
~Chapter 3~

"I... don't really know. In our senior year he started to practice for the audition at the entertainment company, and our time spent together lessened. By the end of the year he ignored me completely, saying he was busy but, I knew that wasn't his only reason." ~SIGH~ I already started to feel tears forming in my eyes, so I wanted to get over with it. "When we graduated my parents forced me to move with them in America, and after that we never talked again."

"Wow.. he never looked for you?"

"No... but I watched him from afar, and I supported him and his band all these years. I'm sorry. I... it's kind of sad, I didn't want to ruin the mood."

Cora stood up from her seat and quickly put her arms around me.

"What's this for?" I ask her and chuckle.

"Nothing, I just thought you might need it"

I really did...

"Soooo, when are you going to text him?"

Jihun's POV:

Since the fanmeeting ended I have been staring at my phone nonstop. It's 10 pm and my eyes can't even stay open anymore.. SIGH... I guess I'm just going to go to sleep. I place my phone on the nightstand and close my eyes.


Nevermind...I reach for my phone with the speed of light and open the text

Aera: Hey! Uhmm.. is this Jihun?

Jihun: Hey Aera, yeah.. it's me.

Aera: Oh thank God.. I thought maybe you've given me a restaurant's number or something like that

Jihun: Hahaha, why would I do that?

Aera: Idk, you like these kind of jokes. And how did you know it was me?

Jihun: You're the only one I have given my number to in quite a long time.. I thought you wouldn't text me tho...

Aera: Sorry, I was a bit busy..

Jihun: It's alright... I'm glad you did even if it's late... How are you?

Aera: I'm good, thanks! What about you?

Jihun: I'm really happy actually

Aera: Ohh.. why is that?

Jihun: Because you texted me ... and because I get to ask you something..

Aera: Uhm... Go ahead

Jihun: Would you like to have lunch tomorrow? With me.. and the boys. You know, just to catch up.

Aera: Really? I mean... won't they mind? I don't want them to feel uncomfortable because of me...

Jihun: I promise they won't.. I want to introduce you to them... And.. I would really like to see you again. Soo, please have lunch with us?

Aera: Alright! I'll have lunch with you!


Aera's POV:

~panting~ Uughhh.. Why am I such a sleepy head?! I'm gonna be late again! I run out of my apartment, stop a taxi and quickly get inside. I check my phone and see a text:

Jihun: Hey, we're almost there..

Aera: Okey, I'm on my way. I'll be there soon!

I hope I'm not gonna make them wait for too long...

Jihun's POV:

We arrive at the restaurant and all the guys are heading inside.

"Jihun-ah, aren't you coming?" Hosung asked

"I'm gonna wait here for Aera, so I'll see you inside hyung.. "

"Aahhh alright!" He answered winking at me


Narrator's POV:

Aera arrived at the restaurant limping and breathing heavily from all the running. When she looked up she saw Jihun waiting for her on the stairs, casually swiping through his phone, looking bored.

SO HANDSOME - She thought to herself before greeting him

"Hi Jihun! I hope I didn't make you wait for too long.." She made a small bow

He lifted his gaze, put his phone in his pocket and walked closer to her.

" Aera... Don't worry about it, you came, that's what matters!" He grabbed her shoulders and made her look up at him.

They stayed like that for a little while, looking in each other's eyes. Both of their hearts were beating like crazy, and their cheeks were starting to blush. Jihun had a plan on what to say to her, but as soon as she arrived his mind went blank.

"W-we should go inside, the others must be waiting for us" Aera said shyly

"Yeah sure, let's-" Jihun was interrupted by Aera's phone that kept dinging

"Aisshh... Sorry, I should check that" She said as she took out the phone from her jacket

As soon as she unlocked it her face turned pale and her hands started shaking...

"Is everything ok? Who is it?" He asked her with confusion in his voice

"Huh? O-oh, y-yeah.. Uhhmm.. It's just my b-boyfriend.."

Jihun's POV:

Boyfriend? Aaghh, what were you thinking Jihun, of course she has a boyfriend.. Look at her, she's gorgeous. How can she still be single after all these years?! I scratch the back of my head in frustration and disappointment. But... Why do her eyes look so... Terrified?

"Oh... Is something wrong? You don't look too happy hearing from him"

"W-well, we're not really on uhm... g-good terms. Anyway we should go inside now" She walked up the stairs, her head hung low..

We entered the restaurant and the guys waved at us, they all introduced themselves to her and she smiled shyly, I could tell she was nervous in our presence. We sat down and the waiter brought our menus, I kept taking glances at Aera and saw she was still a bit shaky, so I gently grabbed her hands and gave them a squeeze under the table, giving her a reassuring smile. I felt relieved when she smiled back at me.

"So Aera.." Our hands quickly parted when we heard Yoongjae's voice. "How did you meet this brat?" He said looking at me

"Aah, Jihun? We met in highschool, we were classmates and became friends" Aera answered

"Ooohh, so you met our Jihunnie in the playboy stage of his life" Seokju said chuckling

"Yah! I was not a playboy!" I said and threw a napkin at him.

Aera let out a small laugh and looked at me "Yes you were Jihun, everyone knows that."I roll my eyes and we all start laughing.

Aera's POV:

The food finally arrived and everyone started munching on the delicious dishes. I on the other hand, looked at my plate and started to feel nauseous. Don't get me wrong, it looked really good, but I lost my appetite as soon as I remember the text I got earlier.