
The Announcement 

On that day, Putra was the last person to open his eyes after Edwin failed to stop Arta and Jane from surviving longer in their hiding place. Edwin knows that opening the giant gate will cause various chaos from the Yamani residents who have not seen humans for a long time. They will definitely not be controlled and will continue to cause havoc until the Candrasa can stop the big chaos.

Putra woke up at the same time as a black leaf fell from his forehead and a mini-sized person flew in front of his face. He blinked many times, then looked around before finally finding Edwin, who was still smoking not far to his left, leaning against the body of a red-leafed pine tree.

"Before you ask, we are in one universe in my little house." Edwin just opened his voice casually without turning to look at Putra, "And more information I can tell you is, Arta and Jane left about three days ago."

"How long did I sleep?" asked Putra slowly.

"Five days."

Putra was silent, but Edwin only glanced at him and took another sip of the cigarette perched between his lips. "You can do whatever you want. I don't really care, anyway... human nature is always like that, right? Stubborn."

"What th-"

"You still can't remember anything? Or you just don't want to accept the reality?" cut Edwin to make Putra silent.

He knows. He remembered everything that was going on in his head. Cuna's death, what Arta did, Jane's hurt expression, all led to the insane catastrophe that made no sense inside his head. He knew, he remembered all those crazy things.

Putra ... just thought that it might just be a bad dream.

However, the mini-superhuman who flew up approached Edwin and sat on his shoulder. The snippet of red smoke that Edwin exhaled, and the atmosphere around him, was definitely not something he could think of as a mere dream.

Things like that seemed to have become a common sight in his five senses.

"What happened to Jane … and Arta?" he asked doubtfully.

Edwin chuckled sarcastically for a moment before speaking up, the memory still etched in his head and, for some reason, making his emotions peak. He took another sip of his cigarette, then exhaled red smoke into the air to release his own annoyance.

"Arta woke up just a few minutes after I transferred the three of you into my portal. After that, he just left without saying a word. I had stopped him, but he quickly found the exit here and just left.

"He just said he had to return to the archipelago. He can't be here too long.

Two days later, Jane woke up startled and struggling to breathe, like someone who had just woken up from a nightmare. She got angrier when she saw me, and became even more mad when she realized that Arta wasn't around. She then insisted on leaving, even though I told her not to.

"Huh..." Edwin moaned subconsciously, "She really looks like her, and I hate that."

"Similar to?" asked Putra, not understanding.

Edwin shook his head a little as if he didn't want to answer Putra's question, which he considered so trivial. "Today, the outside is also safe. You can leave if you want, either looking for them or whatever. It's up to you. I brought you here because you are friends of Jane, nothing more and nothing less. But all of them are ignorant."

"Sorry..." Putra mumbled softly making Edwin chuckle a little, "and thank you for helping me. I'll probably go look for Jane first, because she couldn't have survived that easily in a world that didn't see humans as equals, could she?"

"Yes, maybe." Edwin replied simply. He knew where Jane was. He would also obviously know if the girl was alive or not, but he chose to ignore it.




"Okay. What should I do to get you to share information about Dirga with me?"

Putra kept an eye on Clarissa's feet, which were still in the lake. Another reason why he liked to make this place his hiding place was that he had also grasped his own strength. Back when he first recognized that he could become Wrena, he only thought that being immortal, having wings, and great fighting power were his strengths, but looking at the other Pillars that had specific powers made him realize that it seemed he also had those things.

His legs were still swinging in the green lake water, making himself keep floating while his eyes stared silently at Clarissa, who had just asked that question in a resigned tone. "It should be," thought Putra subconsciously. "none."

In a second, electricity rapidly propagated through the waters, causing lightning to strike and immediately envelope Clarissa, like a giant laser that emerged from the bottom of the water and stung her from the bottom up. At the same second, Putra immediately dived. Very quickly, he tried to escape from Clarissa's presence while the lightning rained down on her body.

However, in the next second, the red dot on his finger instantly formed a rope and wrapped around Putra's body, lifting him up into the air and making him stop the flow of electricity he had formed in the lake.

"Do you think … I'm that stupid?" Clarissa asked flatly.

She seemed to be surrounded by red outlines that formed a transparent tube. Putra didn't make a sound, while Clarissa just watched him silently after the lightning that had struck him a second ago had now stopped.

"Does it really take violence to make you talk?"

Putra didn't make a sound, staring in silence at Clarissa, who was still looking at him flatly from the edge of the lake with the ropes of the plan, which had now started to disappear from his body. Just before Clarissa spoke again, a white portal with a collection of snow began to appear to form a round window right next to Putra, who was still floating in the air. He was silent when a hand appeared from nowhere, followed by a pair of hands now resting and holding the owner's chin, then showing her face.

"The fuck?!" cursed Putra unconsciously.

It was a special announcement portal. Clarissa stared silently at the form of Hindia, who suddenly appeared with her graceful smile. Those thick red lips opened their voices very casually and tended to be graceful.

"To reduce the riots that occurred last year, we will inform you that… Candrasa will return to Earth to open the blue gate and re-enter humans into this sphere.

"We will start in two months and finish in one month. When the gates are about to open, one of my members will inform you ... and this time, unnecessary riots are prohibited.

"Or The Queen will be angry."

The portal was closed like scorched snow blown by the wind. Putra was silent in disbelief at the announcement, while Clarissa muttered subconsciously. "Ah … they finally started it?"

"What do you mean?!"

"As happened in Nusantara, the Candrasas are likely to do the same to Earth."

Clarisa suppressed a smirk when she saw Putra's face wanting to ask more, but before he spoke again, because his curiosity suppressed him, she first spoke. "If you want to know more, give me information about Dirga first."


"My information is never free, especially since I am a senior journalist. Of course, I know more than you."

Putra sighed softly. "Besides, my information about Dirga isn't important either." Clarissa didn't raise her voice upon hearing that, "I was in Andra's universe when I woke up from fainting after Nusantara gate was opened. I never met Dirga while I was here.

"What I remember from Edwin about Dirga is he saved my other friends because of the war in Bali. Dirga is in a different territory from me."

"Who did he move?" Ask Clarissa about it.

"All I remember … is Kintan."

"You know where Kintan is?"

"I know," replied Putra casually.

He was well aware that exchanging information with Clarissa might be like a gamble. It was either he would make a big profit because the girl in front of him was a senior journalist so that all of his information could be trusted, or he would die horribly because he knew it would be difficult to fight a Dirga-level being alone.

So he decided to make a bet with himself.