
A Bloody Mess

Jasper glanced at his brother, trying his best to suppress a laugh at his expression but failed miserably to do so.

Joshua opened his eyes when he heard his brother laugh and frown.

"What the hell are you laughing at? You do the same thing whenever you eat kimchi fried rice. Did I laugh at your face then?" Joshua grumbled, making his old brother stifle his laughter, though a few snickers escaped.

"Oh you big baby, stop pouting and whining, and answer my questions already." Joshua rolled his eyes, already used to Jasper never apologizing for anything.

"Fine. To answer your question, no, the master doesn't swing the other way. He's a sadist who has a huge kink on hurting pretty things—well, in this case, people." Joshua shrugged, leaving Jasper confused for a second.

"Wait, 'our' case? He is hurting more people?"

Joshua shrugged, taking another bite of his bread before answering. "Nah, just me and Zeno."