
Sense by itsjosemariaa

Leslie miller is an 18 year old college student with a simple life, but with a hard past, that’s why she is cold, tough and shy. Over time, she will make new friends and start a relationship with her boyfriend Brad Clayton.

Itsjosemariaa · Adolescente
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35 Chs

Chapter 32

"Come on idiot, we're late" Madison said to Ethan.

We got in the car and on the way to college nobody talked, it was weird.

When we got there, I tried to greet Amber out, I tried, but she wouldn't talk to me. Madison grabbed my arm and said to my ear, "She's not one of ours anymore" I asked him why, but he only told me that she stopped talking with them.

"Leslie, I thought you were gone" Said Tiffany.

Madison went ahead and said "Look at dry shit, shut your mouth and if you open it to suck dicks"

"I see you got yourself a little bitch" Answered Madison.

Madison was furious, she almost grabbed her hair, good thing Ethan grabbed her early.

"Fucking whore" Repeated Madison.

"Tiffany, don't try to fuck with me because you can't." I slapped her "I owed you"

I looked at her carefully, I don't know if she was going to leave me alone, what I did know was that it had turned into a war.

The first move was mine, I took glue and threw it through the bars of the locker. This girl doesn't know who I really am.

When Tiffany opened the locker she was shocked, all her notebooks were glued together. She looked at myself with a vengeful face, so I smiled at her and left.

Madison made the second move. She took jam and put it all over her chair. Madison filled the Tiffany ass with jam. " Now your ass smells like strawberry" they repeated over and over again.

The next move was from Tiffany. She put cockroaches in our locker. "Disgusting!" We said Madison and I at the same time. Tiffany was laughing.

Brad followed. He poured coffee all over his room leaving it sticky. "Fuck" Tiffany said.

Ethan was next. He took dog shit with gloves and rubbed it through the pages of Tiffany's books. When Tiffany opened the books, she screamed.