
Seer secret

warning|: this book might have a scary scene and is rated from seventeen. I sat in my chair, and I could smell an intruder was close. "Come out.", I said inwardly. "You are no fun at all, Val.", He said with a crocked smile. I smiled; it was quite long since anyone called me that name. No one daring calling me that name expect from who whom which I could forget but he dares calling me that and was not afraid of his anger. "Aren`t you sacred. He will cut your tongues off. `, I said inwardly. You`re enjoying watching him cutting people tongues, aren`t you?", he asked with a smile. I was silent. You need to leave has planned.", he said in a serious voice. "What about him?", I asked. "You`re sacred he will find you? he signed. Do you still hate and love him?", he asked curiously. I didn't answer. "Am I going to meet him there?" I asked inwardly despite still knowing his reply. "A seer never reveals what he sees unless it is met to be said. You just must wait for fate. You know the rules.", he said. "Fate?", I huffed. I hated that word, Fate. I suffered so much because of fate and destiny and those bloody seers. Why do they have to wait my time seeing things, they could not share. "Prepare to depart. This is just the start of your journey.", He said before disappearing. I closed my eyes. `Eldest miss.", Four said. "Come in Four.", I said inwardly. She brought in a big jug and poured some liquid in the cup. I drank it and when I turned, they were all gathered. "Get ready to depart. One, Two and Four you know your duties. The rest of you don't fail me. "We leave has planned.", I finally spoke out.They wasn`t paying attention to what I was saying but they were yet mesmerised by my voice. I took was. I stopped speaking when I was six years in this human body ever since that tragedy but anyway what could I do. Despite the power I possess I still had to bear the pain and weakness because it was the price I paid. I signed. "I`ll make more of this, Miss.", Four said. "You know even if you make more I can't speak outside because in the eyes of the people I am nothing but a weak, unlucky and ugly favourite daughter of the crudest king.", I said coldly. "I know Miss, but you can-", I interrupted her. "Walls has ears. ", I cut in. “I must not fail again. I can't tell you all everything because I still don’t know what-", She interrupted me. "You own us no explanation. Rest miss. We are glad you got your voice back.", She said, and they all departed expect from the shadow behind the window. After they were all gone. She came out in her visible form and knelt. "Stand up. you need rest more than I do.", I said. "I know miss but I must finish this with you and if you fail. I will gladly die with you.", She said. "You will be tortured. you cheated death so you could see me again Liz. Was it worth it? You`re ready to fight and die with me. when I don't know what I am up against.", I said. " I could-", I interrupted her. "No! I cut in. We will find a way. Go and rest. I prefer seeing you alive than allowing you do that which you and I know is a bargain. You are my oldest human friend and you have done enough.", I said. "I shall leave you to rest.", she said. I closed my eyes and I saw the dream again but this time it felt real. Even after I woke up, I could still feel the pressure in which he held me and his word still Echols in my ears saying "I FINALLLY FOUND YOU.". Your majesty, your majesty.”, a voice called. I saw her. I held her.”, He breathe heavily. “You need to calm down.”, the man said. He looked at him coldly. “Forgive me, your majesty., The man knelt shakily in fear. Do it again. I need to know where she is.”, he said hastily. I, I It`s- “, he interrupted him. “What do you want money? `, he yelled. Is it power you wish for?”, he asked. “Name your price. Everyone has a price.”, he yelled. “I am afraid that it doesn’t work that way.", he replied

Igbinedion_Faith_3865 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
81 Chs

favoured to high capacity

hi, guys. i am so sorry for not updating chapters for a while i had to work outside my city to a village everyday and it was twelve hours shift and before i got home it was twelve. the snow in the other hand was terrible. don`t get me wrong i love snow but i hate ice and cold so to show how grateful i am. i will be uploading five chapters extra this week. complement of the season.

Chapter twenty-six [ favoured to high capacity]

Valerie walked in the portal and the ice lion was staring at her now and she could feel the ice aura around her, so she stops walking when she was 50 yards away from him.

"don`t be scared?", ice lion said.

"How- ", she interrupted her.

"Older brother gave you his power and that including his knowledge so far. You can hear me and speak in my language is because the knowledge unlocks in your brain causing your brain to translate and speak in any creature language.", lion explained. "I see why he blessed you. You really have a purposeful journey and purpose in your life.", he added.

She was silent.

"I know my coming here doesn`t mean much but I have come to bless you because of that shield that shield you. You are one lucky, girl.", she said. "I will bless you with the element called frosted. It will be a wield and shield to you. The knowledge of my lives shall pass to you, use it wisely. It will come in handy.", the ice lion said breathing her powers on her.

She could feel the powers causing her to shive but when it got down it stop it was like her body was craving for more.

"Come out sisters.", ice lion said.

They all line up.

"I am fi. I am the first magic wind user. I will pass my powers to you, and I hope it helps you in your purpose.", she said.

"I am Jaa. I am one of metal creature created. I could bend any element to my will. I will pass this to you.", she said.

A beautiful antelopes showed up.

"I am Beauty. I have the power to enchant people I will pass it to you.", she said.

"I am white. I may look like a rabbit but I am very power I can-", a peacock interrupted him.

"Stop boosting.", peacock cut in." even if you are powerful. You are not has powerful has my hu-", rabbit interrupted peacock.

"What hubby.", he snorted. "He don`t even notice your present and yet you are boosting.", he said. "Even if you are the most beautiful one here because of your strange eyes what is the use when your brain is full of blocks.", he added.

"you, you-", ice lion interrupted her[peacock]

"Enough. You must not hold this lady here because of your both resentments.", lion said.

"Yes, big brother.", they all said.

"Young one, you have a greater destiny ahead of you. You should know great power comes with responsibility. I can see your trial ahead of you and it`s difficult but as long you don`t give up even in your death bed there is hope.", ice lion explained.

I didn`t get her words so did Valerie. After they had blessed, her Valerie was already feeling like she couldn`t hold it anymore. The power began to react, and I could feel her pain. I was shocked she could take so much power Afterall she is also a human with half white witch blood. I didn`t know why she was chosen but I knew there was a lesson. I went out and because I didn`t have body I used my handle spell to lift her up.

"Thank you.", I said.

"One more.", ice lion said. "Come out roof.", ice lion said.

I could feel the ground shaking and before I knew it a rock appeared.

"Is she the one?", The rock asked.

The ice lion nod positively.

"I am rock, and I will gift you with a present.", it said.

After he was done, he left.

"What was that my program could not detect it?", I asked.

"It was two gifts, and one was a card.", ice lion said.

I looked at her confusingly. `What does she mean? `, I wondered in.

"It simply means whenever the secret world opens she could enter freely and also her fellows.", she explained.

"Leave it is time to continue your journey. The enemy is getting bigger and bigger.", she said." farewell young one.", she added.

She felt all her old injuries healed and she was calmer, so she got up and as she walked out of the door, I was waiting for her.

"Can we leave now?", she asked.

"Not yet.", I said. "Come with me.", I instructed.

I took her to the secret room where all my program[computers] was.

"Place your hand here?", I instructed her.

She did has I instructed. The light penetrates her left hand giving her a flower mark o left hand above her biceps.

"What was that?", she asked.

"I think we will find out later on.", I said.

"Mistress it is time.", I said.

It was like a space plane, and it moved faster than I thought.

"Mistress we are almost there can I have the gemstone?", I asked.

She was feeling sleepily and she gave me and went on sleeping. I caved it into a ring and a ear ring. after we already I called.

"Mistress, we are here.", I said.

"Oh, so soon.", she asked yawning and stretch her body because of tiredness.

"Here you go.", I said giving her the ring and earring.

<msreadoutspan class="msreadout-line-highlight msreadout-inactive-highlight">"it`<msreadoutspan class="msreadout-word-highlight">s</msreadoutspan> beautiful.", she said.</msreadoutspan>

"it`s not for fantasy you know. This ring I shall store some of my important data and pixie shall live in it and I will stay in your earring.", I explained. "we can only talk to you through this way once we land so has to avoid the emperor from finding our present.", I added.

She nods.

After we landed, she was back to being in the third floor and I let her rest for the day. The next day, I had already passed the information on new skills in her brain author remainder: the powers that was giving to Valerie could only work once she practice with their knowledge. The place she uses for spiritual realm training was in the moon stone.

She appeared in the moonstone. The training here was to master sword. She watches how lighter took a transparent form to show her how to use it. She practices along and it continued until they started to practice with one another. It continued for days, and I finally stopped.

"lets continue. Don't stop now that I am finally winning.", she breath heavily.

"it is almost time. We need to go back to the Forrest.", I said.

"What Forrest?", she asked.