
Chapter 322

“You can’t tell granny, Don’t praise him that much. Anyone could do such for a pregnant woman. Even Myself. Just as you have brought me along for a safe delivery.Anyways..I don't see this as an ordinary help.I sense something more to it than genuine help.Seems I don't like him. “ Hearing himself speak, Sammy went dumb "Wait, who the hell are we talking about again?"



"Granny I don't understand , are you talking about the same man who had called you earlier?"


"The same one who spoke rubbish about being the so called Recca's benefactor?"

(Smiles) "Yeah"

"The same one you got so pissed at to a point you had nearly cursed him"

(Surprised) "I didn't do such a thing, I just got a but Angry. And I kept my ager in check"

"Owh, so we are talking about the same person?"


"Now from being a person who is selfish and all he thinks about is Money and interest to him being nice, kind and considerate?"

"Hmmmn, some things can be unsaid"

"Really granny? Sorry to burst your bubble, words cannot be taken back when said. What really are you up to? Cause I am getting confused. What game are we really playing?" Sammy said looking at her strangely.

(Smiles) "Grandma just want to have a little fun that's nit a crime is it?"

"It's not and you have my full support I am totally in"

(Laughing) "You would always be my best grandson " Lily said chuckling. Though she was up to something and now her and Sammy had come to a mutual understanding. 

Sammy had to play along, this was because he felt maybe they were being watched it monitored somehow. 

“I am ready to go young master”Sam said rushing out of the vehicle. The crowd were now gone but he had to stand out to watch the whole place carefully so as to avoid any surprise attack. After all they were getting information from a stranger, utmost care is needed at this point. Sam is not just a Butler, he could take you any tasks. He could multi task, he is very fluent in speaking and understanding about 30 languages.

Earlier before they had left the motel, Sammy was busy through out the whole process, they had thought he was about wasting more time but he was surprisingly very serious with his plans and had his eyes glued to some books, ledgers and records as well. This was indeed a new side if his younger Master, everyone knew that his young Master isn't a fan of big books. Going through a normal dictionary to understand the meaning of a word is like sending him on an exile. He would be depressed to death, he would be so sad that you won't understand the real reason behind it all.

Sammy was left behind.He had to do some cross checking to ensure they didn’t forget anything.

He ensured he carried along the files with weird write-ups.After cross-checking the place ensuring they held the necessary items he went after Sam and Lily.

Getting to the destination was not just enough, they were now directed to take a public train. Though they had to admit, the whole booking system and it's interior is exquisite, after all what better place can there be?

"Madam, I think I would have to ce in on this one. I haven't heard a word from my son at all. I had been calling through the mansion line and nobody is picking up. I feel bad about all this"

Smiles" Sam you don't have to get yourself all worked up about all this. This Strange with no name, is a good and nice person"

"Someone you barely know.I mean someone you haven't met" Sammy said with a smirk on his face.

"Yes darling, but granny has always taught you that you don't judge a book by its cover. There's something about giving someone a benefit of a doubt and that's what I am doing. It more like the game of chess 'checkmate' "

"Granny trust me I sense something fishy about it"

“Anyways, you have a point Sammy.But you know that shouldn’t be our focus right now. Don't suspect someone you haven't seen ok? And let’s reach there first.Only then we can differentiate his mask from the actual. Just as I said darling, Grandma wants to have some fun, it's kind of being too long I actually got very naughty.”

(Speechless) "I just have this suspicion about him.I can't tell why but whenever I feel this way.. something definitely goes wrong"

''Keep it cool, there's nothing in the World that we should be afraid of. Remember we are stronger than it seems."

'You have reached your destination, you can alight yourself from the train ' a voice said from the navigation panel. When the train finally stopped, It was now time to get off.

Reaching the exit door, there were crowd of people behaving like immatures rushing through the exit doors.The crowd was large that they couldn't see the exit door.

Sammy got irritated and wondered what sort of life they are living behaving like kids.It seems to him like the set of people in such locality behave in such manner" That was the only way he could interpret their actions. It was like the train was more like a prison to them so they got an opportunity getting off they didn't want to lose it. Why book a train when you ain't comfortable with it?

Granny, was quite strong enough to remain standing so calmly. She had to wait for a lot of people to get off before she thought about going off too.She had this calm look and a smile on her face smiling while she watched the crowd having a flashback of all she learnt in the human world as a human her experience and lessons. She was once a human so she understood this feeling of anxiety better than anyone else, humans walk, work and talk around the ticking of time. To them every seconds is of great importance. But for immortal this isn't the case, this is because they had enough and also a lot of time. It feels like time walks, work and talks around them. Afterall the life span of Immortals can never be compared to that of mere mortals. 

Because of this short lifespan humans tends to act differently around time, they don't want to waste any time, that's why they are always rushing to beat to time. Who can understand this better than she herself? There were times she would miss the school bus and had to run as fast as she could to the next bus stop just to meet up. There were times she would wake up as early as 4:30 am get off from bed, freshen up and luckily she made it on time cause it's just 5:00 am, the thought of taking a little nap would cross her mind since the bus would only arrive by 7:30, she still had enough time. Like about 2 more hours to spare. With a smile she would take a nap in her neatly ironed school uniform, just a nap but Viola she wakes up the next thing she knows is that it's already 7:45 am and since she is so unlucky she would have no choice than to miss breakfast and still miss the bus.

She could tell great difference between humans and immortals aside the difference of power possessions.That is a single mode of differentiation.

They all remained on their feet awaiting their turn and also watching as others alight the vehicle.

"Why not call the young man to come pick us up or Direct us on the path to go when we alight the vehicle?" Sam suggested

"There's no need for that" Granny replied 

"You're the reason we arrives the exit door late"She continued

"Sam..it seems you have forgotten that it was under my instruction that you take her to where she is presently to give her a very good and comfortable lifestyle for the duration of her pregnancy till delivery"She continued

"(Nods) forgive my bad man I totally forgot.I guess I am tired standing up here"Sam appointment

"Well..it wasn't like I knew where I sent her to nor did I visit at all. I made researches and was told it was the good,comfortable and a very nice place.Didn't waste much time giving orders to have her land safely.I can't be certain about it.But I can tell what the place looks like and also trace the location as described before purchase."

"Ok then.I just want to see the gentleman who have been taking care of Recca ever since she got pregnant till the very time she put to bed" granny said 

"You keep repeating this granny.. What is so special about seeing him? Afterall..he is a human being not some sort of special immortal.i told you earlier…anyone can do what he has done.Repeating it annoys me"

"Really?seems someone is jealous"

"Rrrh..I can't be.Just trying to let you know you didn't go about it in the right way"

"Ok then"Granny replied

The crowd became noisy with lots of quarrel from different persons.This experience was nothing new to Lily which gave Sammy a surprised look on his face.

“Granny…Such patience…”

“Yes dear.With humans..patience is necessary.You need to have patience in you like the blood that runs through your veins."


"Be patient too,when it becomes your turn..no one will drag it with you.Humans love when rightful laws are abided by citizens accordingly with no sense of cheat or superiority"

"Granny..I am here because of you.we should have done it the way immortals does it"Sammy replied looking angry.

"Sammy Darling you should remain patient lest you want to get injured or injure someone.This is nothing new before me..i am experiencing this after a long period of time.At times like this you just have to let go of your powers and address things with humans like humans, else they get cheated. But they won't let go easily"She continued

(Nods)"Grandma talking about humans I think I would let this slide but if I remember correctly, when they find someone extraordinarily special they get afraid of them or better still some doctors would like to use them as specimen to know what constitutes their speciality. So you can see the word 'human' has a vast sense of it's definition." He said sounding very serious 

" I understand this very much darling, that's why everyone is different in his or her own way. Just as Immortals we react differently same goes to Mortals as well. All they believe in is Science and hard proof as well" she said with a sigh. She was indeed very happy and lucky she found the old man but there were things she had learnt to do by herself in the hard way and this had built her up into a better person. Making her more independent and it also gave her self confidence. She didn't rely on the old man's strength, she fought her way through it all. There's no feeling more pleasing than finding out that you are much more capable than you ever imagine. What drowns some people is not because life is difficult, it's because they haven't found their purpose. And some find it, but they don't know the ways to go about it. And some found that way but they are too scared to take a step. Same thing drowns them all and they end up living in nothing but regret.

"Madam, the house I had given Recca based on your instructions is a 100 miles away from this place" Sam said looking around the environment. It was more like a hospital, a very big one at that.

“Sam I know that, this was exactly what I was trying to avoid earlier you can see this for yourself.This was what I was telling you about, it seems there's more to 'this than that' If we had left to this place earlier..It wouldn’t be this much uneasy for us as it is right now" Lily said

"Grandma what's the meaning of the statement you had used?" 

"What statement?"

"There's more to this than that" Sammy said quoting her exact words.

"Owh, it means there more story beneath what's on the surface "

"Owh, I see. Somehow I have learnt a new word" (smiles) " I can use them in the old man" he continued.


"What else could you do than to smile?we are in the mess already.Your apology won't bring us solutions.We are to face it now that it has turned to this.

They had no choice than to exercise patience.The explanation Lily did to Sam earlier was out of experience knowing that room 30 indeed have others before it.That is Rooms 29 downwards.Just then they discovered that the very spot they are alighting at tends to be the first bus stop which have lots of people alighting the vehicle at same bus stop.It is the main road to other enteries in that particular area.

“(hiss) I’m tired already”A pregnant woman said while trying to find a place she could rest her back

Lily who was standing in an opposite direction stared to take a close look to see who made such speech knowing that being early at the exit door pays and saves time.

“Hey young lady seems you have been standing for quite a long time.Get somewhere to sit please.Its not good for your health and condition in anyway "

"Thanks "

"Did you board the train all alone?" Lilly questioned knowing fully well that such a pregnant woman would feel lonely if left to herself. She could imagine a pregnant woman all alone in a room.The loneliness might raise an alarm.She looks like a woman who is 9months pregnant.What if she get into labour and no one would be there to rush her out.

“No I didn’t board the car alone ma'am . .I am along with my kids (triplets). A boy and two girls”She replied

“Wow..you mean your first child are triplets?"

"Exactly ma'am.."

" Beautiful,I wish my grandson could give me kids like yours."


"I can't see them with you..Tell me..Where are they?”Granny questioned

“Over there”She replied with a warm smile pointing to the direction the boy and her little girls have sat camly”

I came over hear to find ways of alighting on time while they rest.

“You have done well as a mother.By the way .You have beautiful daughters and a handsome boy”Granny commented

“Thank you”She said with a smile that ceased and became moody.

“Well..seems we will be here for some minutes till it's our turn” Granny said

“I am not new to this. Most times we come through same train to spend sometime with their dad." She said rubbing her baby bump.

"Really?He Resides here?"

"Yes he does.Work won't permit him to come stay over there with us, so we have to travel over so as to see him"She replied.

"Oh..ok..its quite necessary to visit him He is needed"

"(Smiles) Of course.He is presently in some sort of hospital as I perceive.He have been acting weird for over ten months now.I am about giving him a surprise visit.The kids long to see their father”The pregnant lady said

“Oh..that’s a good one”Granny replied

"Why is there so much crowd?"Sammy questioned in anger.It was like he could feel his blood boiling from within trying to adjust to the weather