
~Chapter 10~


A loud thud followed by a flash of light came from the window. I flutter my eyes open, but I can't see anything but darkness. My chest felt heavy, as if someone was sitting on it, no, more like something.. something like an evil presence drawing the air from my lungs. I tried to move but I couldn't, I was paralised. My heart was racing like crazy and I felt panic built up inside me. After what seemed like an eternity I finally felt free and gasped for air. I hate it when this happens, although I have sleep paralysis quite often lately, it's still a horrible experience.

I quickly reach for the lamp on the nightstand and press the button, but it's not working. I grab my phone and turn on the flashlight. I dash towards the light switch and press it multiple times, but it's not working either. Great, the power must have went off.

I see a flash of light in the window followed a thunder so loud that I thought the window was going to break. The heavy rain drops were smashing on the glass like bullets and I start panicking again. I hate thunderstorms. I know it's childish and absurd, but they frighten me so much.. they make me feel so vulnerable and powerless, and I haven't heard one for so long.

I start shaking like a twig and tears well up in my eyes. I check my phone.. 1:00 am.. great, what am I going to do now?! The sky is booming again and I snuggle under my blanket trying to suppress the emotions by thinking of something happy.

When we were in highschool and there was a thunderstorm I would always skip classes. Jihun always came to my house and brought me my favorite snacks. We would stay up at night and watch movies and play games so I wouldn't hear the noises coming from outside. He would stay with me until the storms were over and would often end up falling asleep in my room. He never judged me or make fun of my fears even though they were weird and unusual to everyone else.

A tear escapes my eyes and I hug my pillow, I miss the old times so much. The sound of heavy rain is making me feel more anxious by the minute. Then something pops up in my head. I get up and open the door, peeking my head on the dark hallway. With my flashlight on I get out and walk slowly until I reach Jihun's bedroom.

This is so stupid.. he's probably sleeping right now, I shouldn't bother him. I wanted to go back to my room, but my feet wouldn't move. ~SIGH~ AHH what the hell! Don't be a wuss Aera, just do it!


I wait a few seconds and I hear shuffling and steps from inside. The door creaks open and a sleepy Jihun with ruffled hair and only one eye open looks at me confused.

"Aera? Is everything ok?" His deep voice gave me chills.

A thunder startles me and I jump holding my phone to my chest. Jihun looks at me and sighs, than takes my hand and pulls me into his room.

"I'm s-sorry I woke you up Jihun.. I-"

"I know" He said softly. "It's ok, sleep here tonight. You can take the bed and I'll sleep on the floor."

"Are you sure? I mean it's your room, you should sleep in your bed."

"Nah, don't worry about it.. I'll be fine" He opens the closet. "I have a sleeping bag here somewhere"

"Jihun, I'm not letting you sleep on the cold floor."

"Well I'm not letting you sleep on it either!"


Aera sighs and looks at the door:

"I'll just go back to my room I guess."

"No wait!" Jihun grabs her wrist "We can both sleep on the bed if you want, it's big enough for two people" He passes a hand through his hair and looks away embarrassed.

"Uhmmm.. t-that doesn't bother you?"

"No ofcourse not.. we've done that before right? I don't want to let you be all alone and scared."

Aera looked at the bed doubtfully.

"I promise I'll keep my hands to myself. " Jihun raised his palms and smiled gently.

"I know, I trust you!" She smiled back and headed towards the bed.

They both got under the covers and lay quietly, hearts beating at an alarming rate. The lightnings and thunders kept filling the night sky, but Aera’s mind was only filled with Jihun, and his mind was only filled with Aera.

"Does it feel the same way for you too?" He suddenly asked.

"Hmm? What do you mean?" She asked confused.

"You know, like it felt before, when we were younger. Even though we haven't been in touch since then, for me our friendship feels the same.. like.. nothing happened, like these past four years didn't change a thing." He makes eye contact and her face turns red in an instant.

"I-.. I guess, yeah, it feels the same for me too.. but I still don't get one thing" She said in a dissapointed tone.

"What's that?"

She wanted to tell him what bothered her, she wanted and explanation for his ignorance towards her all those years ago, but she was so tired.. both physically and emotionally, and she wasn't quite ready for that answer yet..

"Ahh never mind.. I'm really tired and I'm talking nonsense. Can we go to sleep now?"

"Ofcourse, good night Aera!"

"Good night!"

*Next morning*

Sunlight creeps through the curtains and reaches Aera's eyes. She lets out a yawn and stretches her body on the soft bed. With one eye open she checks the room, but she can't see anyone.

"Jihun?" She calls his name in a sleepy voice.

"Jihun-ah?!" No one answers. She reaches for her phone and checks the time. 10:00 am.

"Ahh I slept too much!" She gets out of the bedroom and scans the corridors.

"Hello?... Is anyone home?" Total silence. The girl walks down the stairs and into the kitchen, fills a glass of water and chugs it down. On the fridge she spots a bright pink sticky note that has her name on it.

"Good morning! We left early for practice today and Jihun didn't want to disturb your peacefull sleep. You can use anything you need from the kitchen or around the house. I made some more pancakes for you this morning and hid them behind the vegetables in the fridge. We'll be back around 5 pm. Call us if you need help. :) - Seokju

P.S: Don't forget to disinfect the cut. - Jihunie <3"

She chuckles at the cute note and heads back to her room. After taking a shower and cleaning the wound on her leg Aera gets back into her pijamas.

"I need new clothes.." She sighs while looking into the mirror. "This will do for now"

She grabs her phone and dials a phone number.

"Aera?! Oh my God I've been waiting for you to call all morning! How was the lunch? How were the boys? Did you have fun?"

"Jeez Cora, calm down. The lunch was alright, but..."

"But? I don't like that word. What happened?"

"A lot.. listen, I promise I'll tell you everything, but right now I have a favor to ask."

"Tell me"

"Can I stay with you for a couple of weeks? I'm kinda homeless..."

"I'm sorry.. what? I think I misheard you but did you just say you're homeless?" Cora asked confused.

"Y-yes... Can I please live with you?"

*Awkward silence*

"Aera.. uhm, I have some news as well. You know my boyfriend Minho right? Well, last night he proposed. And we also, kind of, left on a spontaneous vacation... in Malta... for a month."

*More awkward silence*

"I'm so sorry honey, if I knew I would've left you a key or something... I really wish I could help."

"AH don't worry about it girl. I'm so happy for yooouuu!!!" Aera said joyfully. "I didn't mean to bring down the mood."

"But I don't understand, how did this happen? What are you gonna do?" Cora's voice was soft and sad.

"Hey! Promise me you won't let my troubles ruin your vacation! I'll figure it out, don't worry ok?"

"Alright, I promise. And you promise me you will keep me updated on everything."

"I promise! I have to go now.. have fun on your trip and send me pics!! Oh and congrats on your engagement!"

"Thanks bestie. Take care!"

They hang up and Aera was left puzzled. God what am I gonna do now? She thought to herself. She checked her bank account, but as she expected all the money were withdrawn from her credit card. Great, I'm broke too. I guess there's just one thing left to do.