
Chapter 332

It existed before the departure of the seven dragons from the light region.It has been placed floating over a lamp plate held with rays of light through powers beside the mighty diamond stone. The true fact remains that the Seven dragons came into existence after a thousand years of the old man's existence. This only means that they were a lot of things they didn't know because he was far older than they were. A thousand years in the immortal world is something far frightening, legend had it that the earth wasn't in existence then, so there was no human realm not even humans.

The mighty diamond stone also floats on air with light centered within its diamond which accumulate the sun which rise from the light mountain region taking it away from the dark mountain which already possesses artificial light from the gigantic trees.

It is well known and stated that no power could take the book away from the strong chains holding it aside that of the old man.It was customized with his blood and powers to handle alone.Knowing fully well that the book cannot be stolen made it of great surprise to them all after knowing it was missing yet it wasn’t known to them how it got missing.

The process can never be completed without the book ,Therein are all it takes to carry out the process.No recitation will ever work out without the book even if it were known by heart.They were set to make out alerts of which a loud horn was blown by the gigantic tree guards as a siren to alert everyone about the missing book which gathered each sect in groups to head to earth and get the missing book.

It wasn’t pleasing to know at all.The seven dragons were restless and gave it more concern ordering soldiers to get ready to leave for earth.

This book could only be read and handled by the old man.It is a precious book of which powers are concentrated. It wasn’t known to any immortal that he was in possession of it.It was kept a secret within the seven dragons and the ten lords. Any immortal will love to be in possession of it because of the contents and power it carries.It is just unlucky for them that they except the old man won’t be able to read the write-ups in it and also perform the powers in it. And also their old Master has given out his powerful models for so many cause this could be his only reward.

Theft attempts had taken place countless times which called for a secured protection, there were some immortals who would go extreme just to amass their powers, so an attempt could never be exempted. But after so many attempts which end in a sorry state, the thought of theft disappeared totally. The mountain was open to any kind of immortals from all the realms. It wasn't known to them to give them less cause to protect the book, it was more like the had to guard it with their lives. 

The interesting and mind cooling part of it is that the person behind it never goes free.He or she either gets caught or destroyed forever with no selection (whether immortal or not) after which there will be no remedy for such.The security to this was immensely intensified to the scariest level that it happens that there would be no survival if another theft attempt is made.

This is the only secret about theft in the mountain that is not known by immortals, by only those officially involved and the guards. Keeping it a secret will erase evil minded mortals/ immortals)

It is known to the old man and the rulers alone.By assurance…It was certain that the book is safe while the thief is either destroyed or caught.But the destruction is sure knowing that no one was caught within the days it was taken.

 Who says an immortal couldn't be destroyed? There were several classes of immortal and also there were some born into the human realm. There were immortal as well born with powers by mere humans, they don't have to mate with an immortals. Thses set were different, both mortals would mate and they are then born as immortals 'Extraordinary Humans'. They get to a certain stage that they stop aging and could also live a thousand years as well. 

Their wounds would always heal up anytime thebget injured, no matter the injury, their DNA is similar to that of an immortal, but unfortunately for them when found out they are used as 'Lab Rats'. Human beings can be over demanding at times, they would love to know why such ones possess such extraordinary abilities. And then they try to mutant the ordinary human DNA using the Extraordinary beings DNA to form a replica. 

It was known that whomever is in possession of the book, If not faithful,He or she makes the wrong use of it.

The Old man is a faithful immortal, at least he had been that way before the fall. There were some things they as dragons don't know about. But if they had really known him, they would know he was someone who had his own plans set aside, and he always does the way he wished. They were unaware of the fact that, he was the main reason for the fall.

He alone has possession of the book.He will not in any way betray them because he's so faithful but was that all there is to it? He can read out all in it and also possess the powers it contains.That makes him powerful and the top immortal than any other.

Without being selfish, he has made it limited and not a practical norm. He has it all to handle as pleased but remained humble. Though, the old man was indeed very cruel but at the same time he was very considerate. If he wasn't so mischievous how could it be that no one knew his true identity? And that no one could ever find him? Looking for the old man is like looking for a needle inside a dark well filled with Hays.

“We all know how important the book is in the mountain,it is needed for the restoration of the ten lords which is used to read out certain verses needed to activate the keys that would be formed by the ten rings. If not found within 30 mins....it won't go easy.Go and find it back up the mountain. Go!" The Seven Dragons said in a rasp voice.

That was the dragons giving orders with explanations.They were out of ideas about the missing book but don't want to do anything out of anger in a rush. If there was anyone who could help them find it, it would be the Old man.

“Impossible! Search for the book only I can take the book from its location.I have been ordained for it. Who then posses powers like mine?Not possible.Who has taken the book? What tactics was used?No betrayer stays here without being fished out.It will be sensed immediately, my going away seems to have made the whole system very weak. Who then could do such?”The old man questioned looking at them with disappointment. 

What the Old man said was just like an insult to them. They had suddenly become so weak and the system was already crumbling. The Seven dragons arose spilling out fire in anger.The waves became stronger and it blew whirled wind the fire emitting from the Seven Dragons is about one thousand four hundred and fifty degree (1450 °C). It is so hot to a point that even a skeleton would melt and burn.

Anger was all that existed at the moment around them.The submission is ought to be done in due time with no minute passed.They had some guards sent to earth to trace the book and get the thief Not minding if he was a human or immortal.They couldn’t figure out who it was. This was the main emergency they had called him out for, the needed his help. He was good with tracking spell there was nothing he couldn't track.


(The next day on earth)

(Recca's apartment)

(Packaging stuffs) 

“The day we are waiting for has finally arrived”

“(Smilles) Desire will see his dad soon”

Hearing Recca say this…Lily's heart gave a strong beat.She had thought of how the future will be like having to explain to Recca someday that Desire isn’t Kent’s son. Recca had chosen this name for her son but Lily had another name she wanted the baby to bear. The name is 'Lyan', this is the name she felt like giving her first ever great grandchild. Though this child wasn't her own real great grandchild but once adopted he becomes part of her. It was just a pity that the child would grow up and leave her behind since he was just human.

"Just pack up, let's reach the mansion on time,It's still early,we should be able to reach the station on time. (Sigh) I wonder how Stella is faring" Lilly said with a cold look. She was worried somehow about Stella and the children.

"There's no time to waste time. Let me have the baby (Stretches to take Desire from Lily) The little Desire was still asleep,he wasn't the bugging kind of child. 

He is a calm and smart kid yet known for whom he wasn't by gene.Though a little child like Desire doesn't deserve an unfair treatment.It was never his wish to be a product of a different sample than that of Kent. This was well understood by Lilly, Sammy and Sam. But Sammy had in mind expectations of the product, Kent's sample will produce hopefully since his brother had called relating a missing sample to him. Knowing that someday, if the sample were used he would meet his niece or nephew next time.

Lily as well, always prays that Kent's sample didn't waste off but was in a woman who'll bear the child. She hopes that destiny will bring them together. Keeping Desire was her next focus with no discrimination. She still had a lot of things she would have to settle with him, a good spanking isn't a bad idea. At least vthst would help calm down her supposed anger.

"Meet me outside"Sammy said while leaving. He had strictly given Mike some instructions he had to follow. Mike had been the person who talked them into staying. And Sammy understood the fact that the father and son needed time together. And a good rest would do them a lot of good.


"Seems Sammy is fed up of the whole thing.He is in a haste to return.Seems he misses his grandpa too.Maybe he wants to see Kent before he returns"Lilly said with the smile on her face. At least now he was more calmer and less angry. Lily was also happy he let Wilfred go. 

But did he really let Wilfred go unpunished? If the old man was someone who barely forgives a grudge then what could you say about Sammy?

"Sam, what do you think about Sammy's mood?"Lily asked

"Ma'am the young master looks good to him" he replied

(Smiles) "I am sure you had a long talk with Mike right?"

"Yes Madam, that boy made me so worried" he answered sincerely 

(Smiles) "That's good to know "

"Oh my…"Sammy said running back into the mansion.

"Sammy what's wrong?"Lilly questioned.She could see how restless he was at that moment.

"I forgot something"Sammy said running back into the building

"What's that dear?"

"The file"

"What file?"

"The one we got in the motel we lodged, the one I couldn't read a word out of it"

"Oh..yes I remember now, that file.Thank goodness you recalled.You shouldn't forget it.it might be something important that your grandpa could handle when we get back.I don't know…but I feel it will be of value to him. If you had forgotten it… I wouldn't have taken it likely with you.You can now get them and head back to the station immediately so that you can book us a space "Granny said while Sammy was in search of the suitcase of which he has kept the file.

"I found the book because I got interested in it. And when your husband is placed in the picture you threaten my damn ass" Sammy said walking up the stairs leaving his grandmother speechless. Why was love so annoying? If he did forget the book then it shouldn't be a problem after all he found it all by himself and he could forget it if he wants to. But now it seems he couldn't do that because he would get himself into big trouble with his grandmother. 'How frustrating and annoying?' he lamented. Love was more like torture and invasion of privacy.

Sammy finally found the suitcase lying beside the wall.It was obvious that he kept his suitcase beside the bed yet found it beside the wall. He took it up to take a look at the suitcase and search for the file in it. From the weight of the suitcase, Sammy noticed that it wasn't as heavy as it was when he arrived. It was more confusing, he had left this very bag at the hospital. Remembering clearly when he teleported himself to the mansion to meet Mike, he didn't take anything with him at that time. Could it be that he did take it but he had no memory of it in his head? The weight of the bag presently wasn't the sane as the initial weight when he first took it.

His very own suitcase was quite heavy.The lightness of this particular one showed the difference. He doubted the suitcase yet encouraged himself to open up before he jumped to a conclusion. After which he opened the suitcase, he confirmed that his doubts were right. 

Right in the suitcase which he opened,it was filled nothing else but clothes. He saw clothes in it from his glance at it…he could tell that the clothes weren't his neither was it his packaged suitcase. The suitcase look so much alike like his suitcase.

He actually had some few clothes in his own suitcase which made it heavy along side some books which he makes use of for leisure reading, along with the book which he got from the motel.He kept it inside his clothes in the bag and all the stuff he needs also. It was surprising that the exact suitcase was having something entirely different from what he brought all the way from the mansion. The only difference was the new book he found, the rest of the items he had packed them during the travel but now they were missing.

"It seemed the suitcase was exchanged" Sammy spoke out looking at the suitcase in horror. Could it be that the exchanged had happened on the train? How was it that he didn't  notice a thing? If it was indeed exchanged by then, he should have noticed because the weight is a vast difference. The new book he found would weigh approximately about 20 Ib (pounds) it was so heavy but to him it weighed more like a feather. And even at that this particular suitcase isn't even up to the weight of a feather to him, it was more like he was carrying nothing but Air.

What would be the next step to take now? He was already so tired of staying here, all he wanted was to travel back to the old mansion. Now his book, clothes and other items were now missing.