Anna, Violet, and Quilla stood off to the side of us.
Quilla kept wiping at her eyes like a doting parent watching her only child being married off.
I found it comforting since my actual parents weren't here.
Polly cleared her throat. "Now is the time of restoration. Our land has waited for this day for more than a thousand years. To be a part of this mending is - "
"Twixit. By all that is magical, wait!" Quilla jumped in front of Leo and me, waving her hands in the air.
Sparkles flew everywhere, causing her to sneeze.
"What is it?" I asked, concerned.
"You aren't dressed for a wedding."
I looked down at my basic human clothing and shrugged.
"It's okay." It really wasn't.
I wanted to look gorgeous on my wedding day even if I wasn't marrying the man of my dreams.
But how I looked wasn't as important as getting married and making things right in the land.
"It is not okay." Quilla stomped her foot, speaking words I didn't understand.