
Sensual Snatcher

A young man awakens to a startling transformation, finding himself thrust into the body of Song Qingshu, accompanied by Zhou Zhiruo. “Girl, your smile is so sweet!” “Madam, you smell so good!” How can I live a happier life than Wei Xiaobao if I don't become the number one expert! #Sexual Cultivation Technique #Ancient China #Beautiful Female Lead Betrayal #Enemies Become Lovers #Harem #Kingdom Building #Older Love Interests #R-18 #War #Younger Love Interests It's basically a story about a guy reborn in a story he knows about. Also, check out "BLACK TECHNOLOGY", it's another fantastic story about reincarnation, tragedy... Although it takes a different part, also that novel isn't R18, and Honestly, I think it's way better.

peace01 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
56 Chs

One of the best

Mu Wan felt a suffocating sensation as the words reached her ears, a mix of confusion and absurdity swirling within. How could this conversation feel so damn familiar? Yet, she swiftly regained her composure, her face turning cold as she raised her arms with determination.

"Back the hell off, or I'll put a poisoned arrow through your sorry ass!" she threatened, her voice dripping with resolve.

Song Qingshu, caught off guard by Mu Wan's sudden ferocity, quickly sidestepped, muttering under his breath, "Well, ain't she a firecracker? This gal ain't your average damsel in distress."

Although Song Qingshu intentionally tried to keep his words low, he knew damn well Mu Wanqing could hear him. He couldn't help but relish in her unmistakable annoyance. But with Yunzhonghe still lurking around, he focused his attention on staying vigilant, preparing his energy for any imminent danger.

"Mu Wanqing, why the hell do you keep tailing me? Little sister, you're just asking for trouble," Yunzhonghe sneered, raising an eyebrow and adopting a sleazy tone.

"You goddamn shameless bastard!" Mu Wanqing snapped, her hand swiftly drawing a butterfly sleeve arrow. The Cloud Crane, ready for this very moment, closed the gap between them with lightning speed.

Song Qingshu, witnessing the whole damn spectacle, was taken aback. The Cloud Crane's martial arts might not be top-notch, but their lightness technique was off the charts. If he wanted to catch up, he'd have to rely on his internal strength, enduring the struggle to outlast his opponent.

Mu Wanqing, now at the mercy of Yunzhonghe's advances, grew pale with fear as she fought desperately with her sword to fend him off. But Yunzhonghe struck like a lightning bolt, swiftly targeting an acupuncture point on her waist. Mu Wanqing, already disoriented from mistaking Duan Yu for her brother, fell prey to the Cloud Crane. Overwhelmed by the impending nightmare, anxiety coursed through her veins until she finally succumbed, fainting on the spot.

"Well, ain't she a stunning beauty! She looks even more ravishing in this unconscious state," Yun Zhonghe gloated, rubbing his hands together as he leered at the captivating woman lying helplessly on the ground. The corners of his mouth practically drooled with anticipation. "Maybe I should have a taste before she wakes up? What harm could it do?"

"If she wakes up, she'll suffer like hell, and the aftermath will be a damn nightmare. But while she remains out cold, she's just a lifeless doll, lacking that touch of vitality..." Yun Zhonghe found himself caught in a damn dilemma, weighing his options.

"Hey, you've tainted the reputation of thieves worldwide, you sorry scumbag," a voice suddenly rang out, startling Yun Zhonghe.

Looking up, Yun Zhonghe saw the seemingly foolish kid, his eyes ablaze with fury as he spoke with unwavering determination. "You despicable scumbag, pretending to be a fool just to toy with others."

Lord Duan reigned supreme among the courtesans, his mastery of seduction and deceit unmatched. He stole hearts first and foremost, deceiving all who fell under his spell. Other women willingly followed suit, ultimately attaining a favorable reputation for their enchanting ways. How could anyone hope to attain such prestige? It was a chaotic scene, where the mere mention of Yun Zhonghe's name evoked scorn and repulsion. Song Qingshu's unwavering expression caught Yun Zhonghe off guard, leaving him startled and on edge.

However, Qingshu's words pierced through Yun Zhonghe's defenses, igniting a fiery anger within him. Unable to contain himself, he lashed out furiously, "Duan Zhengchun, that treacherous dog, parades as a prince of Dali. With that title alone, countless women line up to be embraced by him. Add to that his charming looks, formidable martial arts skills, and overflowing wealth—how can we even compare?"

"So, you've given up?" Qingshu raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "Tell me, do the women you've ensnared over the years possess the same allure as Duan Zhengchun's lovers?"

Yun Zhonghe's face contorted awkwardly, and he reluctantly admitted, "No..."

"I thought as much. Instead of honing your craft, you've chosen the path of decadence. Look at you, emaciated and hollow from excessive drinking, utterly repugnant. Combined with your notoriety, only a blind woman would spare you a glance," Qingshu sneered with disdain.

"I don't need women's attention!" Yun Zhonghe erupted, suddenly awakened to his rage. "Where is that insolent boy? Playtime is over; grandpa's here!"

Qingshu shook his head, disappointment etched on his face. "I've witnessed your repeated failures in this wretched life. Perhaps in the next, you'll reflect on your misdeeds."

Yun Zhonghe forced a hollow laugh, brandishing his rusty silver claws as he lunged forward. But Qingshu, swift and agile, found the perfect opening and struck beneath Yun Zhonghe's armpit. A numbing sensation coursed through Yun Zhonghe's body, rendering him immobile. Shocked, he stammered, "How did you know about my weakness under the armpit?"

"You truly lack education. 'When cranes and snakes clash, watch for emptiness beneath the arms'—its common knowledge," Qingshu replied casually. Deep down, he thanked Wang Yuyan for her guidance in the original tale, pointing out Yun Zhonghe's vulnerability. It allowed Qingshu to defeat him effortlessly, despite his superior lightness skills.

Yun Zhonghe, always cunning, quickly changed his tune. "My friend, I sense a kindred spirit in you. If you desire this beauty, feel free to take her."

"Rubbish! I'm nothing like you," Qingshu snapped, his anger fueled by the reminder of Yun Zhonghe's transgressions. Rising to his feet, he declared, "Besides, you're under my control now. If I harbored ill intentions toward this girl, do you think I'd let you go?"

"Of course, of course, forgive me. I am a dashing hero, exuding charm and elegance. The epitome of suave..." Yun Zhonghe's words only served to irritate Qingshu further. Waving his hand dismissively, he silenced the insincere flattery. "Your words are futile. Today, you will not escape death. I shall be the instrument of justice, avenging the women you've destroyed."

Yun Zhonghe panicked, but he detected a glimmer of hope in Qingshu's tone. He quickly pleaded, "Great hero, spare my life, and I shall impart my most prized technique to you."

"What use is your feeble martial art?" Qingshu scoffed, his disdain evident.

"Indeed, my martial prowess pales in comparison to yours," Yun Zhonghe replied, a sheepish smile on his face. "But my mastery of lightness skills, ranking third among all martial artists, may hold some value." A hint of pride colored his tone, impossible to conceal.

"Really? And who takes the top two spots?" Song Qingshu's interest piqued, even though he knew his own skills fell short of the world's top ten.

"The foremost master of lightness is none other than the Winged Bat King, Wei, from the infamous Ming Cult," Yun Zhonghe spoke with genuine admiration. "His gift for lightness seems heaven-sent, a true marvel... As for the second spot, it belongs to the enigmatic figure known as the Undefeated of the East, from the feared Heimuya Sect. His movements possess an otherworldly grace that even surpasses my own." Yun Zhonghe's voice carried a touch of dread.

"And you claim to be the third?" Song Qingshu sneered. "Don't try to save face."

Yun Zhonghe's smile faltered, his pride laid bare. "In the presence of heroes and wise men, it's true that many individuals in the world may match or even surpass my skills. But they haven't proven themselves superior. So, shamelessly, I assert my rank as the third." Sensing Qingshu's lack of enthusiasm, Yun Zhonghe hurriedly added, "Xia Xia's Qinggong technique shares its origins with Wei Yixiao's art. It's just my own limitations in aptitude and internal strength that prevent me from mastering it."

"Interesting. So, what's this light art you possess?" Song Qingshu's excitement grew palpable.

"It goes by the name of 'Treading on the Sand Without a Trace!'" Sensing Qingshu's eagerness, Yun Zhonghe pressed on. "If you, the esteemed hero, allow this humble villain to go free, I swear upon my honor to mend my ways and never bring harm to virtuous women again."

"Very well! Share with me the formula for this light art. Once I've verified its authenticity, I'll honor my promise and release you." Song Qingshu's heart quickened with anticipation. Weak Step!

Yun Zhonghe, uncertain of Qingshu's sincerity, sneered, "If I reveal the secrets of this art to you, how can I be sure the hero won't regret his decision..."

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