
Sense by itsjosemariaa

Leslie miller is an 18 year old college student with a simple life, but with a hard past, that’s why she is cold, tough and shy. Over time, she will make new friends and start a relationship with her boyfriend Brad Clayton.

Itsjosemariaa · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

Chapter 8

Brad felt my pain in my face, he asked me "What happend?" I told him there was nothing wrong with me, but he knew it was broken, he gave me a kiss.

"I leave you alone"

I came to my room and told Amy everything.

"I think that he has some reason" She said me

It was like I was scratched in the wound again. To see him was not a feeling of joy but a feeling of pain and suffering. Brad came and took me to the cafeteria

"How did work go?"

"I'm not going anymore… My father is the boss"

"And… What is the problem?" Is it true, he didn't know anything about my father and I didn't tell him anything, I didn't want to keep secrets between him and I.

"I'm not ready for tell you my life"

"Why? I'm your boyfriend now"


"But… What?"

"My life is not perfect, you don't understand"

"I only wanna that you have confidence in me" He said angry.

"Don't shout! All my life is a fake… I'm awkward, I'm mess, ugly, stupid and bad people with the people that love me… This is really me" I said to him while I was leaving… But he grabbed my arm again, He went up to my mouth and he said "I'm here. I can't heal the wounds that made you, but I can lick them so they don't hurt"

My eyes were filled with tears.

"And… You're not ugly, you're so pretty, you're my baby"

I told him to follow me, we went to my room, I kissed him and I said him "Possess me" He started kiss me all my neck, then he touched my navel and he keep going down, I put myself on top of him and I went down until I reached my destination, Her moans made me want to have it inside me. "I'll be with you forever" We both said at the same time.