
~Chapter 9~

Aera's POV:

I finally felt somehow at ease after I told the boys everything. They made me feel a lot better by telling me comforting words and making me giggle at their revolt regarding the fact that my ex didn't allow me to be their fan. Yes, you read that right.. My EX. I decided that I no longer want anything to do with him. I want him gone from my life, and I hope I don't have to see him ever again. I'm done with being afraid and all that shit, I know it's going to be hard, and that maybe I will still be full of scars, both on my body and soul.. but I want to start a new life. And that life begins with me finding a place to stay, because I'm definitely not going back to that hellhole.

"Hey, is something wrong? Are you in pain?" Jihun asks pulling me out from my daydream.

"Hmm? Oh.. no, I just zoned out. I have to call my friend and see if I can crash at her place tonight so.. I'll be right back" I get up from the sofa and take a step forward, but he grabs my hand.

"You can always.. y-you know.. if you w-want to.. I mean.."

"He's trying to say that you are welcome to sleep here whenever you want, but he's being shy" Yoongjae said giggling.

"Yah!" The boy lets go of my hand to throws a pillow at Yoongjae who catches it without a single effort.

"I don't think that's a good idea. I really don't want to bother. Plus, I doubt that your manager would agree with a girl sleeping in your house." I rub my arm nervously.

"That can be solved." Namgi pulled out his phone from his pocket and dialed a number. "Hello manager-nim.." Oh my God! Is he really? "I called to let you know that we will have a friend sleeping over tonight.. Yes.. I will, Good night!" He hang up and smiled at me. "Done!"

"Soo.. are you staying now?" Taeyong asked me with his boxy smile.

"I-.. I don't know if I should.."

"Aera, it's late and we know you're tired. Not to mention your wounded leg." Junghoon gestured towards my bandage.

"If you're thinking that you're going to bother us, you're not. It's always just us seven anyway, so we really like having guests." The oldest shrugged

"We promise we will make you feel comfortable.. just think of it as a sleepover at your friend's house.. no, wait, that's exactly what it is, you're our friend as well now." Hosung said and smiled widely.

"Please just sleep here tonight, it would make us.. make me feel at ease knowing you're here. Hm?" Jihun looked at me with his puppy eyes.

I unintentionally smile a little at their concern for me, they make me feel all fuzzy and warm on the inside. I sigh and sit back on the sofa.

"Okay, I'll stay.. but just for tonight"


It felt good seeing her smile and giggle at the silly jokes the guys were making. It was like a stone lifted off of my chest knowing she was more comfortable around us, even if it was just a tiny bit.

Words can't describe how much I missed her and how eagerly I waited for this day to come. It's true that it didn't turn out the way I wanted, I had so many emotions today that I can't even describe them.. but as long as she's safe I am more than grateful.

I felt my phone buzz and I was confused as to whom would text me so late, and when the screen lights up I see it's from Junghoon. I quickly hide it so Aera won't see what he wrote.

Junghoon: "Dude, stop staring at her, you're so obvious!"

Jihun: "What are you talking about?"

Junghoon: "You're so smitten with her I swear I can see little hearts glowing in your eyes"

Jihun: " Oh shut up, that's not true!"

Junghoon: "Then why is your face red right now?"

I look at the boy who is smirking at me and send him a quick "do you want to die?" look. Our glancing exchange came to an end when we heard

Yoongjae's voice.

"It's late, I'm going to bed. Good night everyone" The sleepy guy went to his room yawning.

"We should all go to sleep, it's almost midnight and it was a long day " Namgi said.

"Yeah, Jihun please go and show Aera where the guest room is." Seokju told me.

"Yes hyung. Come on, I'll help you walk" I turn to the girl and take her small hand into mine, lifting her off the sofa.

Narrator's POV:

Everyone said their good nights and went to their rooms. Jihun helped Aera walk up the stairs and into the corridor stopping at the penultimate door on the left.

"This is the guest room, our family and friends usually stay here when they come visit , but now it's yours for as long as you're here." The boy smiled. "My room is the last one, right next to yours, so if you need anything just come and ask me."

"Thank you so much Jihun.. for everything.." The girl's eyes scanned the huge bedroom.

"You have some pijamas in the closet, they might be a bit big for you but they're clean. You have your own bathroom over there if you need to take a shower" He pointed towards a brown door in the corner. "If you're in pain or if you're feeling sick just call for me alright?"

"Okay, I'll be fine.. don't worry" Aera smiled at the visibly unsettled boy.

"Okay then.. good night beautiful!" Jihun sighed and walked towards the door.

"Wait!" She called and he turned around instantly.


"Thanks again.. I-... I'm happy to have you in my life again, I can't describe how grateful I am for your help." Her eyes were getting watery.

Jihun came closer and wrapped his arms around her tiny figure. Burying his face in the crook of her neck made her have goosebumps on her skin.

"I'm happy I met you again as well. From now on you can always come to me or the boys for help alright?" She slowly nodded and squished his shirt in her fists. They stayed like that for a few more seconds until Jihun broke the hug and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"Good night Aera" He whispered softly.

"Good night Jihun.." She whispered back.

He went to his room leaving the girl alone with her thoughts. She changed into pj's and climbed onto the soft bed. On the other side of the wall, he did the same thing. They both closed their eyes trying to rest their minds and bodies, but little did they know... one will end up sleeping in the other one's bed by the end of the night.