
Seer secret

warning|: this book might have a scary scene and is rated from seventeen. I sat in my chair, and I could smell an intruder was close. "Come out.", I said inwardly. "You are no fun at all, Val.", He said with a crocked smile. I smiled; it was quite long since anyone called me that name. No one daring calling me that name expect from who whom which I could forget but he dares calling me that and was not afraid of his anger. "Aren`t you sacred. He will cut your tongues off. `, I said inwardly. You`re enjoying watching him cutting people tongues, aren`t you?", he asked with a smile. I was silent. You need to leave has planned.", he said in a serious voice. "What about him?", I asked. "You`re sacred he will find you? he signed. Do you still hate and love him?", he asked curiously. I didn't answer. "Am I going to meet him there?" I asked inwardly despite still knowing his reply. "A seer never reveals what he sees unless it is met to be said. You just must wait for fate. You know the rules.", he said. "Fate?", I huffed. I hated that word, Fate. I suffered so much because of fate and destiny and those bloody seers. Why do they have to wait my time seeing things, they could not share. "Prepare to depart. This is just the start of your journey.", He said before disappearing. I closed my eyes. `Eldest miss.", Four said. "Come in Four.", I said inwardly. She brought in a big jug and poured some liquid in the cup. I drank it and when I turned, they were all gathered. "Get ready to depart. One, Two and Four you know your duties. The rest of you don't fail me. "We leave has planned.", I finally spoke out.They wasn`t paying attention to what I was saying but they were yet mesmerised by my voice. I took was. I stopped speaking when I was six years in this human body ever since that tragedy but anyway what could I do. Despite the power I possess I still had to bear the pain and weakness because it was the price I paid. I signed. "I`ll make more of this, Miss.", Four said. "You know even if you make more I can't speak outside because in the eyes of the people I am nothing but a weak, unlucky and ugly favourite daughter of the crudest king.", I said coldly. "I know Miss, but you can-", I interrupted her. "Walls has ears. ", I cut in. “I must not fail again. I can't tell you all everything because I still don’t know what-", She interrupted me. "You own us no explanation. Rest miss. We are glad you got your voice back.", She said, and they all departed expect from the shadow behind the window. After they were all gone. She came out in her visible form and knelt. "Stand up. you need rest more than I do.", I said. "I know miss but I must finish this with you and if you fail. I will gladly die with you.", She said. "You will be tortured. you cheated death so you could see me again Liz. Was it worth it? You`re ready to fight and die with me. when I don't know what I am up against.", I said. " I could-", I interrupted her. "No! I cut in. We will find a way. Go and rest. I prefer seeing you alive than allowing you do that which you and I know is a bargain. You are my oldest human friend and you have done enough.", I said. "I shall leave you to rest.", she said. I closed my eyes and I saw the dream again but this time it felt real. Even after I woke up, I could still feel the pressure in which he held me and his word still Echols in my ears saying "I FINALLLY FOUND YOU.". Your majesty, your majesty.”, a voice called. I saw her. I held her.”, He breathe heavily. “You need to calm down.”, the man said. He looked at him coldly. “Forgive me, your majesty., The man knelt shakily in fear. Do it again. I need to know where she is.”, he said hastily. I, I It`s- “, he interrupted him. “What do you want money? `, he yelled. Is it power you wish for?”, he asked. “Name your price. Everyone has a price.”, he yelled. “I am afraid that it doesn’t work that way.", he replied

Igbinedion_Faith_3865 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
81 Chs



Lighter POV.

After saying my goodbyes, I held Luke and teleported outside the gate, and we started to walk down to the horse. I turned to look at Luke behind.

"Can you ride a horse?", I asked.

"Yes, Ruth taught me do you know that I won the- ", I interrupted him.

"Silent. I hate noise.", I said coldly.

I really hated to talk, and I only like listening to nature only. I hoped that I don`t regret choosing to take responsibility of this. we climbed on the horse, and we started the journey, and it took us to night fall to reach the cave, so I came down from the horse and including Luke.


We have been in the horse for quite a while and anytime I bring out any topics he shuns me up so I didn`t speak to him so I started to hum song. We got to a cave, and he stopped and got down, so I did. I followed him to walk down the cave and suddenly he stopped. He did some magic I was shocked. I thought he was a cultivator user but he doesn`t seems to be. In this world there are called magic users and those are people born with magic and they are rarely in the human world. When a magic user unlocks his/her powers the heaven palace sends some disciples to escort the child back to the heavenly palace and they never return unless they have a task to do in the human world. The only people here are the cultivators which is the child we be born with low, or no magic and we have a master who has trained from the grandmasters to be a cultivator. The amount of power and the technic, lighter is using is that of a magician. I wondered if he was the same with Valerie. If I wasn`t lying down on the ground almost lifeless I won`t have believe that the tales of magicians are true. I was then shocked of what he was doing now. I know he was weird but not to this extent.

"What are you doing?", I asked curiously.

"Take your clothes off.", he instructed me.

"Why?", I asked.

"You can get traced. We leave with nothing but our bodies.", he said.

"Are you crazy?", I yelled at him.

He was silent.

"Don`t waste my time>", he said hastily.

I reluctantly took my clothes off and I started to shiver. He throwed a robe to me so I put it on. He burned everything including the shoes. He didn`t even allowed me to take the letters that Ruth gave me. we stood there and watch it get burned to ashes and he started to say some spells so the ashes disappears.

"let`s leave.", he said.

"What do you mean leave?", I asked." we have no shoes don`t tell me I will be walking with bare foot to your destination. ", I asked.

He didn`t speak to me and he walked deep into the cave, and I had no choice to follow him and then I notice that there was no foot mark on the floor where he walked so I turned to check mine and it was the same.

"How do you do- ", I was interrupted by him.

"Trackless spell.", he cut in. "you should have known this basic spell.", he said.

I was quite because I knew this was my first time seeing this.

"You don't?", he stopped to look at me.

I saw the disappointment in his face, and he murmured something. I clenched my hand I hated it when people see me has a weakly.

"I never saw it so how I can learn- ", he interrupted me.

"He proofs nothing.", he cut in. "are you forgetting your root?", he asked.

"Great grand Aunty said that I was her sister great grandchild.", I replied.

He nods.

"You are but do you forget the fact that your great grand aunty mother is a white witch and the blood flow in you?", he asked.

I now understand what he was saying.

"Your great grand father side although they were the lowest rank but still they have the Gavi blood flowing through their veins.", he explained. "You are a magic user so I have to unlock your so you can practice.", he added.

"Will the heavenly pa- ", he interrupted me.

"There is always a way out. How do you think I was able to stay here without being detected.?", he asked.

He stopped and he straight his hand a portal opened go in an we both went in. we appeared in a beautiful Forrest. I have never known that nature could be so beautiful, and the air was refreshing. I got back to myself when I saw a beautiful cave and lighter walked in, so I followed.

"Your training start from tomorrow.", he said.

"Can I ask you a question?", I asked.

He nodded.

"If I unlock my powers, will I be- ", he interrupted me.

"Yes, you will be able to use it to your full capacity.", he explained. "You won`t be weak anymore.", he added.

"How about you tell me about how my great grand aunty fought the higher outer disciples?", i asked.

I wanted to try my luck but when I thought he won`t talk he sat down and I joined him. He remove his hood from his head. I saw the big scar on his face. I was shocked.

"get used to it.", he said. "I will tell you what happened, but I hope you use it to learn.

After coming out of the tunnel the lady tied Valerie eyes and before she knew it she was already in her apartment. She didn`t bother to think where she went to or find out what she hoped for was to never see the eater face again. She started training and went back to the library and started learning. On the third day, she found the third floor to be full of books she didn`t quite understand and no body where kind enough to help her out. The words used were the gavi old language that only the elders and the emperor knows so she started to walk around to see if she could see the one she will understand and later found her self in a room. She can`t understand how she got there and know how she will leave here. Her heart started to race again faster before she knew what was going on an alarm started to beep. She couldn`t run and the wall in front her opened and she felt enchanted . she was walking down the door and has she walk down more stairs appeared and this continued until it stopped. The wall in front opened and she walked out and they were in a forest. It was beyond beautiful. She walked down-

The story came to an stop

"what is it?", lighter asked.

<msreadoutspan class="msreadout-line-highlight msreadout-inactive-highlight">"how come you know this story?", he <msreadoutspan class="msreadout-word-highlight">asked</msreadoutspan>.</msreadoutspan>

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