

[Sakura Pov]

One moment Kiba says that we will be going on a vacation and the next thing , I know I wake up in a warehouse of all places . That while shocking is not that unexpected considering all his experiments infact by sheer osmosis I learned a lot of his jutsu . I am pretty sure that he knows that I know a lot of his jutsu due to all the knowing looks that smug bastard gives me.

Speaking of my jailer, I learned that he turned from an absolute beef cake of a man to an admittedly cute kid. I sometimes wish that the stupid seal did not exist because without it I would probably just lunge at him all the while pinching his adorable cheeks.

It took some time to get used to but hey considering all the other stuff he has done it is not that surprising. Another surprising thing is that I actually got to have some alone time which considering how he has literally not left me alone ever since he imprisoned me unless I need to go the bathroom of course.

Now an unexpected side effect of all of this is that I realized in a sort of way , I have kind of gotten attached to him in a way. I also have a feeling that I developed that Stockholm syndrome he keeps saying I forced him into. Hah ! As if I kidnapped that idiot. I think even he realized that he does care about me in his own murder hobo way.

he even goes on that rant of his once in a while, calling me a useless piece of flesh with the personality of a banshee and average looks . The amount of anger I feel towards him can not be explained in words , you know all of this would not have been so bad if he at least had the decency to take my virginity . I promise that one day I would break out of this seal, I will break every bone in his body then we will as he likes to call it bang like a bunch of rabbits.

I honestly stopped caring about all the atrocities he has done a long time ago and I am even ok with him taking other women . I honestly think that the idea of him dominating another woman in front of me is kinda surprisingly hot . I feel like I have developed a voyeur fetish because of him always forcing me to watch him take other women . The worst part of it all is that I can not even relieve myself on the spot .

I hate him because of how he makes me love him. I hate how he looks at me like I am the most important person in the world and how that makes butterflies fly in my stomach . I loathe how he actually takes care of me and gives me all the comfort I could ever ask for . The idiot literally learned how to cook food for me to such a level that it would make even the best restaurants in Konoha look like amateurs. I want to lie to myself and say that this is all some sort of sick game of his but I know him far too well.

I know for a fact that idiot has actually fallen for me just like I have . I do not give a damn if he is a monster if it means being with him then I will become one as well. I want him to realize oh so badly how much I love him, I want him to realize how much I care about him.

I want to at nights just wipe away his tears and tell that fool to his face that I do not care if he is worse then scum because I will love him regardless.

I wish that I could actually hate him for probably torturing everyone I used to care about but really I just can not. I can not believe that I am in love with this monster that literally wears the skin of children for crying out loud.

I spend most of my time that I am not with him eating , sleeping or exercising. The time that I am with him is spent on accompanying him in a world frozen out of time as he goes about collecting poor unfortunate souls to experiment on. We also occasionally just cuddle as well when I am not watching him do absolutely horrible experiments on others . I also actually went out with him a couple of times and the world is actually pretty advanced all things considered.

I am also immortal now at least according to him after after he made me smash a weird orb . We are also supposedly "officially " dating just like how he supposedly has a mother in this world that he bangs once in a while right in front of me . ' Tch that useless bastard of a boyfriend of mine should take responsibility for making me like this and take my virginity already damn it'.

As I am thinking this he comes in with what looks like a blond man who is more skeleton than human and he says" Honey, I am home ."

after which he gives me that horribly dashing smile of his making me want to knock of his teeth after which I want to force him to have rough violent s*x with me but because of this stupid seal I can not . Just you wait Kiba , Izuku or whatever your actual name is once I escape I will make you have so much pleasure that all other women will look like ugly lumps of flesh CHA