But...but I'm going to be a legendary hero and..."

She suddenly broke out and cackled into a fit of laughter. "Give me a big kiss hero!" He wasn't ready for the speed in which she locked lips with him. She really wasn't that fast, any true experienced hero would have been able to dodge her easily. But a beginner level one scrub like Julius Rockefeller was no match for her and their faces were right up against each other.

Her big lips were practically sucking in his face. He tried to escape her, but she kept herself bound tight on his wrists. Not to mention she was still massaging his crotch. With each big wet slobbery wet kiss she gave him, a little bit of her slipped into his mouth. And as much as he hated to admit it, she really did taste great. A mix of sweet and sour candy that was totally thick on his tongue.

Between her forcefully kissing him and massaging his junk, a strange sweetness washed over him. Before he knew it, he stopped trying to his hands free of her grasp. He wasn't kissing back, but he couldn't deny in his mind just how good her mouth felt on his.

Her tongue slipped deep into his mouth. She was eagerly tasting his mouth, and as much as he hated to admit it, her tongue was so good and tasted so good. Before he knew it, he was kissing her back, long in the sweet tangy sensations. He was also getting pretty hard too.

She moved her face up and looked down at him. There was a big blue slimy kiss mark on his face where her lips were, not to mention all the little slime droplets on his face. With that much of her on top of him, she let go of his wrists.

"You should see your face Jackoff Rockcock."

"I'm telling you it's..." He couldn't speak clearly, both from shock as well as all of her substance that much on his lips. He licked it up without thinking and was paralyzed from how good she tasted. And then he swallowed some of it before he even realized it, feeling it go right down his throat. He blushed realizing what he just did. He had to try and save face somehow. "My name is, uh...J-Julius Rockefeller..."

"You've got a big rock in your pants." She grabbed the hem of his pants with the mass under her knees on top of him and pulled down his pants. He gasped feeling his skin directly touch her cool embrace, although the cooling sensation was nothing compared to how good his hot manhood felt within her gelatinous confines.

"H-holy shit..."

She moved her torso up so her tits were right in his face. "Eat my titties hero!"

He tried to say something, to find the words, but even in his mind he doubted whether he really wanted to fight her anymore. He naked member was getting harder against her cool texture, and he felt it slip inside of her. And then cupping his face, she looked down at him like a loving mother.

He sucked on her tit. It was the first woman's breast he ever had in his mouth. Whatever doubt he had left in his mind gave way to sheer lust and he sucked all over it the way only young virgin lovers can do in the heat of their desires. He would suck on it, he would lick all over it, feeling how strangely hard her nipple was even with her being a slime creature, and he would even bite into it more than a few times. But more than anything, he was surprised just how thick and consistent her body was while he was eating her chest.

And he wasn't just a beginner hero either. He was a beginner in the pleasures of the flesh. As he was going crazy with the slime girl, his penis still encased in her confines, he found himself getting more and more excited until he cried out from eating her breast and screamed as loudly as he could, bursting his load within her. He had never felt something so amazing before.

He was laying back, taking it all in. He was filled up with a wild giddiness and let out a loud whoop of joy. She on the other hand wasn't so happy. She put her hands on her hips.

"That all you got, hero? Because that wasn't even a handjob." Just then she did give him a handjob, covering his penis in her blue slimy sheen.

"Um...o-okay..." He was just getting hard again. "But I don't think that will be enough..."

"Your first monster encounter and you're dying already? Don't worry, I know healing magic."

She winked and got herself lower. Holding her breasts, she wrapped them right around his dick. He gasped feeling the cool slimy yet solid texture of her wet tits around his pecker.

"It's getting so much bigger..." she cooed seductively and rubbed her face all over it. "There really is nothing like a nice flesh and blood dick."

He was about to say something. The absurdity of mounting a comeback when a weak little slime monster had him down on the ground and made him cum didn't exactly occur to him. But then he couldn't do much thinking at all when she took him into his mouth.

She felt so damn good. He already knew how good her tongue felt in his mouth but now her whole mouth was sucking him off. Since she was a slime creature, his penis in her mouth felt like it was in a cool and thick pile of pudding, and with her tongue getting into the mix too, it was like his dick was getting attacked by a long slippery eel. Her tits felt great too, they were massaging his shaft perfectly, lubricating it in her thick substance. He was thrashing all over the place lost in a fit of delirious pleasure.

As he felt on the cusp of his second nut, he looked up. She was looking intently into his eyes was fellating him. The thing that really surprised him though was that he could see his penis reflected inside of her transparent face. She kept on bobbing her head back and forth while going down on him.

That vision of his penis in her mouth coupled with seeing her suck him off at the same time broke him and he grunted again, blowing his first load in her mouth. The first nut he had was something else, being immersed in her substance was something else, but it was nothing compared to that sweet blissful texture vacuuming up his penis like it was a piece of meat. She kept on sucking him off even as he came.

He looked at her again, and saw her eyes were just as calm as ever. But her mouth was still sucking him off that good. And as he looked closer, he saw his cum in her mouth and move on down her transparent throat into her stomach as she swallowed it. It got just him so much more turned on.

When she took him out of her mouth, she raised herself over him again. His dick was rock hard again, he couldn't believe it, but then again, his main focus wasn't on becoming a hero anymore. It was fucking this woman.

"You had an accident inside of me earlier," she said. "But that wasn't even my pussy. How about you give me that thing for real?" She moved herself up closer so her thighs were up above him and he saw the faint lines of vaginal lips there. Her substance was still dripping on him.

"Oh hell yes."

He grabbed her slimy hips and moved her down on him. He was surprised by how his fingers slipped into her, her substance was so thick and felt so wiggly on his digits. Not that it bothered him, not after everything else.

Whatever boyish enthusiasm he had in the face of her diminished as he gasped again. He was just looking for some more action but the feeling of her pussy was nothing compared to when his dick slipped inside her foot puddle or even how she was sucking him off just then. That slime pussy of hers was tight, warm, and very wet.

She was moving on him pretty fast but he was still sitting there, taking it all in. It was a mix of his inexperienced and her working on him so good he really couldn't do anything else. She suddenly slammed herself down on him so that he was in all the way. She looked down at him.

"That the best you can do? How about you really use that penis on me?"

She moved herself down on him slowly. That wicked look in her eyes, her tits dangling in front of his face, the way she teased him, he finally broke and tightened his grip on her as best he could and thrust right back inside of her. He wrested his hands free of her sides and sank them into her big breasts. She giggled and threw her head back in undoubted pleasure, she looked so beautiful to his eyes reflected within the great sunlight.

She lowered herself and stuck out her tongue again. He moved his head up and their lips locked in another disgusting kiss. Her tongue viciously invaded his mouth and he kissed back with vicious passion, there was nothing resembling technique. He could faintly taste his semen on her, but he didn't care, she just felt so good.

He broke his head back and grunted, cumming inside of her again. This time she shrieked too as his semen filled her up, he felt her slime cunt tighten badly all over his dick, and the two of them melted into that mutual climax. He grunted bad, he was already surprised by the heights of his pleasure that he had reached, but that one was something else.

He was filled up with a new wild energy. He saw her raise herself up, more of his semen was floating inside her from that last nut before it dissipated within her. He realized that she was consuming it like food.

Then she flipped herself around. Her ass was just as shapely as anything else and she looked back at him suggestively. She pulled open her ass cheeks to reveal what was definitely an asshole.

"Um...why do you have an asshole? Because you're a..."

"Slime girl?"

"Well yeah..."

"Kid, I'm a slime girl and this is a smut fic. How about you focus on the important things?"

"Works for me!"

He got up and positioning himself over her, slammed his cock right inside of her pooter. She yelped, but he only shouted out loud in sheer happiness. Her asshole was definitely the tightest part of her.

It was so intense that she couldn't even move back against him. On the other hand, he was fucking her hard and fast, he was surprised that her anus was even more slick and wet than the rest of her and he was easily able to really get into a rhythm of pounding her good. He reached over to grab her tits, he couldn't get enough of her, and he was grabbing onto her so hard that his fingers almost slipped deep past the surface and into her body. With her not moving at all, the roles had clearly shifted.

She hooked an arm around his neck to keep herself steady from his rapidfire pounding. Grinning, he leaned further and licked all over her wet back, taking in her taste and loving it. He got a bit more of her in his mouth and he happily swallowed it down. She could only weakly turn her face to meet his and stick out her tongue to meet his. He on the other hand was practically eating her face, and he felt bits and pieces of her wriggling down his throat as they were going at it.

She had to turn away from it from how bad he was plowing her. He was also reaching his limit and made deep sounds like he was an animal. He burst his final load for the day, shooting all his cum inside her. He felt her asshole twitching around his dick as he came inside her and made sure to keep it lodged in there for both their pleasure. He never thought he'd not only fuck a monster but even go so far as to make her cum in her asshole.

For several moments she stood up there. In her current position, he couldn't see the reflection of the sun too well in her anymore. There was so much cum floating inside her body that her complexion if you call it had become cloudy. Then she slumped to the ground, clearly defeated. Seeing her in that state, he jumped around and cheered. "Oh yeah, that was my first enemy defeated! This is clearly the beginning of my great adventure!"

Julius Rockefeller would return to his village that same day, announcing his plans to give up any ambitions of being some hero on a typical fantasy adventure. Instead he would be the hero of a farming simulator, raising crops and being rich. And he would sneak out to fuck the local slime girls every now and then too. His cock grew stronger with every encounter, and with every level up it only got bigger.

On the other hand, the actual world saving heroes just saw him as a nuisance. As he grew in fame and wealth in his hometown, he would become known in certain circles as Jackoff Rockcock, a known pervert who would hire powerful warriors for protection from all the ten foot tall minotaurs and beasts of burden while he tagged along as a basic bitch escort mission NPC who would royally fuck all the monster girls on the side. And when he opened the gates to hell just for a chance to fuck some hot succubus pussy, things went south fast. He was killed off by the final boss as some kind of comedic relief character whose death was supposed to evoke drama as the story got serious all of a sudden, but really, everyone was cheering the big bad demon lord then. Dumb fuck didn't even wear protection.


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