
The Determination

Wisnu spent five months on Earth observing the entire pattern of Kendari training. The girl trained very efficiently and was also never afraid of criticism. Sometimes, Janu brought some of the other Berawa members to do various kinds of fights, either three on one or even more than that, to deal with all the bad possibilities that could happen if Kendari went alone out of shield.

The girl was able to beat a group's one-on-one fights, even being able to defeat some of Wisnu's members. But again, she could never win against Janu, let alone Langit or Wisnu. No matter how hard she trained or how much she tried to find fault with those old men, she still couldn't beat the people who were at Janu's level.

"It still takes a long time; it's too soon for her to beat Janu." That's what Wisnu thought.