

Serendipity is a novel about a romance that could've been. Will it eventually be fulfilled .. well that's up to you to find out. the leading role is a girl named Elie, from her perspective everything is rough and out to get her. When a boy moves in next door that changes. There's a reason, there's a light, there's more. A screw up is a screw up and we all have them.

your_life_is_a_lie · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Because of me.

In life I make things dramatic, I find it more interesting when there's something in this boring world. If it isn't boring to you then you must easily be entertained, now I don't see you as ignorant I am simply implying that it's easy to humor you which is a compliment of sorts. I like to add something to life, a bit of spice or a light to my existence. With this I am cursed to being the girl everyone thinks they want until they find better. Everyone gets tired of me quickly, I suck at life basically, there's not much I don't suck at.

 I spent my entire childhood thinking I was stuck in a dream, living on the edge, but still fearing it. I would wake up every morning happy, knowing in my head every mistake I made would soon be forgotten. They never did get forgotten though, they still lie in the back of my mind behind the clutter. I had two cats and both died, I had a lot of pets, and all of them died. None of those deaths affected me, even the ones I had all my life. Death doesn't affect me, some might say nothing does, but in my head almost everything does. The thing that affected me the most...was the serendipity I once had. The words I spoke that I believed to be the truth soon became the truth because of me, because I needed something. I wanted my life to be interesting when I was too blind to see it was the most interesting thing I had known.