
Seventh Reincarnation (SR)

Name: Seventh Reincarnation Author: Andi Candra Genre: Action, Romance, Immortal, Male Protagonis, Overpowerd Synopsis: Brandon is just an ordinary young man who can be found anywhere among the 8 billion people on earth. However, the Third World War broke out, and he was killed along with other civilians. After his death, he found himself in a dark place without light. Just when he thought he would spend his time in the boundless shadows, he finds himself reincarnated into an anime world. Brandon thought he would reach the pinnacle of life, have great wealth, and be surrounded by beautiful women. But that was just a mere delusion, he died at the age of one month after his reincarnation. Then, he kept reincarnating again and again, but always ended up dying young. Brandon's behavior changed his destiny?

Takamiya_Shin · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
154 Chs

Establishing a Contract with Restia

"Ars, slow down!"

Restia complained because their movement speed was too fast, she couldn't even open her eyes because of the wind pressure.

Hearing this, Ars slowed down his speed a little, but every time he jumped, the ground he stepped on would form a crater and his figure was invisible to the naked eye.

In just a few minutes, he had left the Zoldia Kingdom. Ars didn't stop and continued to rush forward.

Feeling helpless, Restia hugged Ars tightly like a koala so she wouldn't fall.

(This is not the reunion I expected) She felt uncomfortable remembering Ars' reaction when he witnessed Areishia's death.

(What is this feeling... My chest feels tight...)

Restia didn't know where this feeling came from. Without her realizing, Ars was no longer jumping.

"Where is this?"

In a quiet forest where moonlight shone through the leaves, Restia saw a clear lake in front of her.

"How much longer do you want to hug me?"

Ars' voice sounded in Restia's ears.

"This is our first meeting after two years, you treat me so coldly, Ars."

"Never mind, I'm not in a good mood."

Seeing her refusing to let go, Ars lifted Restia with one hand and put her on his shoulder.

"Woah, you don't know how to treat women gently." Restia hugged Ars' head so she wouldn't fall.

Ars didn't respond to her teasing, he walked deeper into the forest.

Perhaps because of the bloodthirsty aura on him, no wild animals dared to approach Ars.

Animals have sharper instincts than humans, they can feel Ars is very dangerous and rush away from him.

Restia also knew Ars wasn't in a good mood, so she didn't tease him and acted obediently.

After 30 minutes of walking, the two found a hidden cave. Then Ars entered the cave.

"What are you doing here?" Restia asked as she jumped down.

"Exile." Ars answered briefly.

"Don't tell me the death of the Sacred Queen made you want to become a hermit and shun worldly things? Ars, don't do anything stupid! Human life is short, don't waste your remaining time doing this ridiculous act!"

Restia thought that Areishia's death traumatized Ars so much that he wanted to live alone until the end of his life.

"It seems, you misunderstood me, Restia. Firstly, I am not human and my lifespan is infinite. Second, the reason I went into seclusion was to recover my true strength."

Ars's chest glowed, and his Inner Physique appeared, illuminating the darkness of the cave.


Restia's pupils shrank. As a high-level Dark Spirit, she felt weak and powerless before the Inner Physique that contained divine power beyond anything she had ever seen. Even she was sure, the Light Elemental Lord Alexandros was no purer than the thing in front of her.

"Who exactly are you, Ars..."

Restia looked at him with a complicated look. Unfortunately, Ars no longer cared about it and entered meditation with the Sacred Sword stuck beside him.

"Haaa... Now what should I do? I have nowhere to go."

Sitting in a corner of the cave, Restia hugged her knees and thought about the future.


The world would still spin even without the presence of the Demon King and the Sacred Queen.

5 years later.

In spring, Restia sat in front of the cave door and enjoyed the beauty of the blooming flowers. Looking back, she saw Ars still maintaining his meditation position.

"He really isn't human... He hasn't eaten or drank for several years. Apparently, he doesn't need food like humans do."

15 years later.

In summer, Restia supported her face with her hands and focused her attention on Ars.

"Hey, Ars, how much longer do you want to meditate? I'm lonely, you know!"

She poked his cheek hoping to get a response. However, Ars was like a stone statue and did not react. Restia even suspected that the man would have died if it weren't for the fact that he was still breathing.

"Sigh~... You bad man, you ignore me. But why... Why can't I leave you?"

30 years later.

In autumn, Restia took a walk in the forest and saw the leaves changing color.

"How long is he going to lock himself up in the cave?"

Picking the fruits on the tree, Restia returned to the cave, hoping that Ars would wake up and eat the food prepared by her. Although most of the fruit will rot because no one eats it.

50 years later.

In winter, Restia lit a fire in the cave, she did this so that Ars wouldn't get cold. After all, she didn't know whether the other party really had infinite lifespan as he claimed.

"Hope this keeps you warmer."

Restia used her black wings to wrap Ars's body.

"I hope you wake up quickly, Ars. I am lonely without you."

Closing her eyes, she hugged him tightly.

The cave was quiet, only the sound of the fire burning wood and the cold wind coming in from the cave door could be heard.

Suddenly, Ars opened his eyes after 50 years of meditation.

"It took 50 years to recover the Rinnegan, my luck is unreliable."

"Ars! Finally, you woke up!"

Hearing that voice, Restia opened her eyes. Her facial expression showed joy.

"Your eyes..."

When she looked into his eyes, she was stunned to see the change in Ars's eyes. It wasn't blood red with three tomoe like before, but rather a ripple pattern that spread throughout the eyeball.

"Thank you for accompanying me, Restia." Ars spoke softly.

Even though he entered meditation, Ars did not interrupt his perception of the outside world. He could feel all of Restia's treatment of him.

Honestly, his heart was very touched. If it weren't for Areishia who filled his heart, Ars would have fallen in love with Restia.

"Stupid stupid stupid! You evil, cruel, heartless man! You let me wait 50 years!"

Restia hit Ars' chest without much strength, that was her way of venting her complaints all this time.

"You should just go and leave me. There's no need for you to suffer all this time..." Ars felt guilty.

Restia looked up and looked into Ars' eyes seriously.

"Hey, Ars, make me your Contracted Spirit."

"No need, you have been used by Solomon. You are free, we don't need to be tied to anyone anymore." Ars shook his head and refused.

In fact, Ars didn't need to rely on Spirits to gain power. Anyway, his power was already so overpowered, there was no need to form a contract with a Spirit.

Currently, he managed to recover 22% of his true strength, and the cracks in the Inner Physique gradually disappeared.

"Didn't you say you weren't from this world? Take me away from this world, I want to be with you and have the opportunity to go to various worlds. There's no place for me in this world, it's better to be with you, isn't it?"

Restia's grip on Ars' clothes became stronger. If rejected, she will most likely run away and cry.

"Okay, don't regret it in the future."

Remembering that Restia had accompanied him for 50 years, Ars couldn't bear to refuse her request.

(Just consider her my travel companion. It's nice to have someone accompanying me for eternity)

Then, the two of them immediately entered into a contract.

A crescent-shaped Spirit Seal appeared on the back of Ars' hand, while Restia transformed into a Vorpal Sword that displayed an ethereal splendor.

Straight sword for one-handed use. Arouses admiration for its beauty in those who see it, but leaves an unpleasant impression.

"It's time to resurrect Areishia."

The Vorpal Sword in Ars's hand disappeared, he let Restia remain in the Spirit Seal temporarily.

"Areishia we will meet soon."

Filled with anticipation, Ars made a handprint.

"Rinne Tensei no Jutsu (Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique)."

In the next second, from the ground appeared the King of Hell. However, nothing happened.


Ars' furious scream was heard by everyone in the Ordesia Empire.

Read more chapters here: bit.ly/Candra12

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