
Self-Insert Ideas

This is collection of ideas (mostly SI) for any aspiring writers. I just give a brief outline and free to you to use it in it's entirety or not. Just message me if you either publish a story influenced by one of these ideas as I would want to read it. If anyone got a possible scenario for me to try and come with a plan, please leave a comment. More explanation in the first chapter.

Evil_For_the_WIN · Outros
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40 Chs

Snippet: I'm HULK... kind of.

My name is Kendrick Holguin or rather was. I am someone who always dreamed of greatness in my first life. I managed to gain enough wealth to live in luxury for three to four generations but it didn't satisfy me. Partying almost every night and going home with different women everyday. It quickly got boring. At 36, I learned that I got cancer. It was already too late when I discovered it. My dislike of having any contact with hospitals and the like is the main reason of this late discovery. Even my wealth didn't save me.

From childhood, I always wanted to live one of those fictional life with adventure, action and danger. I didn't want to become a hero, no fighting for ungrateful people for me, but more like the final boss, an absolute evil that would take all the world has to throw his way and destroy it in a show of raw power. Or a mastermind who wouldn't be believed as evil even with proofs against him.

Enough of all that, now I'm in front of Culver University as Robert Bruce Banner. This body just saw Betty Ross with Leonard Samson and is sulking going toward his old friend. When I gained his memory and understood my situation, I couldn't be more sad, disappointed, angry? I wish.

You see I should be on cloud nine now with the possibility of fulfilling my long-lasting wish but there's one tiny problem. For years now, I couldn't get angry. When I was kid, I rarely got angry and when by misfortune I get angry (more like a child throwing tantrum) the display was humiliating. I soon with the help of my parents, learned everything susceptible of making me handle my anger. Yes they had money to throw around.

From meditation to psychiatric care, I managed to remove anger from my emotional spectrum. Since 14 till my unfortunate demise, I didn't once get slightly angry. I know when something should anger me and acted like I was angry (revenge and all) but it was just that an act. This inability to anger was one of my ace in my business career and I was always proud of it but now it's like I bite into lemon.

I got one of the most iconic power and easy to use but I couldn't use it. I could try to suicide and hope a transformation save me but I wasn't so daring to throw away my new chance at life like that. The positive sides are that I got Dr Banner knowledge and intelligence. With my lack of moral bottom line, I can do some amazing thing.

Now to realize my dream:

***** First step: Go far from America.

**** Second step: Change my name to my previous one (why use another name) and change my face to my previous one or at least close (I don't want to see another dude each time I look into a mirror). Make my new identity as foolproof as possible and reinforce it through the year.

**** Third step: Amass money to start my empire. Drug, weapons, real estate, anything to quickly get some money.

**** Fourth step: Secure Samuel Stern for him to help in my research of how to master my power.

**** Fifth step: Rack in Stark Industries stock when they're at their lowest. This is a classic.

**** Sixth step: Gather various talents (problem kids) and brainwash them to my cause.

**** Seventh step:...









I want him to be a playboy bedding every beautiful girl passing under his nose but he won't have a harem. He will reach Hulk World Buster level and have other powers he would engineer (Ego cells, X-gene, dimensional powers extraction, magic, technology enhancements, sorcery if possible, psychic powers,...) beside that. He would play hero until he is strong enough and then leave to be a neutral force. When he has enough power to Hulk smash everyone, he will pose as a villain and allow the heroes to fight him. When they will lose, he will fight the like of the Beyonder. As the absolute power reigning over the world he will get bored and decide to visit other universes... THE END.

I don't have nearly enough knowledge about Marvel (be it comic or cinematic universe) to write the complete storyline of this one. That's the most I could do.

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Evil_For_the_WINcreators' thoughts