
Poor little seto

Seto has always been a very serious character, with his piercing blue eyes. He had always shown no fear, even when facing the toughest of enemies, but has Seto ever really stood up to his one true enemy? No he has not.

The man in the creepy sleeveless white leather trench coat, with the fucked up bowl mullet haircut, has never faced the one person that could finally wipe that cocky look off his stupid fucking face. God himself.

Now here me out here, sure Seto has been stunted by foes before but never to the point of shitting his gay tight black leather pants, that he then struggles to remove but can't because of his huge ass Kaiba Corp belt buckle. Seriously who dresses Kaiba?

Anyway, this is more about how I will theorize that Seto Kaiba is scared of the big man himself, GOD.

If you've continued to read this far and I've caught your attention than let's get down to he nitty gritty. Seto was first defeated by Yugi who was then turned Yami, even with his gay blue eyed lizards, he was defeated by some kid with body parts to some giant rapist looking spirit. And that sent him in such spiral that he almost lost his gay company, why blue eyes white dragon? Because he has blue eyes? That's so retarded like come on man, now I'm just shitting on kaiba, like how are you going to be that cocky and yet get your ass handed to you and then saved by yugi, but then you get mad at him for using your cards, like shut the fuck up Seto, you're trash and no one likes you.

sorry to all the Seto Kaiba fans