
Selling Myself To The Alpha

After a human girl accidentally sells herself to Alpha, Alpha is surprised to find that he has found his mate!!

Tabatha_Taylor_6473 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

Chapter 29: Caught Cheating


It is Saturday morning; the thought brings me no joy as I turn on my side and look at the empty pillow. I hate to admit it, but I miss Axel when he is not sleeping over.

I do not know why, but I sleep so much more soundly and peacefully with him next to me.

But something happened at work which required him to work longer hours and I have not seen him since Tuesday. Dinnertime with Drew and Carol was still fun, but I felt lost the moment they left.

I look at the time and jump out of bed.

Nina has invited me over to meet Wilson and I am curious to meet the man that swept her off her feet.


I am walking from the bus stop to the restaurant where I am meeting Nina and Wilson when my eye catches the most beautiful evening gown. I stop and take a moment to admire the dress in the window.