
A Difficult Reunion

Seven Deadly Sins POV

Escanor stood there, watching as the demon ran away shrugging of his attack. He could have chase after him, but he didn't want to hurt him. Ender was nice to him and didn't attack him.

"Nice work, Escanor," Meliodas said as he walked towards Escanor.

Merlin and the rest of the Sins appeared. "Hey Merlin, Captain, did you know that there are still demons living?" asked Escanor.

All of them turned to Escanor. "What are you talking about Escanor? The demon clan was destroyed in the Holy War 3000 years ago. They are all dead," said Diana. "True. I have lived for many years and I have never encountered a single demon," said King. Meliodas was shocked to hear that but Merlin and Ban listed closely to Escanor.

"Did he tell you who he was and what he did here?" asked Merlin.

"Of course. I first met him in my weak form as we bumped into each other around a corner. At first, I was afraid that he would be a vampire and would suck me dry, but it turned out completely different. Instead, he apologized and said that he was looking for an exit.

The next time I saw him in my fight against the vampire king. He came here looking out of energy and still searching for the exit. The vampire king attacked me so I killed him, but my attack flew towards him. I shouted for the demon to move as I didn't want to kill him, but suddenly my attack was redirected towards me.

I was shocked and only saw him running towards the exit. I asked him what he was, and it shocked me!" Many eyes widened as Escanor continued: "He said his name was Ender. Ender the Coward."

Meliodas POV

When Escanor said a demon was free, roaming in Britania I was determined to kill it. The coffin couldn't have opened but other seals could. I was also a traitor, so it didn't matter who it was. Then Escanor said that his attack was redirected towards him and I got curious as I did not know someone with Full Counter.

No low-level demon had the privilege to learn it. When I heard the name of the demon, I had to focus entirely to stand. Ender, my best friend who I thought was sealed away, was alive.

Merlin POV

I got curious, hearing that it was a demon and thought about him. I tried to deny that he was alive, but as soon as Escanor said his name, I knew it was him. I will surely punish him for not visiting me and also for calling me a child.

Ban's POV

It pissed me off when I heard his name. I knew that Elaine told me to forgive me, but he fled the moment we both needed him the most. Ender the Coward. Truly a name fitting for him.

King's POV

Ender. The name ran a bell but I couldn't remember it. Only when I heard that he was a coward did the memory come back.

Diana POV

I think I heard this name during my stay by the Giant, but I am not sure.

General POV

"Are you sure that this was his name, Escanor?" asked Meliodas.

Escanor nodded: "Yes, but he didn't look like I would think if somebody there was a demon. He was big and black with violet eyes shining.

"So it is him," muttered Meliodas.

"Oy captain. Do you know him? If yes, then let me have a nice little chat with him," said Ban.

"So you know him too, Ban?" asked King.

Ban nodded: "Yes, I know him dam well. He was a nice guy but the moment I and a friend needed him most he left, a coward indeed."

"You can say that again. I only remembered him now," said King.

Merlin looked at him curiously: "What do you mean King?"

King glanced at Diana: "He was there when I committed my Sin. He lived a long time with me. I considered him one of us, but then I left to find a friend. I committed my Sin. I thought nobody saw it, but then I saw Ender watching me. His face looked like he saw a massacre so I used my spell to erase his memories about me but it seemed that it backfired. Instead, I lost my memories of him."

Meliodas knew why Ender was shocked seeing a possible blood bath. Ender was a pacifist and usually never fought. If he lived through the whole Holy War and then the rest of the 3000 years, then it could change a person. Meliodas missed his friend and would do everything to meet him.

"Merlin," Meliodas looked at her.

She nodded: "I will find him, no problem."

"So you know him too, captain?" asked Ban.

Meliodas nodded: "Yes, he was my first friend when I was young. I thought he died, but it seems that he survived."

Merlin POV

He was gone. I checked around 1000 km radius, but I found nothing. 'You wait, Ender. I will make a spell that lets me summon you whenever I want.'

12 years before canon:

The Sins were having a feast after defeating a dragon. Ban tried to steal Meliodas's sword and got himself his famous scar.

Then Merlin teleported to Meliodas. "Captain, we need to talk."

All eyes were on them. Meliodas nodded. "Hey, where are you two lovebirds going," asked Ban.

Merlin just glared at Ban as both of them teleported to a different location.

Special location:

"Do you think that will work, Merlin? His commandment will negate every attack we have," said Meliodas.

Merlin nodded: "Yes it will. I seal the whole house with a barrier for teleportation. Now, if I try any normal teleportation, his commandment will reject it, but this one will do it. His commandment will be confused and he will appear here completely going through the barrier. But once he is inside, he won't be able to leave with his own teleportation. We will lock him up inside as long as he doesn't touch the barrier. We have to prevent him from touching it or the seal will crumble and he can leave."

Meliodas nodded: "Let's do it." Merlin concentrated to feel the whole Britania with her power.

Ender was in Liones having a nice chat with Bartra and Zaratras when he felt something invading his body.

'Is someone casting a spell on me. Try again next time!'

"What is wrong, Ender?" asked Zaratras.

"Ha, some stupid person tries to summon me. Well, he can try as long as he wants. It won't work."

As the spell found the right target, it confused the commandment as it felt the force trying to teleport Ender. Every other spell would be negated, but they marked his one with good intent so it did the right thing for his user. It teleported Ender to them.

At one point, Ender was taking with a Holy knight, and the next thing Ender is in a house.

"What the hell? Where am I? Stupid commandment. Always fails me when you need it the most." As Ender looked around he paled as he saw two familiar faces. Meliodas and Merlin looked at him.


"Ehh, hi, long time no see what?" said Ender having a fake smile on his face as he looked around for an exit. Both of them glanced at each other and then looked at the Enderman: "You have a lot to explain, Ender."

After 3.000 years Ender meets his friends. What will happen?

Broxhitman1998creators' thoughts