
Seer secret

warning|: this book might have a scary scene and is rated from seventeen. I sat in my chair, and I could smell an intruder was close. "Come out.", I said inwardly. "You are no fun at all, Val.", He said with a crocked smile. I smiled; it was quite long since anyone called me that name. No one daring calling me that name expect from who whom which I could forget but he dares calling me that and was not afraid of his anger. "Aren`t you sacred. He will cut your tongues off. `, I said inwardly. You`re enjoying watching him cutting people tongues, aren`t you?", he asked with a smile. I was silent. You need to leave has planned.", he said in a serious voice. "What about him?", I asked. "You`re sacred he will find you? he signed. Do you still hate and love him?", he asked curiously. I didn't answer. "Am I going to meet him there?" I asked inwardly despite still knowing his reply. "A seer never reveals what he sees unless it is met to be said. You just must wait for fate. You know the rules.", he said. "Fate?", I huffed. I hated that word, Fate. I suffered so much because of fate and destiny and those bloody seers. Why do they have to wait my time seeing things, they could not share. "Prepare to depart. This is just the start of your journey.", He said before disappearing. I closed my eyes. `Eldest miss.", Four said. "Come in Four.", I said inwardly. She brought in a big jug and poured some liquid in the cup. I drank it and when I turned, they were all gathered. "Get ready to depart. One, Two and Four you know your duties. The rest of you don't fail me. "We leave has planned.", I finally spoke out.They wasn`t paying attention to what I was saying but they were yet mesmerised by my voice. I took was. I stopped speaking when I was six years in this human body ever since that tragedy but anyway what could I do. Despite the power I possess I still had to bear the pain and weakness because it was the price I paid. I signed. "I`ll make more of this, Miss.", Four said. "You know even if you make more I can't speak outside because in the eyes of the people I am nothing but a weak, unlucky and ugly favourite daughter of the crudest king.", I said coldly. "I know Miss, but you can-", I interrupted her. "Walls has ears. ", I cut in. “I must not fail again. I can't tell you all everything because I still don’t know what-", She interrupted me. "You own us no explanation. Rest miss. We are glad you got your voice back.", She said, and they all departed expect from the shadow behind the window. After they were all gone. She came out in her visible form and knelt. "Stand up. you need rest more than I do.", I said. "I know miss but I must finish this with you and if you fail. I will gladly die with you.", She said. "You will be tortured. you cheated death so you could see me again Liz. Was it worth it? You`re ready to fight and die with me. when I don't know what I am up against.", I said. " I could-", I interrupted her. "No! I cut in. We will find a way. Go and rest. I prefer seeing you alive than allowing you do that which you and I know is a bargain. You are my oldest human friend and you have done enough.", I said. "I shall leave you to rest.", she said. I closed my eyes and I saw the dream again but this time it felt real. Even after I woke up, I could still feel the pressure in which he held me and his word still Echols in my ears saying "I FINALLLY FOUND YOU.". Your majesty, your majesty.”, a voice called. I saw her. I held her.”, He breathe heavily. “You need to calm down.”, the man said. He looked at him coldly. “Forgive me, your majesty., The man knelt shakily in fear. Do it again. I need to know where she is.”, he said hastily. I, I It`s- “, he interrupted him. “What do you want money? `, he yelled. Is it power you wish for?”, he asked. “Name your price. Everyone has a price.”, he yelled. “I am afraid that it doesn’t work that way.", he replied

Igbinedion_Faith_3865 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
81 Chs


Chapter thirty-one [ lucid dream]

I also notice now, that I was silent. I tried to search in the crowd but to no avail. It was like it the being appeared and left almost immediately. A messenger came to whisper some words to him and then the guest speaker smiled. He walked to the stage.

"Valerie 24 disciple is promoted to higher class disciple, and she will be one of the chosen to present her clan.", he said.

People started to talk within themselves because they could not understand how a main human can defeat two demon and the other was unknown. The messenger walk past mistress and said these words.

"Be careful of who you talk with.", he said. "You are no longer alone.", he added before leaving.

When we turned to look for the guest speaker, he was still in the stage announcing scores so who was talking to us, we wondered. was it an illusion but it felt real.

"Things is beginning to get scary.", pixie said.

"are you starting to have another thought of backing down?", I asked.

"no, why will I be?", she asked.

"okay.", I said.

"Tom is placed tenth position and he needs to defeat one more.", guest speaker said.

"Valerie, 24th disciple is placed back to 6th position, and she is qualified to fight for the semi-final.", he added.

"The match shall start in five weeks' time.", he added.

"Why?", people question. "it is too far.", they murmured.

"Silent. We need to do some investigation.", he explained.

The people start to nag more.

"it is your fault that you people could not detect them from working with the demons why would you keep us waiting?", they said.

Before we realised, they started to turn this at the guest speak.

"Hey, stop it.", the guest speaker said.

"Was the guest speaker switch?", I asked.

"This is the real guest speaker and the other one might be someone else. I can`t tell but all I could see is that he is very strong.", she said.

"It is not my message, but it is from above. You dare challenge the decision?", a voice said angrily.

They were silent. The ones above was the emperor, my master and fire clan master and they are ruled by emperor because they rule the rest people below their status. she hated those ones seated in that big sit. The match did not continue and before I knew it people started to leave. she left too back to my room. Pixie gave me some liquid to drink and after I drank it.

"mistress, this portion will help you but you need to put a lot of effort before it will work.", she explained. "clear your hatred and don`t act smart.", she said.

Valerie slept off. She saw herself looking at a mirror. Her hair was dropped down to her right side of her cheeck. She was wearing a white gown. She turned and looked around at the room when she heard noise. She hide behind the bed and a person climb the window.

"I have landed.", the female voice whispered. "You can go back.", she instructed.

"I will miss you, Fina. When can we just-", he got interrupted when he heard her mother voice.

"Fina.", a old female called out.

"go. Mama must not find you.", she said hurriedly.

"I will come for you.", he said. "bye, for now, my love.", he added.

He disappeared.

Hi, guys. I am getting too tired in using she for Valerie so in the lucid dream I will be using I to present Valerie but after the lucid dream I will be using she until the flash back ends. Thanks.

What was going on. The first question that came in my head is why did he use this power to bring her up in the first place?, I wondered. I push that thought away before thinking that Fina is a fimilar name but I don`t remember who?

"fina, where were you?", the old woman asked.

"I was in my bed, mama.", she lied.

The old woman went hurriedly to closed the doors and window. She dragged Fina hand and pushed her into the bathroom floor. She took a jug of water and splash it in her body.

"do not ever lie to me.", she yelled at her. "tell me what have I done to you?", she poured another water on her body.

"mama, i-", she interrupted fina.

"don`t talk to me with that lips that you used in kissing that beast.", she yelled at her. "Fina, there are lot of people who are willing to die for you why-", she interrupted her mother.

"I love him, mama.", she yelled back at him.

The mother jug of water fell on the floor and after a while she recovered from the shock.

"love!", she asked in shock. "we are slave [levine]. We only love our masters the Kalow. Where did you learn to rebuke the word of the order?2, she yelled at her.

"mama, you don`t understand. Lim-", she slapped her.

"never mention that monsters name. never.", she yelled. "the Kalow, heir is waiting for you. He didn`t even eat because you refused to see him.", she explained. "my dear, that what you call love.", she stated.

"well I don`t-", her mother interrupted her.

"I am your mother and I said you do.", she said. "you must love him. Don`t be selfish do it for us if not for yourself.", she added.

Fina laughed.

"mama, you think if I married him the Kalow will treat us different?", she asked. "no, they will not.", she paused to catch her breathe. "they only see us has slave. They see the levine men has their dog that they sent errant and the levine women has a slave they sleep with and they expect the women to be happy to be their concubine while their wife is their own kind.", she said.

"shut up. Do you want your tongue to be cut?", she yelled at Fina.

"I am not lying, mama.", she said.

"even if you said it`s true. It is better than the Gensch.", she said.

"how is it better?", she blurted. "at least mama. I will be his wife and only woman in his life and he will treason me for the rest of his life.", she said.

"you made up your mind.", the mother said.

"yes, I did.", she said.

"Fina, he is-", the interrupted him.

"The heir is no different from then. He look at me like property he owned and when the secret was reviewed by the seer disciple of how special we are. They want us back.", she said. "I am no tool. I am not any man property. I am me. only Limo make me feel this way.", she explained.

"Your father will not accept this.", she said.

"Mama, do you want me to end up like you?", she asked.

The mother wept her tears off her eyes.

"What do you mean?", she pretended.

"You think I am a fool?", she yelled. "I saw how the Levine men are weakling. They watch their wives being severally raped, but they still stay faithful to their master and blame that wife for seducing their master.", Fina said.

"You know. Fina, mama want the best for you.", she wept has she went down on her knees. "the heir is-",she interrupted her mom.

"it`s no different.", she cut in. "he is only a child that his fighting for his lost candy he cast away.", she said.

"I wish you luck, Fina but mama can't protect you.", she said.

"I know. Take care of my brothers and sister. Limo family will come and ask for my hand in marriage tomorrow mom. It will be well. They won`t be able to refuse the offer. I know so.", she said."

"clean up and change. use the flower into the spell I taught you so no one will find out.", she added.

"Thank you.", she said.

the mother existed.

<msreadoutspan class="msreadout-line-highlight msreadout-inactive-highlight">She <msreadoutspan class="msreadout-word-highlight">changed</msreadoutspan> her clothes and used the flower.</msreadoutspan>

"No need to hide.", Fina said.