
Sense by itsjosemariaa

Leslie miller is an 18 year old college student with a simple life, but with a hard past, that’s why she is cold, tough and shy. Over time, she will make new friends and start a relationship with her boyfriend Brad Clayton.

Itsjosemariaa · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

Chapter 13

In the end it was Brad who left, as it was cold and he had some errands.

"Why is Brad's personality like that with people but not with me?" I asked

"Brad had a tough childhood. When he was five, his father and I divorced. I went to London with Brad. He saw his father every summer, as we could not afford to go every weekend to Georgia. I couldn't take care of him so my mother helped me, but when Brad was eight, my mother passed away, after all that... I wasn't the same."

"I'm so sorry for everything you two had to go through"

"I know my son and I know you're the reason he's smiling now, I know he's a real dick sometimes, but believe me when I tell you he's got a big heart"

We were talking all afternoon, she told me she was staying in North Carolina to live, for work, I told her she could stay as many days as she wanted, to which she answered me "I'll only stay one more day, I already have the apartment paid, but I would like to spend one more day with my son and you of course"

After a while we realized that we were lost, between laughs we had to call Brad and in ten minutes we picked up.

"What did you do to get lost if we're next door to the house?" Said Brad.

When we got home, Rachael fell asleep and Brad with tears in his eyes stared at her, I smiled and said, "I'll wait for you in bed."

"I love you so much, thank you don't for never abandoning me," Brad told his mother as he kissed her on the forehead.

Brad went to bed, kissed me and stayed up all night thinking. I asked him in the middle of the night, why he didn't sleep, he said he didn't stop thinking about his father, he hadn't seen him in a long time and missed him.

I told him that when his mother left we'd go see him, he said no, but I convinced him it was the best option. I'll do everything I can to keep him smiling every day.