
Severing Echoes

1. Everything written here is fictitious 2. Updates vary on my mood 3. Meh... (read at your discretion) 4. pls, Keep expectations minimal 5. This a Fanfic (ig) 6. Don't own any respective series and or content and is solely for MY fanfic story that I refrence toward those. Each individual series and or content used or referenced belongs to their own repsective creator\owner. I only own my MC. hmm... 7. 'Yeet' in the comments if you-yeah. ;p

Snow_Lux · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Chapter 3


Closing the driver seat door, Freya stood in all her glory as her short hair swayed in the passing breeze while having parked the car near a diner in a small town. At the same time, Allie, Mary and Athena stood out as all four looked like quadruplets. 

"Mind telling us why we are here, Allie?" Freya spoke while Allie raced her eyes from one side to the other at a rapid pace. "Allie!"

"Huh?" Allie snapped from her stupor and glanced at the three girls. "Oh! Right, well… I thought we should take a rest here for a while. "

("What are you planning?")Freya thought suspiciously as the other two were of the same mind. "You won't tell us, fine. But I'm going to keep my eye on you while we are here. Got it?"

"Yeah, sure-sure… do whatever floats your boat. "Allie turned and walked around the glass windows as she entered the diner while the other three followed suit but heforr Allie stopped midway through the door and raised her voice slightly with an innocent smile. "Oh, by the way, we'll be here for at most a year. K~"

The three stood monetarily stunned but before anything else" Mary just moved ahead as it did not reply bother her much as Athena followed behind and then eventually Freya all the while trying to figure out what was so special about the seemingly innocent little town.




"Mmm! These pancakes are so good!" Spoke Athena as she had taken on a trait to be the more cheerful one in the group. Mary dabbed a napkin on Athena's lips as she had also taken another peculiar characteristic closely resembling that of a caring mother. Freya all the while sat back on her seat while looking around the room with a critical eye and sometimes subconsciously flashing a playful smile at the other pretty girls inside. Allie… was Allie.

"Should we book at a motel?" Mary broke the silence as things had been rather tense since the episode the night before and with the revelation that they'll be staying put for at most a year. Having said what the other two were already thinking. Freya looked from Mary to Allie as she had been unanimously deemed as the group's leader by that point no matter what either or the whole group thought as the choice was similarly made out of instinct. 

Seeing them for a flash second, Allie's gaze flickered in light and soon smiled as she turned to the three and relayed she just booked a room at a motel down the road while going back to what she was doing before. 

"Here you go~"An nice looking waitress soon dropped off the trio's plates as they ordered burgers and steak and a small basket of biscuits. 

Freya lifted the burger and took a loving bite out of it as she flicked the corner of her lip with her thumb while she chewed. Allie, being creepy, began skillfully cutting the steak while not looking down for a second. Mary was enjoying a nice cup of hot coffee while eating a small biscuit as Athena was halfway done eating her stacked pancakes.

From around the diner, all eyes seemed to be on the weirdly sexy and beautiful cast of identical girls near the window as they each enjoyed their meals. The four had caused a scene but whether it was a good or bad thing, remained to be seen. 


After their meal, the sun was cast pretty high in the sky as it was still early in the morning. The four had checked into the motel and although they had the money, Allie played it tactical and spent on a single room. Freya seemed to agree with the idea ever since thinking back to the past day and that their enemies were most likely still looking for them. While Allie was seated on the center of the bed while staring at the wall, Athena swiftly fell asleep while Mary looked around and found an old bible but still in good condition on the nightstand and began reading it. 

"Where are you going?" Spoke Mary to Freya as she had taken Mary's bag she used to head to the village a few days before as she had emptied the contents in the trunk of the car which was also at the hood of the car.

"To train. "Freya said in a calm and matter-of-factly kind of way while turning to look at Athena and Allie. "Someone has to keep ready at all times to keep us safe and I guess that's me. "

"... I'll go with you-" Freya put her hand up and stopped Mary as she then smiled and shook her head lightly. "Are you sure?"

"Hm. Besides, I want to be alone for a bit. I'll be back by dinner and we can all head to the diner then. "Freya spoke while getting a light and worried nod from Mary. "Be back soon~"

"See you~" Mary replied as the door opened revealing a bright light shd then just as fast, it faded with the closing of the door. "Haaah… she can learn to be more honest sometimes. "

Outside, Freya stood staring up into the blue clear sky and after a slight pause, dropped her head and began walking down the road and towards the small gym they had passed when entering the small town. 





As Freya was in a meditative state in a rather glamorous room overlooking the small town, a whole year had gone and passed while the group stayed put. 

In the small town in New Mexico, Mary had gained a porcelain completion and a saintly vibe after delving into religion with a silver cross around her neck and a red rosary around her right wrist. Mary had also joined a small community church and helped out from time to time and the locals took a liking to her and knew of her three other sisters. Mary now wore a slightly modified black gown that Nuns used however, despite having found her faith, her old life had left a scar too deep which made Mary walk a tightrope for both good and bad. Although Mary looked sweet and harmless, under her gown, was an entire arsenal of knives, guns, and poison needles in case she ever needed to defend herself and her family from their enemies.  

Athena on the other hand, developed an emo/hipster vibe which suited her and her cheerful personality. Unlike Mary, Athena turned to online games and like Mary, she herself bordered on the line of having a social life and being a NEET while having Mastered the art of trash talking. Athena wore pink and purple clothes and had also dyed her hair in rainbow highlights that brought out her childish personality while still also being able to wield two Katanas she had bought online. Athena had turned to properly train in Japanese martial arts and beer in the path of a true Samurai… ish. 

"Hiya! Hiya! Hi-"


"Oh Shi-" Two-thirds of her monitors blitzed in electricity and half their screens fell apart like butter.

Meanwhile, Freya had taken to mastering multiple fight styles and learning techniques as well as wielding any weapon she could get her hands on in any situation. She focused on a Spartan-style training while retaining her bad-girl personality. Unlike the other two, Freya swung the other way and found other girls attractive. She herself was surprised by it but the others sighed and nodded hopelessly as they could already tell within the first days grouping together that she liked girls. 

Freya stuck with leather and latex as she preferred to be able to move and breathe as she fought. Ready for almost anything, Freya kept her body well toned and on her body, not a single speck of fat could be seen as she had muscles in all the right places while retaining a lean and sexy look.

As for Allie, she herself had gained slight progress in regaining the energy that she lost a year prior during that surprise jump. Although, when she did flee with the other three, her body became slightly damaged from persistently using her spirit energy and had to wait until her body naturally healed itself before she could attempt another Cosmic Jump. 

Although now healed, Allie decided to spend a bit of time in the current universe as she had taken to the ever mysterious world where there were always buried secrets waiting to be unearthed. 

Her new body rather as well as the other soul inside her in random with The Red Queen, was Layla as previously named by the whole group and decided finally upon by Allie herself. Layla often resurfaced from time to time as her spirit would take several years before she could be considered healthy enough to roam outside freely. However, until then, she could only appear for a few hours at a time before she uses up her limited soul energy and resumes her slumber for weeks and months on end as she is slowly growing stronger as time passes. 

At the moment, Allie was wearing a blue robe like the kind from Wuxia novels and movies. A light-blue sash surrounded her waist and although she was wrapped in many layers of luxurious cloth, her body could breathe and move as any natural fighter could in the ring. She herself carried a stainless steel sword in its extravagant sheath that was stronger than any steel or known element in existence as the sword itself was one created by Allie's very own soul. It would take another cosmic force to break her sword and even then, it would have the equivalent of an entire planet exploding to even put a crack on her sword. 

Allie let her hair grow out as she became more Ethereal with the continuous use of her spirit energy which was slightly altering her appearance day-by-day. 

If all four were to get together, many would still think they look old similar but no one would mistake them as sisters at first glance. 

Sitting before a wall of dark glass, Allie felt a disturbance in the skies not far from the town in the middle of the night. Opening her flickering eyes, the passing numbers soon stopped and revealed a bright and cold yet, amused emerald pair of half-hooded eyes. With the corners of her cherry colored luscious lips curving upwards, a moment passed and all fell silent…

Until Allie stood up from her Lotus stance that she had maintained for the past 4 months as well as the entire year with the regular exception of Layla taking possession of her body. Walking forward, Allie raised her hand as the silky sleeves slid down her arm and her hand touched in the bulletproof glass and reinforced window. 



Spider-like webs began spreading at an alarming rate and soon, the entire window shattered as a breath of cool air flooded inside the room. Allie stood with a smile on her face as she let her energy flair and in that moment, the three sisters could see ominous dark clouds gathering in the sky further beyond the horizon when all of a sudden, a bright white and light-green light began to fill and pierce into the sky despite it being night causing an artificial aurora anomaly above the entire town.

The three sisters scattered all around the town all then turned to the direction of Allie where the light was brightest as the three sisters all simultaneously both mirroring the same serious expression and muttering the same exact word cried;








I wrote it within the past hour and a half after updating the last one...

I will probably update the rest of this chapter in a few days... (maybe)

yeet ;)

p.s. do people even read these (A/T)??


Snow_Luxcreators' thoughts