
Chapter 1: 'How can I be pregnant?'

"Ma'am congratulations to you. I have good news for you. You are 12 weeks pregnant" The Doctor said smiling happily giving me the result of the pregnancy test.

Boom! My world came to a stand still. Me? Pregnant? Is seems someone wants to play a prank on me.

(Laughing) " Doctor, you must be joking or something right? Where are the cameras?" I said looking around, to see if I was being tricked.

(Looking confused) " Ma'am are you alright?" He said observing her. Looking at her shocked state he assumed she was overwhelmed by the news.

(Laughing) " That result must be bogus. How on earth can I be pregnant? I can't be pregnant" she said repeating those words "you would have to take another test" stretching forth her hands she immediately grabs the result from him and goes through it. "12 weeks pregnant? (Laughing) you guys are insane, this is impossible. You would have to run another test"

"Ma'am there's nothing wrong with the result" The Doctor said sounding very confident

Hearing the confidence in his voice, I got so angry. Who was he to say that?"You're beginning to piss me off, just do as you are told, take another God damn result"

"Even if we do that, those results would still come out positive. There's no mistake in the result. This Hospital is one of the best and trust me we don't tolerate even a 1% error on tests and reports. So this result you see here is 100% accurate" Steve said trying to convince her

"Shocked" " Then I would have to change hospitals, if I have to go to a million hospitals and get a negative result I would do that"

"Speechless" " Ma'am why are you so shocked about your pregnancy?" That is a question he wanted answers to. Being pregnant is a good news but looking at the way she took the news he became so shocked. It wasn't as if she was an underage child, she was a mature woman. Why was she not happy? Being pregnant is every woman's dream, it's one of the best news ever.

"That shouldn't be your own problem, just take the blood and urine you need and run another test. The bill is on me anyways, so get back to work" she said twitching

"Okay ma'am but just have it in mind that you were told" looking at her one more time, he left the ward.

Seeing him leave, she immediately sat up on the bed. "How can I be pregnant? I never saw an angel in my dream did I? God please what could be happening? You know it's impossible for me to be pregnant. What mess have I gotten myself in?"she couldn't help but lay her hands on her stomach. Observing her stomach carefully " if I was really pregnant, you should be big. I don't see any difference in size, I need to call mom"

Checking her purse, picking up her cellphone "here we go". She said dialing her mother's number.