
Servant of the 4th Wall

When death comes, regaining the memories of your past lives was an uncommon occurrence. Because of a wish, his fate was doomed. He expected to move again from a new world. Not attracting the attention of meddlesome beings and confining him in this world as a Servant.

megurashimono · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Orleans Singularity Deviation (5)


Throne of Heroes.

  Only the best that humanity has to offer– those are ones of the qualifications to enter the throne of heroes. People that have done great deeds in their life that it has resounded through the history, or an ideal and dreams of mankind manifested are also qualified.

There was also those who aren't pure and distorted– Anti Heroes who Alaya to store in her throne of heroes.

And even some of the beast were recorded within here– through it would be a matter that needed to be threaded carefully, best to think of it in the future but not for now.

It was hard for modern people to become a Heroic Spirit. But Alaya with the agreement of Gaia decided to store a "record" within the Throne of Heroes. Not because of it's deeds on their world or it's lifetime, but because they have deemed the "record" to have the potential to be a threat.

Gaia and Alaya was usually at odds with each other, but for this one, they have agreed in a tacit agreement and decision. Store it at the throne of heroes to lock away forever.

Only the best and most unique were allowed at the throne of heroes. Having escaped their notice when it arrived at their world, and only noticed when it was already prepared to departure within the next world– it was truly an unusual and unique existence.

A travelling Samsara from world to world, never to be free from it's curse through eternity. How many lives does it lived? How many incarnations and knowledge does it contain?

Gaia and Alaya can't never understand why that "God" decided to play a trick on the poor simple human and turn him into something else.

A wish that was intentionally misunderstood. It was like Angra Mainyu playing a prank on 4th holy grail war within one of their worlds.

As a result of that wish, something inconceivable was born. Forced to live from world to world with it's limited life. Gaining memories and new knowledge. Living the life of different professions and personalities. It has done numerous deeds ranging from a simple and small to something big that it has influenced many people but would be never known in this world.

Living through world to world, it has adapted and coexisted with the rules of that world and their society. It has experience many statuses on its life.

A simple villager, salary man, a son of a noble, a prince, a white horned rabbit, a skeleton, an actor, a librarian and even living the life of a simple oak tree. Truly a wide variety of incarnations and experiences would be found within this "record".

This record was truly unique. Even through it was still imperfect since it would usually lose all of it's memories of it's past lives, maybe it's their way to cope and adapt faster within a new world.

It would regain it's memories of his past life as a young child, a teen or an adult. But never when it was born. Alaya thought that it was because it was hiding it's wrong existence within the consciousness of this worlds. It would grasp the situation, and the subconscious part of it's soul would decide if it was alright to reveal himself in that world that he wouldn't be deemed as something necessary to be erased.

A wise decision indeed. As within one of it's lifetimes, it was accused of something that it wasn't really is. It also didn't help that the most powerful existence in that world is considered to be described as "selfish" and "conceited" Goddess.

Wrongfully accused as a demon Lord during one of it's early lifetimes, How unfortunate.

But with it's decision, Gaia and Alaya didn't saw the entrance of this unique object. Only when it was the time of it's death and prepared to leave.

Subconsciously, maybe this unusual existence deemed them as too dangerous.

A unique existence that has the potential to be harmful. But if utilize correctly, it would prolong Gaia's and Alaya's existence.

A cursed existence wandering from world to world for eternity. How many lives does it live? How many knowledge and experience does it have? How many energy did it accumulate?

Truly, an existence worth to exist in the throne of Heroes.

Such as an existence that was worthy to be like or described as a Heaven's Feel. An immortal soul that was in the state of perpetual motion.

An energy worth to be kept in the throne of heroes and use to prolonged the world's existence.

But it wasn't within her desire that object to be summoned in one of the singularities. It should be just kept inside the throne of heroes forever. Not wandering around the world and serving within the side of one of the beast.

She would send an additional help to that Singularity.


Since her resurrection, one thing was only in her mind. She wanted to brought revenge to those people who have burned her. She wanted to destroy the precious country that she once cherished and protected. She discarded the weak part of her and focus on all of the hatred the she felt towards the people that she have once loved. Once a faithful believer was now a mad avenger. God had forsaken her.

She would destroy the France. With the help of Gilles and the tool that was named after the sacred chalice, that was used by the son of God. What an irony for it to be used as a tool to destroy the France. Holy Grail... Nothing of it was holy at all.

She would burn all till nothing remains. Summoning those servants and minions– But looks like there are despicable weaklings and someone who refuse to taint their hands and cling to their beliefs and morals.

She wouldn't allow it. Her order is absolute, they can't refuse her. A servant's purpose was to obey the master.

An extra freebie who does nothing but to bring trouble– He tried to escape but she have the berserk lancer punish him. He was so weak, the servant was nothing special yet she was saved by the saint who was under her command.

She despise seeing the Saint. She reminded her of her weakness and how once she was a faithful believer of God.

How hateful.

She wanted to destroy her belief. Over the time that have passed, she have them ordered to kill people and destroy. She remained strong and faithful to her God. She would also notice the faithful and weak servant following her like a puppy.

He would glare at her with Hatred everytime she tried to brought down Saint Martha at her knees and destroy her faith in God. He also does it when the pair are ordered to kill more innocent people.

The face that the weak servant made everytime he stained his hands, it was amusing. He looks like he would be broken but everytime that it nearly happened, there was the Saintess who would support him and remain strong like an older sister watching over her little brother.


After she destroy the France, she want them gone as soon as possible. But it seems like, that her plans have started to turn into disarray since those unknown factors and that other and weak her have appeared.

And now some of her tools have been defeated, including the Saint. She never really like the saint from the start so it was considered be a good riddance. Now that the weakling have arrived, it seems that he was successful in recruiting that deranged Assassin to her cause. A pity that he didn't die. He was weak, she didn't expect him to survive.

Suddenly, she got an amusing idea in her mind. She wanted to see his reaction. She wanted to see him broke this time that there was no one to support his weak and pitiful self.

At her first few words, it was like his world was broken.

She purposefully insulted the Saint just like what she have done during their previous interactions. Even without the said Saint with him anymore.

He was glaring at her. He was really a puppy. All bark but with no bite.

The sight of hate and despair was an amusing thing.

She continued.... And she regretted it.

Because the next thing that happened was too confusing and surprising for her.

The weak puppy looks really enraged at this time. He was mad and glaring at her with so much hatred. Ominous energy started surrounding him. The intelligence and awareness in his eyes, there was no clarity with them anymore.

[ Multiple World Interpretation... ]

She doesn't if it was an illusion or not. But she started hearing a strange and emotionless voice.

[ Calculating and Formulating Data... ]

The weak servant Hughes wasn't opening his mouth. But she was certain that the voice was coming from him.

[ Quantum Mechanics of Possibilities.. ]

She have a bad feeling about this. She summoned her weapon to her hands and just in case if something worse can happen, Fafnir was prepared to arrive here at any moment and kill this Servant who dared to go against her.

[ Changing to Unknown Class... ]

Mismatched eyes were staring at her with no awareness.

[ Adapting the )82_+;#+_+#-_8#(_+  ]

[ (Hughes Everett)... 37th Life of 4êïñçæ4ñä58øñ..]

She felt her head starting to hurt. He was supposed to be a weakling.

Servant Hughes summoned the bland and pathetic looking weapon of his. According to Gilles, those kind of things were usually use to conduct electricity or attract thunder when he have first seen it at the hands of this weak servant.

After they talk about it as an mere trivial thing, during the fight of those unusual visitors, they have expected for the weak servant to at least attract thunder or his ability to be related in thunder.

Not him summoning usually a list of useless things that has no Mystery. It was an embarrassment when she have seen him fight for her side during that time.

" Ahh... Haa... Yooo.. "

She doesn't understand what is he saying. Does he already fall into madness like the other Servants? His mind is supposed to be easy to control now. Not like this, going mad like a mindless berserker and looking at her with so much hatred and attempting to kill her.

He slowly rise up from his knees. Stepped slowly as if there was a chains dragging him down.

" Hey.... You're an avenger Right? "

She was surprised when he suddenly speaks with clarity again. But despite opening his mouth and certain that it really came from him unlike the previous one, this voice sounded so different.

It sounded so old, young, tired, full of life– it was so confusing. It was like a various mix of many things. It was so chaotic.

" Revenge..... "

He didn't continue to walk towards her as she thought he would be.

" Do you know.... "

He was smiling. The glowing eyes was gazing at her without blinking. It was still dull as if there was no awareness on it.

It wasn't the weak servant Hughes that he knows.

" That there was a certain curse about revenge? "

Anger and hatred for the country that have forsaken her was still within her mind. But right now, she feels uneasy. She have brought flames in her hands and glared at the servant.

" I have been once on that world... It was so sad and scary at the same time. I would never thought that I would be brought in that world. It was one of the movies that make me scream and give me nightmares you know?  "

While it seems that the servant was still talking and not planning to attack her, she activated one of her abilities.

[ (Hughes Everett): Ghost from Another World

Class: (#+-#(_()#).     ]

" Do you want to experience it? You are certainly an avenger... You are familiar with the feelings of hatred right? Do you want to get more familiar with it? Do you want to feel what was the curse of the grudge feels like? "

He just raised his wand and pointed at her. She expected that it have done something. But looks like he was still the weak Servant that she knows. It have done nothing.

" Then... I guess you would like to meet that Saint. "

Summoning her corrupted banner, she was planning to burn another person or servant and make him to experience the agony and pain of hell.

Behind her... Jeanne D'arc Alter doesn't notice the glimpse of long black hair.


When the two masters, their servants and the stray servants that they have recruited arrived at the Orleans, they saw the barren and scorched land. And the Castle burning. There was also disgusting giant tentacles that was also currently being burned.

Theo doesn't know what happened. But he wants to know if this event was a good thing or it became worse.

Sigh, I think I wouldn't be able to get Quetz Samba Onee-san.. Currently stuck with Lartoria. During the previous banner, I tried to roll for the Mothman Emperor for 120 SQ. he didn't appeared and only got Suzuka. And now I tried to roll for something at least.. I am not really hopeful when I rolled my 30 SQ. But look who appeared! I got my Ruler Martha now! I hope that I haven't use my luck on her.. anyway it was hard to ascend the Servants. Andersen is the only one who was in Max Ascension.

megurashimonocreators' thoughts