
Senran Kagura: Kunoichi Kidnapping

Alexrenda · Anime e quadrinhos
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24 Chs

Chapter 13

The Prodigy and The Plain One

At first the writhing mass retreated from Asuka's offense. She dove into the pit and twirled sideways with her arms out. Energy surrounded her, forming a wheel of death that cut through the dewy flesh. When her momentum stopped, she pushed onward. Tentacles rose up in front of her, only to be cut down in an instant. The ones behind reached out and grabbed at her arms and shirt. She pulled herself out of their grip, still slicing at the slimy tendrils that wrapped around her legs.

Her grunts became more strained as tentacles coiled and slithered up her body. Yet she never stopped pushing toward her friends. Hibari and Yagyu's voices rose higher by the second, their molestation bringing them to the brink of ecstasy.

Back at the edge of the cliff, Ikaruga hesitated. She stared at Asuka, then turned back to look at the darkening forest. Back and forth, Ikaruga turned with her mind in conflict. The princess yelled out "Kat!" and dashed towards the darkened trees. Her body burst forward, a ring of blue where she once stood. Moment's later she too vanished into the wilderness.

Asuka turned her attention to the tentacles slapping against her legs and chest. Sounds of flesh sliding across flesh filled the air, punctuated by Hibari and Yagyu's rising moans. Tentacles wrapped around her legs, snaking their way up her thighs. Fluid soaked into her damaged vest and black kneesocks, the pungent scent making her dizzy and light headed. Though her movements became clumsy and absent minded, her arms never stopped moving. Every part of her being was devoted to the next cut or the next step. Tentacles poked at her from all angles, pushing at her mask, moving across her armpits.

Secret Ninja Art: Hanzo Style Full Bloom!

Energy surrounded her body. It was a deeper shade of green that Katsuragi's, dancing in a slow ascent like burning fire. Emerald flames covered Asuka's blades, and the tentacles split apart from their touch like butter against a hot knife.

Tentacles fell to the ground all around her. Yet for every slimy appendage she took down, more of them covered her body. Each one acted on their own, independent of the others. They poked and prodded her nether regions, pushing into her panties, rubbing in and out between her legs.

She made it to the center. Hibari and Yagyu lay on top of each other on a bed of tentacles. They wound around and in between them, binding them together even as they penetrated their ass and pussy. The two girls breathed into each other, their tongues wrapping together in deep kisses. Asuka swung her swords through the fleshy bindings and grabbed the collar of Yagyu's shirt. Asuka then turned leaped out of the pit, carrying the girl to the safety of solid ground. She then went back in for Hibari, doing the same so until lay panting next to each other.

Yagyu moaned, eyes rolled back, half closed. Smaller tentacles still wiggled between her fingers and tried to dig into her black thigh-high socks. Asuka pulled these out and watched them sink into the dirt. When it was all done she slumped to her knees and looked back at the massive tentacles retreating to whence they came.

All was quiet now. The screams and moans from earlier now replaced with the soft whistles of the wind through the trees. A moment of quiet before the inevitable sounds of another battle.

Both victims were groaning, eyes opening as their consciousness and awareness returned to their bodies. The tomboy looked to each of them and breathed a sigh of relief. Yagyu spoke with a strained voice;

"Asuka...Why did you do that?"

Hibari spoke next, almost laughing at the whole situation.

"I bet you didn't want it to end, did you Yagyu?"

She scoffed, blushing.

"No!...It's not that.. it's just... even after how we all fought against you... you'd still try to save us?"

The pink haired girl crawled forward. Every second her condition improved. Her awkward, weak pulls of an infant soon became the careful crawls of a trained ninja.

"Don't you see Yagyu? We're still friends. It doesn't matter what our alignment is, we still have the bonds and love we share from the time we spent together. That's what she believes!"

"Wait. No. She's right... why did I do that!?"

Asuka's response made both girls pick up their heads in shock, total bewilderment on their faces. The masked girl continued:

I...I could have just went underneath the tentacles! I must be out of my damn mind!"

"What the hell are you talking about!?" Yagyu's incredulous yell was piercing.

Asuka's hands shot to her head, palms pressing into her temples.

"No, no, think about it! Tentacles are like spears, right? It's only the heads that are dangerous. The shafts are harmless. Since all the heads were focused on you guys, I could have just gone underground and passed through without going through all that trouble. Meaning what I did WAS KIND OF DUMB!"

The groan from Yagyu's throat was louder and angrier than any she has ever made. Hibari's giggles were soon followed by Asuka's. Yagyu scoffed before before breaking out into her own laughter. The silver-haired girl slapped her forehead.

"I really am surrounded by idiots."

It was strange seeing Yagyu act the way she did. Asuka could swear that she was showing more emotion today than any other time they've ever interacted. Yagyu was a little intimidating with all that anger flowing, but perhaps that was an improvement over her usual detached persona.

Asuka sighed and slumped her shoulders. She looked out across the mountain, the steep slope giving her a full view down to the bottom. In that small respite, Asuka sat and watched the landscape loom before her. The wind that blew across her face carried the same scent of ripening fruit as before. More birds flew from the trees, marking the path that through which her other schoolmates ran. A faint greyish smoke could be seen atop a section of the trees, before a roar sounded out that shook the ground beneath them. Then an organic pop.

Two black dots were seen careening upwards into the sky. It was Nishu and Glom. They were flailing, flipping, hurdling towards the clouds before falling with the skill and grace of a rubber chicken. It was like watching a cartoon. Asuka couldn't help but smile. How was it that no matter what situation he was in, that boy would always make himself look stupid. Nishu and Glom, team doofus, blasting off again. Then the mountain shook with the sound of a dragon's roar. The head of a massive beast broke through the tree-line. It's head looked like a dog's, though it's body shone with the green scales of a lizard. She frowned and stood up. After taking a second to dust herself off, she stepped towards forest.

There was a crunch from behind her. The sound of someone kicking forward off the gravel. And Asuka turned to see Yagyu running at her with her weapon restored. She draw her blades and knocked the parasol off her center line.

Asuka grounded herself. Yagyu slid with her momentum until she stopped further down the slope. She now stood in the way, blocking Asuka from moving towards the battle. An ink-tinged chill surrounded Yagyu's weapon.

"I still believe that boy has to die."

Their hands lowered, shoulders tensing.

"You're done Yagyu. Let it go."

"Don't his actions bother you? Are you ready to spare him even after what he's done to us? Have I mentioned yet that his yoma infected the entire school? He needs to die!"

Asuka said nothing in reply. She only stepped forward, drawing her blades and lowering herself into her fighting stance.

Yagyu did the same. Left foot forward, hand relaxed and guarded against her opponent. She held her parasol behind her waist, parallel to the ground. Her voice was cold and harsh.

"You know Asuka, I never believed your act. Not then and not now, not even for a second."

"Act? What do you mean by that?"

"The granddaughter of two of the strongest shinobi in the world. A girl who's average at everything. Passes every test with only the bare minimum grades... Only to later defeat one of the strongest monsters we've ever faced (*Reference: Burst) ... and to later solo an entire elite team in their own territory while the rest of us were too injured do anything (*Reference: Shinovi Versus). You've only pretended to be average at everything. The fact is that everything you've said and done with us is just some big farce! Asuka. Please. For once. Stop lying!"

Hibari kept doing double takes between the two. She cupped her hands together and pressed them to her chest like a kind of prayer. She turned to Yagyu and pleaded.

"Come on Yagyu. Let's stop already. We just got through something we were never meant to experience. Let's not fight when we're supposed to be friends!"

Asuka closed her eyes and let out a slow, contemplative sigh. When she spoke, her voice was gentle and caring.

"You're getting it wrong. Fighting is the one thing I excel at. With all the other skills in being a ninja, you're the ones who I've looked up to. You all make them look so easy. You don't know how jealous I am."

This only made Yagyu's expression sharper, more angry and menacing.

"That doesn't change how you've been holding back on us. Show me what you've been hiding all this time, Asuka. Show me that power you've been working so hard to keep secret."

A cold wind blew down the mountain. A boyish yell echoed from beneath the trees. Yagyu gave a sly smirk.

"I wouldn't worry about him if I were you. His life isn't something worth thinking about."

Yagyu and Asuka charged at each other. The silver-haired girl swung her weapon as she ran, launching ink-colored blasts of ice that either shattered against the ground or flew straight forward. Asuke ran low to the ground. Earth-gripped blade held forward for defense. Her heaven-gripped sword at her back, prepping for a strong hit.

Their bodies moved in speeds comparable to a bullet train. When they clashed in the middle of the clearing, wayward sparks of energy cracked the ground between them. The path of the river nearby twisted and changed, while the water itself froze into an unnatural dam. A few more exchanged blows, parries and ripostes, before they jumped backwards.

"Come on Asuka. show me the you that defeated one of Hell's generals! Show me the you that beat down Gessen's elite in one-on-five combat!"

Asuka winced. Her grip on her swords tightened. But she sighed, nodded, and looked into Yagyu's eye.

One of her hands while still gripping the sword. Two fingers gripped the white ribbon tied to her hair. And when she pulled, the light-green energy that surrounded her body exploded with a force that broke the ground beneath Yagyu's feet. A pillar of emerald flame shot up towards the sky, darkening the clouds as it pierced the heavens. Then the shaking stopped, the energy lessened until it traveled downward into Asuka's hands and blades.

"Limiter off... Secret Ninja Art: Deep Shadow."

Asuka took the cloth and wrapped it around the palm of her right hand. Her hair flowed down to her shoulders, bangs uneven across her forehead. She turned her head to her opponent, eyes sharp and shining at the excitement of combat.

"Are you ready Yagyu?"

The silver-haired gave a wicked smile. Her one visible eye opened wide in delight and anticipation.

"Did you forget who I am!? I'm Hanzo National Academy's genius prodigy! And I have ALWAYS wanted to fight you this way! So come on. SHOW ME WHAT YOU REALLY ARE!"

Dragon Berserker

Further down the mountain, the forest had become corrupted, animals and plants alike paralyzed and subject to the whims of Glom's twisted will. Tree trunks cracked and bubbled with the demonic liquid within, and the all the bushes had a black tint to their stems and leaves. And as two human figures raced down the mountain, they passed the unconscious bodies of the animals laying on the ground or hanging limp off the branches of the trees. Predator and herbivore alike lay atop the muddied dirt and fallen leaves. The two figures running through the terrain ignored the bodies and focused only pushing forward.

Every time the boy turned around he spotted her. Katsuragi was dazzling, She was impossible to miss. The shadows outlined her white clothes and long, sunny blonde hair. Her light skin glistened with forest dew sliding down her bare chest. Golden metal boots glinted with every ray of light shining from above, and with her blue miniskirt clinging to her thighs as they fluttered in the wind.

The sight of her baffled him. How could someone so noticeable claim to be a ninja?

Nishu ran with an inhuman speed, every stride pushing him several feet forward. His heart pounded with adrenaline while his eyes and ears strained to take in the surrounding forest. With a thought, the trees closed in behind him, forming a shield against his pursuers. They moved on their own, the aged bark groaning as a demonic presence filled them up from the roots, bending them until their leaves touched the ground.

Yet those living gates they never slowed her down. She drilled through them, body spinning parallel to the ground. Pieces of bark exploded through one side as Katsuragi kicked through them. Behind her was her wartorn path, dying trees lying on their side, some of them still bouncing off the ground in thunderous booms. Green and brown leaves fell behind the girl, rustling and cracking as the wind split pushed them apart like the wake behind a boat.

And with every stride she closed the distance. Every step exploded with sound, the metal clinks of her golden greaves clanking as solid rock cracked beneath her feet. The muscles on the boy's legs burned, and he knew he couldn't keep running forever. Kasuragi's weapons clanged louder and louder, a rapid death knell marching toward him.

A moment in which he leaped down the worn forest path, scaring a young couple walking the trail, and back into the darkness of the trees. Another clearing came ahead of him, this time with a large ravine shooting down the mountain.

And the worm-like creatures that nested beneath the roots called out to the boy. Earlier they had tasted the bodies of Yagyu and Hibari, sucking on their energy while they drove the two girls mad with pleasure. They didn't even finish with those two, instead cut down at the height of their indulgence.

Nishu called out to Glom with his mind.

"Glom, I can't keep running like this. Get ready to fight!"

"Heads up. She's got something big in store for us."

Katsuragi had wanted to find Nishu and end him as soon as possible. His constant retreat, the maze forming around her serving only to rile her up even more. She growled before slowing to a stop, watching him run further away. Then she brought her hands together, fingers bent into a specific sign. Katsuragi's energy became tinted light blue, and she focused her mind into the spiritual plane.

The air waved like a mirage. It shifted and swirled, reality warping and twisting within the space. An excited smile spread across her mouth as she shouted.

Summoning technique: Bloodthirsty Dragon Berserker!

The air that waved and shimmered then exploded into a cloud of white smoke. A roar that sounded like a mix between an elephant, a crocodile, and a lion. Green scales and a snakelike body formed in front of her. The Jade colored dragon roared up to the heavens, growing larger and thicker until each individual scale was the size of the girl's torso. And Katsuragi laughed as she jumped on top of its head, riding it with one foot forward.

"Come on you sexy beast! The taste of a tasty demon is right in front of us!"

Her jerked a hand and pointed forward toward the fleeting shadows.

Her dragon opened its mouth and lunged toward the boy. It didn't even bother with the rocks and ancient trees in its path. It dove toward him in a straight line, a divine wind that crushed all.

Nishu turned to face the spirit. Flashbacks of running away from Glom filled his head. This was the same situation as then.

Two marbles slide from his sleeves. They balanced at the top of his rod, rolling up and down as he gauged the distance and timing of his attack. He considered swinging with his rod, but decided he didn't need the power behind the blow. All he needed was one well placed toss.

Further the dragon slid, lunging at the boy with opened mouth. And when it was upon him, he drew back, and twisted his body the way a baseball player throws a pitch.

Both marbles flew from between his fingers, both drifting apart until they flew into its nostrils, exploding and expanding within the beast in a torrent of slime.

He swung his rod forward three times. Three lines of black goo arced their way into the dragon's open mouth. It combined and coagulated inside its throat, cutting off the airways.

What was once a furious war cry became a whimper of pain. Katsuragi fell backwards, rolling across its scales before grabbing onto the hairs that lined its spine.

Even injured, blinded, and in pain, the beast did not stop. Through its injury and suffocation it charged at the boy, chin parting the ground as though it were a ship in the sea. It barrel rolled while its jaw was still open, pearl white teeth over a blood red tongue. It tuned to the side, giving the boy the impression he were staring into an iron maiden torture trap.

The boy jumped upwards with all his strength. His hands reached out to grab the branches of the trees, but the dragon jerked it's head upwards, striking Nishu's body with the top of it's snout. The blow cracked his bones and catapulted him up into the sky. Her fought to get his bearings, arms out to steady himself against the wind. After aligning himself with the horizon, he looked down and screamed as the dragon's open jaws flew towards him. Nishu tilted his body and jerked to the side just as rows of serrated teeth clamped down on the air next to him. The side of the beast's head clipped his shoulder, and pain traveled through him once more as he tumbled down the dragon's back. Even then the boy still rose into the air as the beast ascended towards the sky. Nishu panicked, hands groping for something to hold on to. It was only by sheer luck was he able to grab onto the hairs that lined the dragon's spine. Glom was with him too, body burying into the dradon's body like a furry black parasite.

The feral beast thrashed through the air, curving at impossible angles. It soared upwards until it was past the mountain summit, long body snaking its way towards the clouds themselves. And the boy clung to dear life, unable to move, too terrified to let go, every muscle in his arms straining to hang on to the dragon that yearned for his death.

Looking up towards the dragon's head almost made him vomit a second time. Everything above its horns was a blur of green and blue, the horizon and forest mixing swirling together like a nauseating stew. Instead he looked down the dragon's body and screamed in terror at the sight of Katsuragi running up towards him.

She raised a leg to attack, but Glom slapped her across the face with a wet tentacle. At the same time NIshu gripped the rod with one hand, the dragon's whisker with the other, and struck at Katsuragi's shins. She tumbled back down the beast's spine before grabbing hold of the hairs to hold her again. As she did so Nishu transferred over to grip both hands on the dragon's antlers.

Both fighters held on tight as the dragon thrashed across the mountain. There was no direction, no goal. It only whipped its head left and right, up and down, body curling like a snakes while it's tiny arms struggled to reach it's head. Black goo was pouring out of its nostrils now. It's eyes covered and clamped with the demonic slime. The dragon roared in pain and fustration, it's flight path becoming a spiral that coiled across the top of the mountain.

Asuka, Yagyu, and Hibari looked back and stared at the thrashing beast. Katsuragi's summon technique was wearing off. Behind the armored scales, its flesh went transparent. It's body dissolved as though it were smoke, disappearing back into the aether.

WIthout control, unable to attack the enemy, and still feeling itself dying, the dragon zipped back down and crashed headfirst into the other side of the mountain.

"Yagyu. Let me go."

The silver haired girl stood with her fists clench. A statue staring back like a gargoyle upon a church.

"No." She growled.

"I'm not fighting to save the boy anymore. I'm saving my friends."

"You're implying that he'll win."

"It happened before."

Their glares mirrored each other. Their blades continued to clash, Hibari watching like a child in the sidelines.

Ikaruga gawked past the forest canopy. Even with the leaves obscuring her view, shining green scales encompassed her vision. The dragon's moved as though it weight light as a feather, but it's sheer size and speed brought hurricane level winds through the trees. This was a beast that could decimate entire villages just with its movements alone.

"Kaaat!" Ikaruga yelled so loud her throat hurt. Yet her words were lost in the breeze that howled within her ears. She leaped upward and reached for its scales, but the beast's thrashing brought it higher off the ground. It now swam through the air like an ocean snake, turning until it cleared the summit and rode all the way to the other side of the mountain. And with a final screech of desperation, the dragon smashed its head into the slope.

Ikaruga sprinted towards its general direction. Her legs became a blur as her streamlined form glided through the forest. The dragon had crashed at the opposite of the mountain, and she now yelled in frustration.

The Exhibitionist Ninja

Nishu and Katsuragi were forward with so much force their bodies cracked the ground beneath them. Their bodies dug trenches into the earth, their toughness shielding them from damage. Both fighters slapped the ground and flipped sideways until they were both on their feet, staring each other down. Without saying a word, she charged.

Katsuragi was upon them now. Heavy golden boots a blur as she twisted into a spinning drop kick. He slipped left, right shoulder grazed by the metal boots. And the flashing white-blue of her panties distracted all the while. Her skirt clung to her thighs and flipped up with every kick, bringing him in full view of the light skin and hard toned body of an expert martial artist. He struggled to focus.

Everything about her was overt and commanding attention. Nishu found it impossible to look away, and he realized that was her style of being a ninja. He knew how sometimes the best way to get close to a target was to command attention, to attract or intimidate that person into being defeated rather having to take them by surprise.

Katsuragi was a perfect example of that mindset. Power and beauty all in one. Nishu couldn't get a fix on her movement. Every kick had the effect of sledgehammers being swung towards his head. Every time he looked past the boots there we couldn't help staring at her body. Toned spread themselves wide to flash the panties above. And even further up past her exposed navel were her supple breasts that bounced and rolled with every flip and tumble she made.

"Focus kid! Don't let her get in your head!"


Katsuragi's kicks were wilder, faster, intent to kill flowing with every form. Her frantic nature lead to an increased speed and power. There was impatience in her fanaticism, but that only lent to the intimidation factor. Nishu became more intimidated by every kick she sent his way.

Not just her power, but even her mobility was jaw-dropping. Movements flowed on jade winds, body and limbs twisting and riding on an etherieal flow. Nishu parried a roundhouse by slamming his rod into the ankle of her boot, only for her to bend her knee and unleash more kicks with the same leg. Then she hopped forward for a sweep, followed by a side flip that smashed boot into the side of his face. Blood trickled out his nose for a moment, before he ignored it and continued walking backwards.

Glom attacked her from the sides, charging at her with his mouth open and teeth bared, but she'd dodge out the way or kick him into the forest with the power of a professional soccer player. The demon was sent sprawling into the forest, body twisting and breaking as he smashed into the trees.

Again the scents from before filled the air around her. The flash of her panties, the openness of her shirt exposing her breasts while the yellow hair flowed around her. A primal part of him yearned to ravish her body, but the sheer power of her kicks kept him hesitant and scared.

"Kid what are you doing!? Get in there!"

Katsuragi transitioned a push kick into a front flip, heel slamming into the ground in an explosion of earth.

"Glom if I get hit by any of this, I'm dead!"

"You'll get hit anyway if this keeps up! Concentrate! Stop having nosebleeds like some stupid anime character!"

"This nosebleed isn't from me ogling her!"

Katsuragi never tired. Never let up her continuous assault. Her thick, well-toned body carried her weight, allowing her to attack with no need for recovery. Each movement flowed from one attack to another, body moving on automatic while a jade tornado formed around them. It caught Nishu in the eye, with nowhere to escape the monster of a woman in front of him.

The blonde spun in the air, her body parallel to the ground, front foot a feint as she spun to bring her back foot into his right shoulder. Nishu's bones crunched while the force of her kick brought him down to one one knee. But low to the ground, he pushed off with one foot and tried to tackle her, then stopped just before a backflip brought her toe into his chin. The tornado tracked her position, forcing Nishu to keep backpedaling.

Despite the chaos above, the boy concentrated on the worms gathering beneath them. Katsuragi's wind whipped the trees from their roots, flinging dirt and debris all around them, but she never noticed the tentacles hid themselves outside the tornado's walls.

Nishu and Glom attacked her at once to try to break her rhythm. The boy raised his rod and aimed for a vertical strike. Glom charged in from the rear. Katsuragi bent low and raised her leg, catching the rod in the gap between her heel and sole. In that position it was impossible not to see her skirt fall down her thigh, and the boy looked down at her exposed body, she kicked out his shin from underneath him.

While Nishu was falling forward, Katsuragi kicked off the ground and back flipped into the air. Glom snarled and lunged forward, only for his face to smash against both of her heels. A dropkick that propelled her into the ground at an angle, dragging the yoma's face through the rock. Katsuragi spun with the momentum, kicking the demon up and performing a spinning round house into Glom's limp body. It smashed into a tree before being hit with a sidekick so strong that he broke through to the other side of the trunk.

The blonde turned to see Nishu firing projectiles. Swings of his rod whipped black liquid forward while more of the darkened marbles bounced off the trees at his side. Kat cartwheeled and slid from side to side, curling into a ball while in the air and lying low while on the ground. It was acrobatics that should be impossible for anyone wearing such heavy boots. And through it all the wind surrounded her body, making the bullets slip across her skin.

In a second she was in range. Her voice echoed.

Secret Ninja Art: Cross Panzer!

Katsuragi was floating off the ground now. Green wind circled her boots, her entire body defying gravity. She spun in the air, one kick leading to the next. Her strikes were faster than Nishu could blink. And the boy could do nothing to defend against it besides to back away while holding his rod up in defense. Her metal boots clanged against his weapon, and multiple times was it almost knocked out of his hands.

At the end of her technique, she didn't jump, but flew upwards before descending upon him with a flipping heel kick. Nishu realized it was the same technique she used on him before, but the combination was different and she applied more force now.

The boy slipped to the right just as Katsuragi destroyed the ground where he was standing.

As the rocks fell down around them Kat turned around leered at him with a cocky smile. Her legs were apart and torso leaning to one side. A sexy pose that made Nishu focus on the length of her legs, the arch of her back, the plump roundness of her breasts and butt. One hand rested on her thigh, the other on her hip.

"Haha. What's wrong? Can't keep up?"

Nishu stood and readied himself. Lead foot forward. Both hands on his weapon. But with the aggressive and feminine form in front him, his mind wandered. Glom's pained coughs sounded out behind the brush, though the yoma's voice was clear in the boy's head.

Katsuragi stepped toward him with both of her hands were on her hips, and she leaned forward until her breasts hung down, visible passed her unbuttoned shirt and blue necktie.

"Well come on. Are you going to come at me? Or am I too much for you?"

"I think you need an adult."

Nishu wasn't sure if he said something clever or just plain stupid. Katsuragi grinned even wider at his response. The ground exploded behind her before she went back into an all out assault.

The blonde kept up her flurry, never stopping as every move flowed into another . A side flip brought her boot into his nose. Nishu staggered backwards, this time in a daze as blood flowed from his mouth onto his shirt. Katsuragi turned her chin up toward him.

"How the hell did you beat Ikaruga!? This is pathetic."

She spun around and back flipped with her left leg straightened. The metallic ankle of her boot slammed into Nishu's rod with a downward strike. Had he not blocked it, it would have split his skull.

And that's when he figured out her fighting style. It was a similar principle as Ikaruga's. Her heavy weapons brought both speed and power, but once she started it was difficult for her to stop. The mindset of her style was momentum based, one in which it was impossible for her to stop once she got started. Katsuragi put her whole body into every strike, legs winding up for power combinations.

When he parried the next strike, he charged forward and retaliated against her. His rod became a blur as one strike led into the next. He did not hold it like a sword, but held it with one hand on either end as though it were a staff. Kat switched to the defensive, grunting as both ends of Nishu's rod struck into her sides and arms. She held up both arms as a shield against his blows, now moving backwards and to the sides to avoid him, as opposed to setting up for her next attack.

Nishu stayed close to her, footing grounded and balanced. His feet strafed around her while his arms swung the rod into her body. He circled left, then right, cutting off avenues of escape as she tried to duck and roll past him.

But Katsuragi had her own ways of attacking while retreating. Her cartwheels and flips brought her close to kicking in his head. She bent low to kick at his knees and ankles. Her combinations were mixed. Nishu never knew if her body would leap high or couching low, and couldn't predict where she'd aim to strike during either position. One of her kicks smashed into his thigh. His balance weakened for a moment before he recovered to check a second kick with his shin.

And through it all were the flashes of her blue-white striped panties and bare breasts. A mixture of fear, frustration, and arousal built up within the boy. It made his movements sloppy and uncoordinated. Yet there was a pressure building inside him, a warmth in his loins that grew hot with every bounce of her supple breasts and round ass.

A clean strike to her shoulder spun Katsuragi around. Her back turned to the boy, only to pause her movements. She stood with her legs apart. Her back arched, she turned to look back at him with a cocky smile. Still stepping back from her assault, he stared up and down her legs and the outline of her butt showing through her skirt. Her cocky smile goaded him into an attack, where she brought her legs together and smashed both her feet into his chest.

The hit blew Nishu back. He groaned and grit his teeth as he writhed on the floor, hands on his chest. HIs body shook. Every slimb struggled to move while Katsuragi stormed toward him.

"Too easy! Go to hell you freak!"

One leg raised for her to stomp on his head. She hopped forward, but Glom's rough tentacle grabbed her from behind and pulled her legs from underneath her. Both Kat's hands shot up to catch her fall.

Katsuragi flipped to her back and kicked upwards until her knee was next to her head. The strength of her kick sent a wave through the tentacle and sent Glom flying sidways, body crashing against the trees and rocks that surrounded them. The blonde kept spinning the demon around, her own body gyrating on her back in a pivoted windmill breakdance.

And that was the move Nishu was looking for. He countered it the same way Asuka did.

The tentacles broke through the surface, coiling around her arms and armpits, sliding between her fingers and gripping her head. Katsuragi looked up toward the ground. For a moment, her eyes widened, and she yelped in fear before the tentacles pulled her into the ground.

The winds of jade stopped, color fading from the air. In front of nishu was katsuragis legs propped up, trying to kick herself free while her upper body sank further to the ground. In her efforts to escape, katsuragi brought her feet to the ground and pushed off, boots sinking into the soil.

More tentacles gripped her legs, sliding up the smooth skin of her calves, spiraling around her thighs. And her feet sank into the ground. Nothing was above ground now except for her thighs and waist.

The Practice Girl


Nishu sprinted forward, almost tripping over his pants sliding down his legs. He pushed his legs as fast as they could go, never slowing down even as he neared the restrained girl. With a leap he slammed his cock into her pussy, ripping through her blue-white striped panties until his tip slammed into the back of her womb. Nishu and Glom heard Katsuragi's pained scream even through the inches of dirt. Her hips jerked in every direction while she struggled to free herself. The head of the boy's penis had become gorged and swollen from the adrenaline and stress of battle, pulsating in rapid vibrating booms like that of a cranked up bass speaker.

Katsuragi's body convulsed, only to spasm more as he slammed his hips into her again and again. The sounds of battle were replaced with the fleshy clap of his balls against her thighs.

The boy grabbed her clothes, pulling them until their bands pressed into her skin. Without effort, the boy ripped them off her body. Pieces of the blue miniskirt and blue-white panties now drifted to his feet.

Both hands gripped tight around her hips as he leaned back with the pleasure. Every thrust in and every pull out, brought a refreshing ecstasy that coursed through his veins. Katsuragi moaned and yelled as her pussy stretched open a second time, her wriggling hips serving only to dig the boy's penis further into her. She screamed and moaned in the dark underground.

"No! Ill kill you! This won't happen again! I refuse!...No! NOO!"

It sounded as though Kat tried to keep her voice down, like she were gritting her teeth against the member pounding into her belly. But every single thrust brought another moan that was louder than the last. Threats, curses, her own disbelief were all muffled against the tentacles now restrained her from below.

"Noooo...Damnit... How could -Aaah- I lose... to a guy like this...Huurgh... This isn't happening...No... For even someone as strong as me...aa...AAAAh! I can't lose... I can't! I... AAAH!"

Her rough, boyish voice ascended into rounds of squeaks and squeals. A clear spray erupted from her pussy, and her legs and hips no longer thrashed, but now twitched while the droplets slid down her thighs.

More thrashing on her part. Her legs pushed against the dirt below, though more from the twitchings of her own orgasm than any purposeful movement on her part. The dirt cracking around the boy as she tried to bring her legs out from the ground. He assisted this by grabbing her thighs and pulling them out of the ground. Since he was already between her legs, this served no purpose than to give him the pleasure of holding her lags apart as he continued ravaging her pussy, now drenched as it was in her own fluids.

Nishu removed herself from her and stood up. Tentacles anchored to the trees lowered themselves until they could wrap around her legs. They pulled her body out of the ground, soil falling off her clothes and hair, tentacles from the ground still restraining her arms and shoulders.

The blonde breathed hard, trying to catch her breath.

A smooth tentacle burst from the ground and pushed its way into her mouth. Her protests became the repeated gags of weeks prior, only this time more choked and forced as the penis shaped appendage slid up and down her throat. Nishu grabbed her wrists and pulled her towards him, her toes touching the ground as he held her body up by his dick. And with every thrust more fluid trickled into her. Her body heat increasing, eyes rolling back, Katsuragi let out a moan even as she gagged, moisture spraying between her legs.

"It's Ikaruga who's on her way kid. Finish this faster."

What started as a rhythmic piston became a jackhammer, the volume of slapping skin louder and booming through the forest. His grooved, barbed penis struck into her with the force of a lightning strike. In one final thrust, he came into her. It was like the thunder after the lightning, an explosive force that sent shock waves through her body. And with to Nishu moaned as both their bodies quivered and shook with the intensity.

Katsuragi screamed. Then she moaned while her tongue lolled out of her mouth. The girl's voice came out pleading, fast and desperate. Gone was the confident and mocking voice from before.

"No. Pleash. Shtop! I can't take anymore... I don't want to cum anymore... uuuUUUUUGH... AAAAAAHH!"

With her convulsion she thrust her hips on her own, her own yells reaching an uncharacteristic high pitch as even more orgasms wrecked her body.

She held her breath when Nishu walked forward and pressed the tip of his penis into her lips.

"I haven't even cum once yet. Maybe this hole will feel better than your other one."

And each time she came Nishu rolled and shifted her body to a new position.

Grabbing her by her hips, he lifted her up out of the ground. Tentacles wrapped around the trees held her up by her legs, arms restrained by the tentacles growing out of the ground. They lifted Katsuragi higher and higher until the tip of Nishu's penis prodded into her lips. She kept her jaw clenched, tying to close him out. But then she felt Glom clambering up her body. Tentacles erupted from his back and gripped her highs. The demon's rough tongue pushed into her pussy. And he crawled higher before sticking the tip of his demonic dick into her asshole.

Kat shook her head, muffled voice yelling "Noo!" before the yoma slammed his member down her body. When she gasped in pain, the restraints loosened enough for her to drop. Her yell of terror and disgust ended when the boy's penis slid past her lips. Now she gagged and coughed for every time his penis pressed into the back of her throat.

Boy and demon slammed their members into opposite sides of the girl's belly, pushing deeper than humanly possible. The hardened flesh muffled her cries of pain and pleasure. Yet even blocked off as they were, it was easy to tell that her moans were getting louder.

Glom thrust into her asshole again and again, going deep into her belly. Her hunched over her spread legs, rapid panting as drool dripped down his mouth. The drool then landed on top of Nishu's head.

"What the-? Glom! Fuck her upside down! Come on!"

The demon gave a wide shit-eating grin. What made it even more comical was how he was still tonguing a girl's womb at the same time. And Nishu, if he were to look up, had an up-close view of everything.

Finally, the boy and the demon came into her. Her belly swelled and shook with the force of his spunk. The boy was so deep into her she couldn't even cough it out. Splashes of semen dripped up her head until it covered her eyes and nose and soaked into her hair. Above, the liquid from Glom overflowed. More white semen flooded out from her pussy.

The light skin and toned muscle of Katsuragi's curvaceous body now glistened with the spunk, frosted like the cream off a pie.

And when the boy stepped back, he summoned tentacles from the ground to plug each hole, thrusting into her even as he sat on the ground. With his physical body recovering, he concentrated on being able to make smaller movements with the tentacles. They probed into her body and thrashed around her ass pussy like panicking eels. Katsuragi's yells and gags never let up, and even more of the liquid sprayed out from her.

"Hm. Don't you think this is a little much?" Glom sat on the base of the tree, panting in quick breaths..

Nishu stared at the writhing blonde suspended in the air.

"I need to get a feel for how well I can control these things. Since I know she'll be okay with this, I'll just be experimenting for now."

"So she's a practice girl?"

"A what?"

"When guys or girls want to learn how to talk to somebody they like, they'll often practice by hittin`g on someone they don't care about. Less pressure and they get to say whatever they want since it doesn't matter, anyway. I'm guessing Katsuragi has always been your practice girl, huh?"

"Not really. Well sort of."

Multiple penis-shaped outlines appeared on the girl's belly, each one writhing, making her stomach seem to inflate as it kept getting stuffed with more tentacles. The girl gagged and coughed, hands squeezing the tentacles in half-hearted pulls.

Seconds later and he sent a mental signal for the tentacles to stop. The writhing and twisting within the girl's body slowed to a halt, before each one of the rough appendages slid out from her holes.

He let go of Katsuragi's arms, leaning forward until she lay on the ground. She was still awake, body quivering as more violent orgasms made her eyes rolled back.

"Uuugh..." Katsuragi half moaned and half whispered. "I'm... being shamed... you're hurting me... why... why am I cumming?... I don't want to cum... I don't want... I... ah... aaaahh... AAAAH."

Katsuragi's arched. She rolled from side to side, both hands over her pussy as her legs straightened into the air with toes clenched. She was spraying everywhere. With how much she squirmed and pulled at her restraints, it was almost like she were a sprinkler. All the plants and rocks and trees shone with the sunlight bouncing off the moisture. Her body then lay still, legs spread wide, cum dribbling down her mouth and tits and thighs.

With that the restraints lowered the girl back to the ground. She lay on her belly, coughing and throwing up more sperm even as her body quaked from the sensations of delayed, repeat orgasms.

Nishu's knees shook, body fighting not to collapse on the spot. The effort to subdue Katsuragi had left him weakened and vulnerable. But the tentacles that molested every bit of her insides had siphoned some much needed energy from the girl. He could feel it flowing into him, his own body replenishing with every breath.

A voice came out from behind.

"No. I was too late. Damn it Kat. If only you waited for me."

The boy turned to see Ikaruga drawing her sword, flames glowing brighter than it ever had before.